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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Ok, here is another ear. :wink:

Everything sounds great so far, we appreciate your work and enthusiasm for the project. Music was one of our weaker spots,


27 Aug 2010, 09:09
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Thank you for your appreciation vjeko1701!
I think what Kenneth meant was to add a voice for each race in the Dominion, meaning that each race (Vorta and Jem'Hadar) has his own say in this anthem. Here's another version, with heavier low Brass (the second voice).
Listen carefully everybody and tell me which one has the better two voices. Can you hear both? The voices and the Big Brassy bottom? And then if you please, you can keep the right one and toss the other.
OK! here goes: Dominion Nostrum remix version 2

I'm waiting for your call. And then I'll finish The Romulans.

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27 Aug 2010, 13:44
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Yes I can hear the Jem'Hadar now and it sound richer and full. It is on SharePoint.

I would say move on to another race. If you think of some new sound for the Dominion later that is OK as well. We have an original work now for the Dominion in the next release. :bolian:


27 Aug 2010, 14:26
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Oh yes, the Romulans. The black sheeps of the proto-vulcan humanoid form. The sneaky, corrupted brothers of our good friends, the Vulcans. Those who march under the raptor's wing (words spoken by Surak).

Just think futuristic Rome, think sneaky music with slow tempo with sudden variations to faster militaristic form and then to silent slow almost cloaked tones (all that reflecting their nature), a lot of deep tones and effects fading in and out.

one reference:


27 Aug 2010, 14:35
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Thank you vjeko 1701 for those illuminating precisions!
Between that and the song you gently provided on YouTube, I should be able to come up with something interesting.

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27 Aug 2010, 22:56
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Good Day everyone!
I finished a new song. I called it: "Romulantium". Please listen to this and tell me what you think.
Thank you!

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28 Aug 2010, 10:21
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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I like it, the beginning is perhaps a bit too strong but it's not a problem because the rest is very "Romulany" and it will sound great ingame while playing as a romulan.


28 Aug 2010, 10:59
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I'm very glad you like it. I tought so also, but I most aimed to make something different. Monday, I'm gonna take care of those Cardassians :cardassian:

It will be mostly Arabian isn't it ? if so I got a superb idea about how to start it. Prepare the dancers... Reptilian?
How ODD! But the girls...Oooooohooooo! :drool:
Oooops! Sorry! I lost my self control for a moment. :redface:

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28 Aug 2010, 13:20
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I could listen to my songs today, Kenneth_of_Borg. Like before, they play directly in my browser. If you did something about it, thank you! :bigthumb: If not, I just wanted you to know that it worked.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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28 Aug 2010, 13:39
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The Romulans sound nice. I am uploading now. What sounds like an organ passage is especially Romulan to me.

The ideas for the Cardassians sounds good. I was just listening to some Sith Lord music. We can not use it but things like that might be inspiring.

I did not do anything to SharePoint. It seams to do strange things at random times all by itself. I am glad you can play embedded music now.


28 Aug 2010, 14:05
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Yeah, Star Wars has a lot of great music, especially with the Dark Side theme. But for me, something like this would be better.
It's a Tatooine-Jabba's palace theme.

Tatooine - Cardassia -> both desert planets

VI - Disc 2 - 21 - Jabba the Hutt.rar [1.61 MiB]
Downloaded 192 times

28 Aug 2010, 14:24
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I guess the Ride of the Valkyries has a feel that would be good for the combat sequence.

Sometimes SharePoint can be real picky about letting you upload a long .wav file. (Patient and come back to try it later is all that works.) The new Romulan music is finally online.


28 Aug 2010, 16:10
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Won't each species have it's own combat theme?


28 Aug 2010, 17:46
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If we do not piss-off Happytrek that might just be the case. :bolian:


28 Aug 2010, 18:10
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Well the Klingons(last thing needed done by Happytrek) and the Federation already have everything covered, from galactic to colony to battle. Other species now need more music.


28 Aug 2010, 18:15
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Do you know that there are places in Mike's code for more than just the major race theme music? Does he already have a list of music files needed beyond the general race themes? Do we have room for more than one in each category for variety? Do we need music for any more general events?


28 Aug 2010, 18:25
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Post that question in "Questions for Mike Strobel" thread.


28 Aug 2010, 18:46
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How about some music for the Research Screen? Matress just figured out how to do it. I put in your "When faith burns Test.mp3" music as a test. :razz:

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28 Aug 2010, 19:23
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Let me guess, your MusicPacks.xml looks like this

<GalaxyScreen>Starlight Requiem v2r.ogg</GalaxyScreen>
<ColonyScreen>Building the Dream v2r.ogg</ColonyScreen>
<ResearchScreen>When faith burns Test.mp3</ColonyScreen>


28 Aug 2010, 19:29
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Yup. Plus more. I'm testing other bits hehe. No successes yet though.

If you already knew what to do, why didn't you say?

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28 Aug 2010, 19:46
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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I thought it was irrelevant.


28 Aug 2010, 19:49
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Hi Guys! I can see you're preparing a list of songs for me to do. That's purrrfect! I just love good conversations!
For the Valkiries :doh:! I don't know but something might come up from that!
Just tell me which theme you need for what section of the game and I'll prepare for demos first, let you hear it and then finish it and on with another one. And etc..etc..

Before I get pissed off, you'll need to make me do a whooooole lot more. I was beginning to feel sad because I thought I was doing the last one for the game. Am I missing something here? :jem: No! I won't disappear :lol: unless you want me to.

I feel like a dog waiting for his bone! :drool:

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28 Aug 2010, 21:58
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Well, we will possibly need up to 6 themes per empire. For galactic screen, some individual game screens, battle engine music, diplomatic window music and espionage window music.


28 Aug 2010, 22:10
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As far as I know everything you are doing is in the game. Mike is the final decider but I figure it the same way. Each major race will have one or more music files for windows:
1. Main Menu = Galactic Map
2. Systems = Colony
3. Research = Science
4. Diplomacy = Embassy
5. Espionage = Intel
6. Combat
(waiting for final confirmation on the full list of six)
We have some stuff already on Sharepoint but not all that is needed still. If there is a choice Mike will pick but he just said one or more songs per window in the game. Other than that you are the man.
I pointed to Valkyries only as inspiration. I do not expect Wilhelm Richard Wagner or Tom Cruise. :doh:

Here is more inspiration. Gloria the cat plays Star Trek. ... r_embedded


29 Aug 2010, 00:27
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OK, so now it is official sort of.
We can have music for each Major race's windows as listed:
1. Main Menu = Galactic Map
2. Systems = Colony
3. Research = Science
4. Diplomacy = Embassy
5. Espionage = Intel
6. Personnel maybe
The combat system is on a different code so god does not know yet about those songs.

The current release seams to run on one song for all those windows so we sure could get by with less. I would like it with more. I guess we could start listening and labeling what music is for what window on SharePoint. Happytrek is the master of music so I say he gets to chose. :wink:


29 Aug 2010, 01:54
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Ok! Thanks guys for everything!
That's nice info you've shown me here yet. OK! So we need 6 songs for each empire. I'm going to need to produce more variety in the music, but for now, you are right. we will have to listen to all the themes again to judge which one is the best for what.
Since I didn't have time to play the game long enough. Yes indeed, I'd like to know which song is actually used already or have been chosen for the game now in progress so that I can list them better.
I'm already guessing it will take soft music for the Galactic maps and colonies,
some middle fast songs for the science,
Big themes or anthems for the Embassies, like marches, etc..
and sneaky tunes for the Intel, smooth music but effects like clicks and ticks and other things,
and maybe, but that is unofficial, as you said, some tunes for the personnel, which could be but I'm uncertain, sort of bar themes, not specially jazz, but easy listening, I think.
How about you guys? Am I right here?
I'm going to need your say on that.
The UTube sketch was very funny, and those themes were in my head all day, before I ever watched the film, what a coincidence.

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29 Aug 2010, 11:40
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Yeah, that sounds right. We'll be more precise when the time comes.


29 Aug 2010, 12:28
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Thanks vjeko 1701!
I'll be starting on the Cardassians tomorrow.

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29 Aug 2010, 13:04
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Your ideas for the music in each window sounds good to me. Gloria the cat likes it too.

The old version of the game has one music selection for the opening screen and then, if I recall correctly, one more that stays with you for every other window. The best way to hear it is to start your old version of the game and imagine the transitions as you click around the UI windows.


29 Aug 2010, 15:05
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One other thing we could run by Mike is a little mood music for events like the Borg.

The other Random Events might be OK with a queue sound like windows explanations. We will see what Mike does with that when the time comes.


29 Aug 2010, 18:01
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