Star Trek Fan Games

All rounder-type offering help!
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Author:  neural_jam [ 19 Aug 2006, 02:00 ]
Post subject:  All rounder-type offering help!

I'd like to help out on this project, I have some experience with C++ and general object oriented stuff, both from my previous degree (Cybernetics and Virtual Worlds) and my current one (a physics four year masters), and also I have experience with 3D design (most recently I've been playing around with a very good free program called Blender). I'm also a musician, but I currently lack any music software, and being a student I can't afford any lol. I could also be a voice actor, I've done stuff for university and guild TV (the university TV station).
Unfortunately, being a student on a fairly involved degree, the time I can devote may be limited (I'll know more when term starts), but I'll have a decent amount of free time during most of now until the end of september and holidays (christmas/easter/summer).

Hope I can help!


Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 19 Aug 2006, 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: All rounder-type offering help!

Hey there, Jam, and welcome to the site! :)

We currently have multiple projects in the works - Jigalypuff's New Beginnings, and MStrobels Supremacy being the main ones, but there's also Gavins <unnamed> project - if he's still doing it.

All the projects are being done with different langauages, and I can't remember exactly which ones are being used, but off the top of my head, I think MStrobel' project is the one that might interest you.

Send him a PM (The Private Messages button is on the left of the screen or there's a button under any posts he makes) and explain what exactly your skills are, along with any experience you my have.

Remember that we're all doing this in our free time though, so everyone is under the same time constraints that you are. MStrobel started making Supremacy as a college project himself, in fact. :wink:

Oh, and send Jigalypuff a PM as well - in case i'm wrong. :oops: :wink: :lol:


What's with the poll though? If you want to set up a mad poll like that, could you do it in the general chat forum?

I'm trying to keep the jobs forum as serious as possible to make life easier for newbies like yourself and for anyone who just wants to get some info. For this reason, i've deleted the poll.

Don't take it badly though, like I said, you can put it back up in the general chat section if you like. We're all game for a laugh on these forums. :wink:

Again, welcome to the site, and happy posting.

Author:  obitus [ 21 Aug 2006, 19:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: All rounder-type offering help!

He sounds good, i think you should all tie him up and dont let him leave the fourms. ^_^

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