The Shiplist - Jobs For People Who Want To Make Models!
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
This thread contain images of all the models that we have made so far for the game(s). I will keep updating this thread just like i'm doing with the Minor Race pictures thread.
Please do not post here unless you are offering your services to make models for the game or are posting images for the thread.
Once you have decided on a model that you wish to build, please post here to let me (And others) know of your intentions. That will avoid needless duplications. However, if people feel they can make a better model than is displayed here, then they are free to do so.
Once you have completed the model, please post some pictures for us in the thread. If you need somewhere to host your files, photobucket and fileshack are good free hosting sites.
You will need to register with them if you want to keep track of the files you upload. I personally recommend photobucket...but purely as I use it myself.
The list of ships is based on the list created by Dafedz, which can be found here:
The Full Shiplist - Classes, Stats, And Battle Comparisons
The stats and the shiplist itself are NOT open for discussion! If you don't like something about the list, then feel free to setup a thread about it.
Here goes then:
16/07/07 Added the Alien Entities, Structures, and Monsters section. Added the Calamarain to the list. Added the Caretaker Array to the list. Added the Chodak to the list. Added the Crystalline Entity to the list. Added the Doomsday Machine to the list. Added the Echo Papa 607 Defense System to the list. Zeleni has completed the Echo Papa 607 Defense System model. Picture included. Added the Edo Guardian to the list. Zeleni has completed the Edo Guardian model. Picture included. Added the Giant Amoeba to the list. Added the Gomtuu to the list. Zeleni has completed the Gomtuu model. Picture included. Added the Husnock to the list. Added the Sphere Builders Sphere to the list. Added the Space Pirates to the list. Added the Species 8472 Bioship to the list.
RazorsEdge has said he will do some texturing for anyone that needs help. Contact him when you complete your model and let him know what you've done, if you'd like him to do the texturing for you. Please try to include the texture maps for him as well, because this will greatly speed up the texturing process.
And let me know that you've completed the model!
COLONY SHIP I (UNTEXTURED) -Conestoga Class TECH 0 Created by Jig: Jigalypuff's Conestoga Class
COLONY SHIP II (COMPLETE) -Edwards Class UPGRADE TECH 4 Created by KennethGF: KennethGF's Edwards Class
COLONY SHIP III (COMPLETE) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Quebec Class UPGRADE TECH 8 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
TRANSPORT I (COMPLETE) -Phobos Class TECH 0 Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Phobos Class
TRANSPORT II (COMPLETE) -London Class UPGRADE TECH 4 (UNTEXTURED) Created by Eon_Janus: Eon_Janus's London Class
TRANSPORT III (COMPLETE) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Yorkshire Class UPGRADE TECH 9 Created by Eon_Janus: Eon_Janus's Yorkshire Class
HOSPITAL SHIP I (UNTEXTURED) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Chapman Class TECH 3 *This model has been completed by Dafedz, but it is currently untextured. **No example preview available.
HOSPITAL SHIP II (UNTEXTURED) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Olympic Class UPGRADE TECH 9 Created by Jig: Jigalypuff's Olympic Class SURVEYOR I (COMPLETE) -Icarus Class TECH 0 Created by by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Icarus Class
SURVEYOR II (COMPLETE) -Oberth Class TECH 3 Created by Fireball: Fireball's Oberth Class
SURVEYOR III (COMPLETE) -Nova Class TECH 9 *This ship has been completed by Jig. **No example preview available.
SCOUT I (WIP) -Hermes Class TECH 1 *Fireball is making this model. **This model has not be made yet.
SCOUT II -Soyuz Class TECH 5 *Example picture available from: Soyuz Class **This model is not currently being made by anyone yet, but Dafedz may simply reuse his Soyuz model from his Ultimate mod.
HEAVY SCOUT (UNTEXTURED) -Saber Class TECH 9 Created by Trashman: Saber class WIP
FRIGATE I (COMPLETE) -Daedalus Class TECH 1 *This ship has been completed by Jigalypuff. **No example preview available.
FRIGATE II (COMPLETE) -Miranda Class TECH 4 Created by Skeeter: Skeeter's Miranda Class
FRIGATE III (COMPLETE) -New Orleans TECH 7 Created by Dafedz: Dafedz's New Orleans Class
HEAVY DESTROYER I (COMPLETE) -Constellation Class TECH 4 Created by Fireball: Fireball's Constellation Class Fireball's Constellation Class Rear View Fireball's Constellation Class Front View Fireball's Constellation Class Side-On Fireball's Constellation Class From Above Fireball's Constellation Class Attack Run Beauty Shot Fireball's Constellation Class Beauty Shot From Below
HEAVY DESTROYER II (COMPLETE) -Steamrunner Class TECH 8 Created by Jig: Jigalypuff's Steamrunner class
ESCORT (UNTEXTURED) -Defiant Class TECH 10 *This ship has been completed by General_Nemitor, but it yet to be textured. General Nemitor's Defiant Class WIP CRUISER I -Enterprise Class TECH 0 *Example picture can be found here: Enterprise Class **This ship has not been made yet.
CRUISER II (COMPLETE) -Constitution Class 1 TECH 2 *Created by Fireball Fireball's Constitution Class
CRUISER III -Constitution Refit Class 2 UPGRADE TECH 4 (Constitution Refit) *This model will be made by Fireball. **No example preview available - but we all know what this beauty looks like...
CRUISER IV (WIP) -Excelsior Class TECH 5 *This ship is being made by Fireball **No example preview available.
CRUISER V (COMPLETE) -Intrepid Class TECH 10 Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Intrepid Class HEAVY CRUISER I (COMPLETE) -Niagara Class TECH 6 Created by Dafedz Dafedz's Niagara Class
HEAVY CRUISER II (TEXTURING INCOMPLETE) -Nebula Class TECH 8 Created by Fireball: Fireball's Untextured Nebula Class From The Front Fireball's Untextured Nebula Class From Behind-Right Fireball's Untextured Nebula Class From Below-Front-Right Fireball's Nebula Class Attack Posture
HEAVY CRUISER III -Akira Class TECH 11 Example picture can be found here: Akira Class *This ship has not been made yet.
TACTICAL CRUISER -Prometheus Class TECH 12 Example picture can be found here: Prometheus Class *This ship has not been made yet. EXPLORER I -Ambassador Class TECH 6 Ambassador Class *This ship has not been made yet.
EXPLORER II (COMPLETE) -Galaxy Class TECH 8 Created by Trashman: Trashman's Galaxy Class
EXPLORER III -Sovereign Class TECH 11 Example picture from BOTF: Sovereign Class from BOTF *This ship has not been made yet.
TANKER (COMPLETE) *Tankers have now been scrapped in the game. We will find another use for this ship. -Unknown class TECH UNKNOWN, USE UNKNOWN Created by Skeeter: Skeeter's Tanker
SCIENCE STATION -Science Station TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
OUTPOST -Space Station K-7 TECH UNKNOWN Created by Skeeter Skeeters Space Station Kenneth_of_Borg's Outpost One
ALTERNATIVE OUTPOST (COMPLETE) -Outpost TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashmans Alternative Outpost
OUTPOST II (UNTEXTURED) -Outpost 2 TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman Trashmans Outpost 2
STARBASE (COMPLETE) -Starbase TECH UNKNOWN Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Starbase
STARBASE II (UNTEXTURED) -Spacedock TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashmans Starbase
SMALL SHIPYARD (COMPLETE) -Small Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashman's Small Shipyard
MEDIUM SHIPYARD (COMPLETE) -Medium Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashmans Medium Federation Shipyard
LARGE SHIPYARD (COMPLETE) -Large Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashmans Large Federation Shipyard Kenneth_of_Borg's Large Shipyard
FLEETYARD (IUNTEXTURED) -Utopia Planitia TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashmans Federation Fleetyard
ORBITAL BATTERY -Orbital Battery TECH UNKNOWN Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Federation Orbital Battery
COLONY SHIP I (COMPLETE) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -M'Char Class TECH 0 Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's M'Char Class Kenneth_of_Borg's M'Char Class 2nd View Kenneth_of_Borg's M'Char Class 3rd View
COLONY SHIP II [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Li'Wi Class UPGRADE TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: Li'Wi Class from BOTF TRANSPORT I [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Vor'Chang Class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
TRANSPORT II [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Charghwi Class UPGRADE TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: Charghwi Class from BOTF
TRANSPORT III [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -K'Toch Class UPGRADE TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SURVEYOR I -Vornak Class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SURVEYOR II (COMPLETE) -Charghwl Class TECH 4 Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Charghwl Class
SURVEYOR III -Chelwl Class TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SCOUT I (COMPLETE) -B'rel Class 1 TECH 0 Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's B'rel Class Kenneth_of_Borg's B'rel Class 2nd View Kenneth_of_Borg's B'rel Class 3rd View
SCOUT II -B'rel Class 2 UPGRADE TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: B'rel Class from BOTF (Same as model above)
SCOUT II -B'rel Class 3 UPGRADE TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: B'rel Class from BOTF (Same as model above) DESTROYER I (COMPLETE) -Raptor Class TECH 1 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni' Raptor Class
DESTROYER II -Scorpion Class TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
DESTROYER III -Bloodaxe Class TECH 7 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
DESTROYER IV (WIP) -Fireblade Class TECH 10 WIP by Skeeter: Skeeter's Fireblade WIP BATTLE CRUISER I -Bortas D5 Class TECH 1 *I do not currently know the completion status of this vessel. **No example preview available.
BATTLE CRUISER II -Gr'oth D7 Class TECH 6 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Gr'oth D7
BATTLE CRUISER III -K't'inga Class TECH 7 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: K'tinga Class from BOTF
BATTLE CRUISER IV -K't'inga Class 2 UPGRADE TECH 11 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: K'tinga Class from BOTF (Same as above) HEAVY CRUISER I (COMPLETE) -Ning'tao Class TECH 6 Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Ning'tao Class 1st View Kenneth_of_Borg's Ning'tao Class 2nd View
HEAVY CRUISER II -K'Vort Class TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: K'vort Class from BOTF ATTACK CRUISER I -Vor'Cha Class TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: Vor'Cha Class from BOTF
ATTACK CRUISER II (COMPLETE) -Vor'Cha Class 2 "Deathblade" Refit UPGRADE TECH 8 Created by Trashman: Trashman's "Deathblade" Class Vor'cha 2
ASSAULT CRUISER -Negh'Var Class TECH 12 *This model has not been made yet. Example picture from BOTF: Negh'Var Class from BOTF
TANKER (COMPLETE) *Tankers have now been scrapped in the game. We will find another use for this ship. -Groumal Class TECH UNKNOWN, USE UNKNOWN Created by Skeeter: Skeeter's Groumal Class
SCIENCE STATION -Sensor Platform TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
OUTPOST -Base Station TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
OUTPOST II -Imperial Armoury TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
STARBASE -Military Starbase TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
STARBASE II (WIP, UNTEXTURED) -Imperial Starbase Created by Skeeter (WIP): Skeeter's Klingon Starbase (Incomplete)
SMALL SHIPYARD -Small Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
MEDIUM SHIPYARD -Medium Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
LARGE SHIPYARD -Large Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
FLEETYARD -Fleetyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashman's Klingon Fleetyard
ORBITAL BATTERY -Orbital Battery TECH UNKNOWN Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Klingon Orbital Battery
COLONY SHIP I -D'Trexor Class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
COLONY SHIP II (COMPLETE) -D'Retex Class UPGRADE TECH 4 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's D'Retex Class
COLONY SHIP III [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -D'Vetor Class UPGRADE TECH 8 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
TRANSPORT I -R'Deminor Class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
TRANSPORT II -R'Daran Class UPGRADE TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
TRANSPORT III [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -R'Jol Class UPGRADE TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it! MEDICAL FRIGATE I [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Torvath Class TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
MEDICAL FRIGATE II [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Vralnath Class UPGRADE TECH 8 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SCIENCE SHIP I -D'Raxinor Class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SCIENCE SHIP II -D'Renet Class TECH 4 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's D'Renet Class
SCIENCE SHIP III -D'Rakor Class TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it! SCOUT I (COMPLETE) -R'Mor Class TECH 2 *This model has been completed by Dafedz **No example preview available.
SCOUT II -D'Kor Class TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
HEAVY SCOUT -R'Kovar Class TECH 10 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
DESTROYER I (COMPLETE) -D'Lokra Class TECH 1 Created by Skeeter: Skeeter's D'Lokra Class Bird of Prey
DESTROYER II -D'Raniden Class TECH 4 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's D'Raniden Class
DESTROYER III -D'Rutura Class TECH 7 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
HEAVY DESTROYER -D'Xokra Class TECH 11 Created by Trashman: Trashman's D'Xokra Class CRUISER I (COMPLETE) -D'Ridrex Class TECH 1 *This model has been completed by Dafedz **No example preview available.
CRUISER II (COMPLETE) -D'Renedex Class TECH 3 *This model has been completed by Dafedz. **No example preview available.
CRUISER III -R'Derex Class TECH 6 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's R'derex Class
CRUISER IV (WIP) -D'Bora Class TECH 8 *Created by Trashman: Trashman's D'Bora class BATTLEHAWK I (COMPLETE) -R'Tan Class TECH 5 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's R'tan Class
BATTLEHAWK II -D'Drexon Class TECH 8 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BATTLEHAWK III -D'Idricon Class TECH 11 Created by Trashman: Trashman's D'Idricon Class
WARBIRD I (COMPLETE) -D'Voronir Class TECH 4 *This model has been completed by Dafedz. **No example preview available.
WARBIRD II -D'Deridex Class TECH 9 Created by Zeleni:
WARHAWK -Valdore Class TECH 12 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available.
SCIENCE STATION -Tal'Shiar Experimental Laboratory TECH UNKNOWN Created by KennethGF: KennethGF's Tal'Shiar Experimental Laboratory From Below KennethGF's Tal'Shiar Experimental Laboratory From The Side KennethGF's Tal'Shiar Experimental Laboratory From Above
OUTPOST -Naval Outpost TECH UNKNOWN Created by KennethGF: KennethGF's Romulan Outpost 1 Top View KennethGF's Romulan Outpost 1 Side View
OUTPOST II -Imperial Outpost TECH UNKNOWN Created by KennethGF: KennethGF's Romulan Outpost 2 Top View KennethGF's Romulan Outpost 2 Side View
STARBASE -Naval Station TECH UNKNOWN *This model is being built by KennethGF **No preview available.
STARBASE II -Imperial Starbase *This model is being built by KennethGF **No preview available.
SMALL SHIPYARD -Small Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
MEDIUM SHIPYARD -Medium Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
LARGE SHIPYARD -Large Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
FLEETYARD (UNTEXTURED) -Fleetyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashman's Romulan Fleetyard
ORBITAL BATTERY -Orbital Battery TECH UNKNOWN Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Romulan Orbital Battery
COLONY SHIP I (COMPLETE) -Kureal Class TECH 0 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
COLONY SHIP II (COMPLETE) -Ranol Class UPGRADE TECH 4 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
COLONY SHIP III (COMPLETE) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Kornal Class UPGRADE TECH 8 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
TRANSPORT I (COMPLETE) -Ravinok Class TECH 0 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
TRANSPORT II (COMPLETE) -Toran Class UPGRADE TECH 4 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
TRANSPORT III (COMPLETE) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Bok'Nor Class UPGRADE TECH 9 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available. TRIAGE CRUISER (COMPLETE) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Kivirok Class TECH 4 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
SURVEY SHIP I (COMPLETE) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Nerevok Class TECH 0 Created by Jigalypuff Jig's Neverok Class
SURVEY SHIP II (COMPLETE) -Kakor Class TECH 4 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
SURVEY SHIP III (COMPLETE) -Praxon Class TECH 9 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
SCOUT I -Drexoran Class TECH 1 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SCOUT II -Komax Class TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
HEAVY SCOUT -Tra'Kor Class TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
DESTROYER I (COMPLETE) -Trager Class TECH 1 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
DESTROYER II (COMPLETE) -Hideki Class 1 TECH 4 Created by Jigalypuff Jigalypuff's Hideki Class
DESTROYER III (COMPLETE) -Hideki Class 2 UPGRADE TECH 7 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Hideki Class
HEAVY DESTROYER I (COMPLETE) -Koronek Class TECH 4 *This model is not currently being made by anyone yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
HEAVY DESTROYER II (COMPLETE) -Jurdek Class TECH 9 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available. CRUISER I (COMPLETE) -Kraxon Class TECH 1 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
CRUISER II (COMPLETE) -Tekoran Class TECH 4 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
CRUISER III (COMPLETE) -Kirol Class TECH 7 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
CRUISER IV (COMPLETE) -Galor Class TECH 9 Created by Jigalypuff: Jig's Galor Class From the side Jig's Galor Class From the front HEAVY CRUISER I (COMPLETE) -Irkon Class TECH 6 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
HEAVY CRUISER II (COMPLETE) -Keldon Class TECH 10 Created by Jig: Jig's Keldon Class
DREADNOUGHT I -Monak Class TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
DREADNOUGHT II (COMPLETE) -Koranak Class TECH 8 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
DREADNOUGHT III (COMPLETE) -Ranor Class TECH 12 *This ship is complete. **No example preview available.
SCIENCE STATION -Union Stellar Research Laboratory TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
OUTPOST -Union Outpost TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
OUTPOST II -Military Outpost TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
STARBASE -Union Station TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
STARBASE II -Nor Station *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
SMALL SHIPYARD -Small Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashman's Small Cardassian Shipyard
MEDIUM SHIPYARD -Medium Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashman's Medium Cardassian Shipyard
LARGE SHIPYARD -Large Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashman's Large Cardassian Shipyard
FLEETYARD -Fleetyard TECH UNKNOWN Created by Trashman: Trashman's Cardassian Fleetyard
ORBITAL BATTERY -Orbital Battery TECH UNKNOWN Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Cardassian Orbital battery
COLONY SHIP I -Gecko class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
COLONY SHIP II [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Salamander Class UPGRADE TECH 7 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it! TRANSPORT I -Storm Class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
TRANSPORT II -Tempest Class UPGRADE TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
TRANSPORT III [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Typhoon Class UPGRADE TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it! PROBE SHIP I (COMPLETE) -Serpent Class TECH 0 Created by Zahadoom: Zahadoom's Serpent Class Zahadoom's Serpent Class from below
PROBE SHIP II -Viper Class TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SCOUT I -Monitor Class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SCOUT II -Cobra Class TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SCOUT III -Python Class TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it! ATTACK SHIP I -Chameleon Class TECH 1 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ATTACK SHIP II -Oberon Class TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ATTACK SHIP III -Vulture Class TECH 7 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Vulture Class
ATTACK SHIP IV -Darkwing Class TECH 10 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it! BATTLE CRUISER I -Medusa Class TECH 0 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BATTLE CRUISER II -Mirage Class TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BATTLE CRUISER III -Corona Class TECH 8 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BATTLE CRUISER IV -Aurora Class TECH 11 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it! BATTLESHIP I -Vanguard Class TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BATTLESHIP II -Penumbra Class TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BATTLESHIP III -Messiah Class TECH 12 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SCIENCE STATION -Cloning Advancement Centre TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
OUTPOST -Jem'Hadar Incubation Post TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
OUTPOST II -Jem'Hadar Hatchery TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
STARBASE -Domination Station TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
STARBASE II (COMPLETE) -Founders Station TECH UNKNOWN Created by Zahadoom: Zahadoom's Dominion Starbase
SMALL SHIPYARD -Small Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
MEDIUM SHIPYARD -Medium Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
LARGE SHIPYARD -Large Shipyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
FLEETYARD -Fleetyard TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been built yet. **No preview available.
ORBITAL BATTERY -Orbital Battery TECH UNKNOWN Kenneth_of_Borg's Dominion Orbital Battery
BORG "COFFIN" *This model has not been made yet. **No image available.
BORG SPHERE -Sphere *This model has not been built yet. Example Images: Borg Sphere Diagram Borg Sphere Image
BORG CUBE -Cube Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Borg Cube
BORG TACTICAL CUBE *This model has not been made yet. **No image available.
EARLY ACAMARIAN FIGHTER -Early Acamarian Fighter TECH 2 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Early Acamarian Fighter
ADVANCED ACAMARIAN FIGHTER -Advanced Acamarian Fighter TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
AKRITIRIAN FIGHTER -Akritirian Fighter TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY ANDORIAN CRUISER (COMPLETE) -Cruiser 1 TECH 3 Andorian Cruiser 1
ADVANCED ANDORIAN CRUISER (COMPLETE) -Cruiser 2 TECH 6 [url=]Andorian Cruiser 2 [/url]
ANGOSIAN CRUISER -Angosian Cruiser TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ANKARI CRUISER -Ankari Cruiser TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ATREAN CRUISER -Atrean Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
AXANAR DESTROYER -Axanar Destroyer TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
B'OMAR B'OMAR ARMED COLONY SHIP (WIP) [Armed Non-Combat Vessel] -Armed Colony Ship TECH UNKNOWN *This model is incomplete. **No example preview available.
EARLY BAJORAN INTERCEPTOR (UNTEXTURED) -Bajoran Fighter 1 TECH *This model is almost complete. **No example previews available.
ADVANCED BAJORAN INTERCEPTOR -Bajoran Fighter 2 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Advanced Bajoran Interceptor
BENZITE CRUISER -Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BETAZOID SURVEYOR -Surveyor TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BILANIAN DESTROYER -Bilanaian Destroyer TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY BOLIAN FREIGHTER -Freighter TECH 1 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED BOLIAN FREIGHTER -Freighter 2 TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
BOSLIC FREIGHTER (COMPLETE) -Boslic Freighter (TECH 3) Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Boslic Freighter
BOTHAN DESTROYER -Bothan Destroyer (TECH 4) *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY BREEN HEAVY CRUISER (WIP) -Heavy Cruiser 1 TECH 5 *This model is incomplete. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED BREEN HEAVY CRUISER (COMPLETE) -Heavy Cruiser 2 TECH 9 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Advanced Breen Heavy Cruiser
CAIRN CRUISER -Cairn Cruiser TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
CALDONIAN CRUISER -Caldonian Cruiser TECH 4 Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Caldonian Cruiser
CORIDAN CRUISER -Coridan Cruiser TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
CORVALLEN FREIGHTER -Corvallen Freighter TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
DELTAN SURVEYOR -Deltan Surveyor TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
DENOBULAN FREIGHTER -Denobulan Freighter TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY DEVORE IMPERIUM HEAVY CRUISER -Devore Heavy Cruiser 1 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED DEVORE IMPERIUM HEAVY CRUISER -Devore Heavy Cruiser 2 TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
DOSI CRUISER -Dosi Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ENTHARAN FREIGHTER -Entharan Freighter TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EVORA SURVEYOR -Evora Suryeyor TECH 2 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY FERENGI HEAVY CRUISER -Ferengi Heavy Cruiser 1 TECH 2 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
FERENGI HEAVY CRUISER -Ferengi Heavy Cruiser 2 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED FERENGI HEAVY CRUISER -Ferengi Heavy Cruiser 3 TECH 8 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
FLAXIAN DESTROYER -Flaxian Destroyer TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY GORN CRUISER (UNTEXTURED) -Gorn Cruiser 1 TECH 4 Created by KennethGF: KennethGF's Early Gorn Cruiser
ADVANCED GORN CRUISER -Gorn Cruiser 2 TECH 7 *Model being made by KennethGF. **No example preview available.
HAAKONIAN DESTROYER -Haakonian Destroyer TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
HAZARI CRUISER -Hazari Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
HEKARAN CRUISER (COMPLETE) -Hekaran Cruiser TECH 5 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Hekaran Cruiser
EARLY HIROGEN CRUISER -Hirogen Cruiser 1 TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED HIROGEN CRUISER -Hirogen Cruiser 2 TECH 8 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
IYAARAN SURVEYOR -Iyaaran Surveyor TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
J'NAII SURVEYOR -J'Naii Surveyor TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
KAREMMA CRUISER -Karemma Cruiser TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY KAZON HEAVY CRUISER -Kazon Heavy Cruiser 1 TECH 2 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED KAZON HEAVY CRUISER -Kazon Heavy Cruiser 2 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
KELLERUN CRUISER -Kellerun Cruiser TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
KES AND PRYTT FRIGATE -Kes And Prytt Frigate TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
KLAESTRONIAN HEAVY CRUISER -Klaestronian Heavy Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
KRADIN FIGHTER -Kradin Fighter TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
KREETASSAN SURVEYOR -Kreetassan Surveyor TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
KRIOSIAN CRUISER (COMPLETE) -Kriosian Cruiser TECH 4 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Kriosian Cruiser
K'TARIAN CRUISER -K'Tarian Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
LEDOSIAN FRIGATE -Ledosian Frigate TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
LISSEPIAN FREIGHTER -Lissepian Freighter TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
LOKIRRIM CRUISER -Lokirrim Cruiser TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
LURIAN FREIGHTER -Lurian Freighter TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
MALCORIAN SURVEYOR -Malcorian Surveyor TECH 2 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY MALON FREIGHTER -Malon Freighter 1 TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED MALON FREIGHTER -Malon Freighter 2 TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
MARKALIAN CRUISER -Markalian Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
MIRADORN CRUISER -Miradorn Cruiser TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY MOKRA HEAVY DESTROYER -Mokra Heavy Destroyer 1 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED MOKRA HEAVY DESTROYER -Mokra Heavy Destroyer 2 TECH 9 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
MONEAN FIGHTER -Monean Fighter Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Monean Fighter
NAUSICAAN FIGHTER -Nausicaan Fighter TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY NUMIRI HEAVY CRUISER -Numiri Heavy Cruiser 1 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED NUMIRI HEAVY CRUISER -Numiri Heavy Cruiser 2 TECH 8 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
NYRIAN CRUISER -Nyrian Cruiser TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ORION CRUISER -Orion Cruiser TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY PAKLED LIGHT CRUISER -Pakled Light Cruiser 1 Tech 1 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED PAKLED LIGHT CRUISER -Pakled Light Cruiser 2 Tech 4 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Advanced Pakled Light Cruiser
EARLY SHELIAK HEAVY DESTROYER -Sheliak Heavy Destroyer 1 TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED SHELIAK HEAVY DESTROYER -Sheliak Heavy Destroyer 2 TECH 7 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY SON'A HEAVY CRUISER -Son'a Heavy Cruiser 1 TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED SON'A HEAVY CRUISER -Son'a Heavy Cruiser 2 TECH 10 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
SULIBAN FRIGATE -Suliban Cell Ship TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY T'LANI HEAVY CRUISER -T'Lani Heavy Cruiser 1 TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED T'LANI HEAVY CRUISER -T'Lani Heavy Cruiser 2 TECH 8 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY T'ROGORAN CRUISER -T'Rogoran Cruiser 1 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED T'ROGORAN CRUISER -T'Rogoran Cruiser 2 TECH 10 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY TAK TAK DESTROYER -Tak Tak Destroyer 1 TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED TAK TAK DESTROYER -Tak Tak Destroyer 2 TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY TALARIAN CRUISER (COMPLETE) -Talarian Cruiser 1 TECH 3 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Talarian Cruiser
ADVANCED TALARIAN CRUISER (COMPLETE) -Talarian Cruiser 2 TECH 6 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Advanced Talarian Cruiser [url]]Zeleni's Advanced Talarian Cruiser 2nd View[/url]
EARLY TALAXIAN CRUISER -Talaxian Cruiser 1 TECH 2 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED TALAXIAN CRUISER -Talaxian Cruiser 2 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY TAMARIAN CRUISER (INCOMPLETE) -Tamarian Defender 1 TECH 5 Created by Zeleni: Zeleni's Advanced Tamarian Cruiser
ADVANCED TAMARIAN CRUISER -Tamarian Defender 2 TECH 9 Created by Kenneth_of_Borg: Kenneth_of_Borg's Advanced Tamarian Defender
EARLY TELLARITE CRUISER (UNTEXTURED) -Tellarite Warship 1 TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED TELLARITE CRUISER -Tellarite Warship 2 TECH 7 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY THOLIAN CRUISER Tholian Warship TECH 5 Example Picture: Tholian Warship
ADVANCED THOLIAN CRUISER (INCOMPLETE) Tholian Aurora Class TECH 10 Created by Nemitor_Atimen: Nemitor_Atimen's Aurora Class *This races' vessels are complete. **No example previews available.
TRABE CRUISER -Trabe Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY TRILL CRUISER -Trill Cruiser 1 TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED TRILL CRUISER -Trill Cruiser 2 TECH 7 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY VAADWAUR CRUISER -Vaadwaur Cruiser 1 TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED VAADWAUR CRUISER -Vaadwaur Cruiser 2 TECH UNKNOWN *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY VIIDIAN CRUISER -Viidian Cruiser 1 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED VIIDIAN CRUISER -Viidian Cruiser 2 TECH 10 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
VORGON CRUISER -Vorgon Cloaking Cruiser TECH 10 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
VULCANS Not all these ships will make it into the game - we are still deciding on how many ships the Vulcans should get.
EARLY VULCAN CRUISER Early Cruiser - Unknown Class Created by ZDarby: ZDarby's Early Vulcan Cruiser
VULCAN CRUSIER Surak Class Created by Jigalypuff: Jigalypuff's Surak Class
VULCAN SURVEYOR D'Kyr Class Created by ZDarby: ZDarby's D'Kyr Class
VULCAN HEAVY CRUISER Shran Class Created by ZDarby: ZDarby's Shran Class
VULCAN BATTLESHIP Future Vulcan Vessel from Enterprise Skeeter and ZDarby have BOTH made models of this ship. The best one will be chosen by Jigalypuff. Created by Skeeter: Skeeter's Unknown Class Created by ZDarby: ZDarby's Unknown Class
WADI TRANSPORT -Wadi Transport TECH 3 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
XEPOLITE CRUISER -Xepolite Cruiser TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
XINDI CRUISER -Xindi Aquatic Command Ship TECH 5 Created by Jigalypuff: Jigalypuff's Aquatic Command Ship
XYRILLIAN SURVEYOR -Xyrillian Surveyor *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
YADERAN SURVEYOR -Yaderan Surveyor TECH 4 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
EARLY YRIDIAN SURVEYOR -Yridian Surveyor 1 TECH 2 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ADVANCED YRIDIAN SURVEYOR -Yridian Surveyor 2 TECH 5 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ZAHL CRUISER -Zahl Cruiser TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ZAKDORN CRUISER -Zakdorn Cruiser TECH 6 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
ZALKONIAN CRUISER -Zalkonian Cruiser TECH 7 *This model has not been made yet. **No example preview available - so use your imagination and have some fun if you build it!
[color=brown][size=24]ALIEN ENTITIES, STRUCTURES, AND
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
Last edited by Matress_of_evil on 27 Jul 2007, 23:17, edited 208 times in total.
10 Mar 2006, 01:37 |
Jig of the Puff
Joined: 10 Sep 2004, 01:00 Posts: 1305 Location: I wish i knew
i have the steamrunner, the nova, the Daedalus, the Icarus (is in fact an intrepid from ent), do you want pics of them?
10 Mar 2006, 02:01 |
Joined: 26 May 2005, 01:00 Posts: 63 Location: Vienna, Austria
those we have should disappear from this first post. will become crowded otherwise.
_________________wer rasen säht, wird mäher ernten
wow, i did it ^^ thx moe!
10 Mar 2006, 10:36 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Crowded yes, but I thought people would want to see the final designs.
...But there will probably be people here using dialup connections, so i'll remove them to make peoples lives easier.
I still want those pictures though, Jig. I'll put them up in the other ships thread.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
10 Mar 2006, 10:54 |
Supreme Architect
Joined: 20 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 301 Location: Sol 3
Many of the other Fed ships are done too including Daedalus, Constitution, Intrepid, Excelsior, Akira, and Prometheus. It will take me some time to sort out some renders though. I'm currently finishing the Races grand database.
10 Mar 2006, 15:59 |
Joined: 02 Apr 2005, 01:00 Posts: 373 Location: Ch'Rihann, Romulus system
Do I understand the entire fleet of the Cardassians is already complete?
If so, can you post links to the pictures of those ships as well, matress? I've seen some, of which a beautiful Galor, but I don't think I saw much else of them. Great work on it, though!
_________________ Never dispatch your entire armada into a single battle, never decloak the entire fleet before assaulting and never have all your ships attack and move simultaneously.
-Global Military Directive
10 Mar 2006, 16:13 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Yeah, the ENTIRE Cardassian fleet is complete, Centurion.
If you'd checked the thread this morning, you would have noticed that there were already pictures of the Cardassian ships up - I had a little accident and deleted those links without noticing when I made all the pictures url's to make life easier for those on Dial-up.
I'll edit them back in now.
*Edit - i've edited it now. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
10 Mar 2006, 16:35 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 12 Sep 2005, 01:00 Posts: 187 Location: Adelaide, Australia
i think that while people like to see lots of screenies, we should hold some back for only the devs (and thats only coz we really need to see what we are creating), so that people will get a cool suprise when we release. just a thought.
_________________ "...without my pants"
11 Mar 2006, 11:55 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
That's why i'm only supplying one picture of each ship - as you know from the other shiplist thread that I made, there are multiple pictures of the ships.
If I ever get multiple pictures, i'll just put in the generic ones that don't show much detail on the ship.
...Yes guys, I am evil. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
11 Mar 2006, 12:40 |
Joined: 26 May 2005, 01:00 Posts: 63 Location: Vienna, Austria
instead of those boring pictures i want to see a real 3D model here! export just one of them to VRML and upload, so i can see what i can expect 
_________________wer rasen säht, wird mäher ernten
wow, i did it ^^ thx moe!
11 Mar 2006, 14:55 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
What actually is VRML, Ashur? You keep going on about it but i've never heard of it.
If VRML is a file type, Irfanview doesn't convert into it, so I can't make the pictures for you.
The pictures I do have were made by whoever made the models themselves - I had nothing to do with their creation. I haven't even seen the models myself, all I have is the pictures that people send me - if any.
If you want better picture, you'll have to ask the creators of the models themselves.
You can also check out the other ships thread that I created, but I haven't put anything new in there recently.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
11 Mar 2006, 15:03 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 27 Sep 2005, 01:00 Posts: 208 Location: The netherlands
We have seen other ship models from TOS but they are not on the list Whats going to happen with them?
11 Mar 2006, 15:21 |
Joined: 25 May 2005, 01:00 Posts: 328 Location: Hannover, Germany
Afaik they wont be used for at least two main reasons:
- They are just "to much", the game would be overloaded with 564,546,000 ships from the TNG-era.
- There is to much effort for to less extension of the game experience.
11 Mar 2006, 15:36 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 29 Jun 2005, 01:00 Posts: 259
plus the feds and klingons would be overloaded with ships that are canon and the others have nothing...
11 Mar 2006, 19:05 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
The other ships that were made by Fireball were made before we actually decided on a complete shiplist.
He made them randomly just to get the ball rolling.
I'm sure the ships will become available as mods, but they certainly won't be in the original game without extensive changes to the current shiplist.
I've added (Some) of the minor race vessels to the list now. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
Last edited by Matress_of_evil on 14 Mar 2006, 14:50, edited 1 time in total.
11 Mar 2006, 19:05 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 27 Sep 2005, 01:00 Posts: 208 Location: The netherlands
thanks for the quick reply's guys and keep up the good work it looks very promising already 
11 Mar 2006, 19:34 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
S'ok, it was a question, so we answered.
What do people think of my new colour scheme for the list? 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
11 Mar 2006, 19:51 |
Joined: 26 May 2005, 01:00 Posts: 63 Location: Vienna, Austria
this is a VRML
i did this with a CAD 3D program to demonstrate VRML, so dont lynch me because it's the ugliest thing ever to be presented in 3D....
u need a plugin for your browser. "Cortona" is one of the best.
this ship has no textures at all, this CAD program doesnt even have textures 
_________________wer rasen säht, wird mäher ernten
wow, i did it ^^ thx moe!
11 Mar 2006, 19:54 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Ok, that IS cool.
It would be a bit much to ask people to make those for every ship though, especially if they don't know how to make them themselves.
And the more time people have to spend making them, the less time they can spend making more models.
Now if you want those just for the purposes of the thread, that I really think that is asking a bit too much. If it's for the purposes of the game, then I don't think you'll have any luck.
As of the moment, Jig is NOT planning on having the ships rotate as they did in BOTF. They will rotate in one direction and that's it.
If he changes his mind though, i'll let you know.
If you really want this to be included, then by all means, have a word with him. It may be possible to include it. I honestly don't know coz I don't understand programming. It's all Greek to me... 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
12 Mar 2006, 11:20 |
Joined: 26 May 2005, 01:00 Posts: 63 Location: Vienna, Austria
no, u dont understand what i mean. those VRMLs are only to show the users from the forums how the ships look like at the moment.
in almost every 3D program there is a button "Export as VRML", this file has to be uploaded instead of a picture-preview.
_________________wer rasen säht, wird mäher ernten
wow, i did it ^^ thx moe!
12 Mar 2006, 12:31 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Well it's up to modelers themselves if they make them or not.
I'll mention it from now on, but I can't force people to make them.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
12 Mar 2006, 14:36 |
Joined: 02 Jan 2005, 01:00 Posts: 32
What about the other races? I could *might* be able to model some ships thats left for the feds, ive a bit of free time towards to end of next week. And the colour is good :p
12 Mar 2006, 15:04 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Don't worry, I have a full list of the ships of the other races waiting to be posted up - I did them at the same time as the Federation and the Cardassians.
I don't know the status of the ships completion, which is why I haven't posted them yet.
It wouldn't look right if I had all the info on the ships of the Feds and Cardies, then nothing for the other races!
I'll post them as soon as I get more info. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
12 Mar 2006, 15:22 |
Joined: 18 Sep 2005, 01:00 Posts: 86 Location: Argentina
well, as some of you may know (at least matress does) i`m in charge of modelling the Yorkshire troop transport for the fedz. this is what i`ve got so far. please feel free to criticize it, as this is virtually my first piece of work with lw, and i could use your opinions to get better.
the edges are still very sharp. i need some help with that, i can`t seem to find a solution :S.
btw, the poly count so far is around 320, and point count is around 390.

23 Mar 2006, 01:32 |
Klingon Honor Guard
Joined: 22 Apr 2005, 01:00 Posts: 1527 Location: UK
Since i dont think ive seen the design before i cant say if its accurate or not. BUt from first impressions its coming along nicely. In lightwave the polys are 4 sided and games use 3 sided so when the model is fully made and textured you need to click do "shift t" to triple the polys into 3 sided ones. Then you will get the "true" poly count. As it stands you say its about 320 when in fact its more of 640.
Btw a hint is you see the top where its got "flat shaded" click that and select "textured" (may need to scroll down i dunno). This will let smoothing on models show. To smooth a model or specific groups of polys, highlight polys by right click and drag around what you want smoothed. Click on surface editor on the left near (file) but below it. there you should see smoothing on the right near the bottom of the new window that has appeared btw. to adjust the amount of smoothing simply clik the box with 89.x in and set your own amount and dont forget to press enter when u have entered ur new amount. 30 is a good number usually or 35.
If u want the whole model smooth then just dont highlight any polys and just press q then tick smooth then apply. Tho that would make the model all one object and u would lose the colouring on the nacels and such.
Like i said its nice start dude, keep at it and im sure it will turn out fab
Also to smooth edges there is a plugin called rounder, i think its in the top "multiply" window. that bevels out the edges slightly to make sharp edges smoother, yet this adds more polys.
Also another hint. Use the layers (the envelope things on top right corner of screen) u see about 10 of them with one black ish which is layer ur working on. You can make different parts of one model by i dunno lets say make nacels only in another layer, then bridge in another etc... This way you can keep sections seperate and combine later if need be. Good for uv mapping too and generally keeping things tidy so if u made a mistake u can just delete somit in one layer and redo it without effecting the rest of the ship. Another good thing is if u have bridge in layer one for instance and hull in layer 2, u click on layer 1 so bridge is fully usable, then hold shift and click on layer 2 box (envelope looking box, bottom bit of box only not top) and the hull will show as black lines which is like showing but not editable, this is useful for placeing bits of models together without them touching each other. This is good also for scaling.
Hope some tips help when u think u need em.
23 Mar 2006, 09:14 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
The model looks excellent - it might be your first model, but you've certainly got talent.
Whilst it looks great with the coloured in Nacelles, this can always be added in as a texture, so it doesn't matter about flashy details like that. Do what you think is best, but it would probably be easier to do it as a texture.
Anyways, i've added your views to the shiplist.
Skeeter, there's a writeup and sketch views of the Yorkshire class here:
Yorkshire class
It's pretty much the only site that google knows of with pictures of the Yorkshire class. The ship is mentioned in several other sites, just without views.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
23 Mar 2006, 09:59 |
Joined: 24 Sep 2005, 01:00 Posts: 1387
im doing the Defiant Class ship.
_________________ Hello!
27 Mar 2006, 04:48 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Yes, you are now - i've updated the post. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
28 Mar 2006, 09:56 |
Joined: 24 Sep 2005, 01:00 Posts: 1387
Jigalypuff, whats the poly limit? I have a tendency to build amazingly high polyed stuff.
_________________ Hello!
29 Mar 2006, 04:18 |
Jig of the Puff
Joined: 10 Sep 2004, 01:00 Posts: 1305 Location: I wish i knew
up to 2000
29 Mar 2006, 06:29 |
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