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Do we need a major race Ferengi ship list and models for BOTE? 8O


05 Sep 2007, 19:40
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I dunno, but the Ferengi easily have more ships than any other minor race at the moment...

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05 Sep 2007, 20:37
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Fleet Admiral
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We have allready our own shiplist for the ferengi. You can find it here (please scroll down a little bit).

But we would need better shipimages, that would be cool. At the moment there is no need of 3d models.

05 Sep 2007, 23:23
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If you will be needing the models in the future I could collect some online now.

Is there any specific format needs for the 2d images? (We are doing 270x225 in a .png file with transparent background for Supremacy.)

If the images can be lower resolution (like that above) we could generate the 2d images from the 3d models. Will any of this help you?


06 Sep 2007, 00:40
Fleet Admiral
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yep, 200x150 shots taken from a 3D program will sufficiently help.

06 Sep 2007, 05:11
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I put some new models in for the Ferengi and took these 200 x 150 images. These are in the new SharePoint folder -- Image Library, Ships and Stations, Ferengi 200 x 150. (transparent background)




The models are loaded in the usual way with 270x225.png image file


09 Sep 2007, 16:39
Fleet Admiral
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the angle should be set uniformly for all ship pics for bote (like in the last pic but 30 degrees more down right or in the first one mirrored with respect to the y-axis).

09 Sep 2007, 19:57
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Closer to what you need? The images and angle will need to be cleaned up but is this on the correct track above? What about relative size? Do you want one to look smaller?

(The models are on SharePoint if you have the programs to load them.)


10 Sep 2007, 04:01
Fleet Admiral
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yep that's it. Now they just need lighting and a black background to be perfect ;).

I do have Blender to open files but it's okay so.

10 Sep 2007, 05:14
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This is just a test - not finished work. Would a background like this be over the top or do you really just want black?



10 Sep 2007, 22:46
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fancy background :)

black is needed though as transparency color, I'm sorry ;)
if you wanna spice up the image, try to brighten up the color of the textures or use a 2D image manipulation program like GIMP for example and modify the colors via the graduation curve (or just simply press shift-u in irfanview). That way the ferengi ship "shines" a bit more. Also the textures and windows on the ship need a bit more sharpness I think..

I believe on battleclinic and outalance shipyards, there were some good ferengi ship textures like that one in the picture below (maybe we ask MP for help when he comes back):


that texture can sure be reused for nearly all other ferg ships since they all follow quite the same design rules..

11 Sep 2007, 16:42
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More like this? (this is still in the testing phase)

The texture of the original model is not real bad but
a lot is lost if you scale the screen print too much in GIMP.
Also this is just a 200 x 150 so not a lot of detail can show up.

Do you want the elimination to be brighter as in your example above?
Would you like more highlights?


11 Sep 2007, 22:27
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that's nicer, yes.

The texture looks a bit grainy (I guess this is due to the fact that it comes from botf1). Maybe we do it like I suggested above, that we wait on ModelsPlease to give us the Outalance Textures used in my pic above (that Tokorn ship is available at battleclinic for download and I took a screenie from there) and adapt it to this ship here.

12 Sep 2007, 07:09
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That ship is from BOTF1? I've never seen any ship like that before... :?

And to be brutally honest, I think the quality of the images from BOTF are a lot higher than the images shown above. Just look at the ship in Mal's screenshot. Where exactly has this new ship come from? :?

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12 Sep 2007, 10:10
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it's probably derived from the marauder depicted a little above my tokorn post. I don't know for sure since I didn't play botf in a long time now if that marauder looked nicer in botf, i.e. was a different model. anyway, let's keep waiting on MP.

12 Sep 2007, 11:19
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The model is called the Kingal Heavy Battleship
It is from Battleclinic by a Tyrel Lohr from 2003

If you take a screen print of the model with it's
textures and past as 600 x 450 it looks like this


The level of detail on the model's texture is low.

With only about 5 min. of touch up work but then
reducing it to 200 x 150 it looks like this


A lot is lost on the reduction giving it a grainy look. That issue
can be delta with. If you would rather have Models Please do
the work though I will not spend more time working towards a
finished image. It does look smaller than the screenshot you
took above from the game.

I will go back to working on models


Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 12 Sep 2007, 15:32, edited 1 time in total.

12 Sep 2007, 14:13
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ok, that's why..

well then I guess MP won't help (the grainy image really looked like poor texture quality, sorry ;)).

how did you resize it? When downsizing, Irfanview 4.00 with B-Spline and automatic sharpening after resize helps a lot. Maybe you can get it dealt with that way.

Make it so, Number One! :D

P.S.: Why my screenie looks bigger wonders me a bit too since it uses my 200x150 Tokorn pic...

12 Sep 2007, 14:33
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I reworked your image a little bit. I think is looks better but it isn't very good.


Last edited by SirPustekuchen on 13 Sep 2007, 10:06, edited 1 time in total.

12 Sep 2007, 15:20
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Try downloading the small image from SharePoint. It appears that some of the grainy quality happens on this web site. See if it is not of better appearance when you load it up in GIMP.

The more you sharpen the more the edges get jagged. The amount of sharpen or blur may best be set by loading it into the game and looking to see how it appears on your screen.

In the end this model does have a higher poly than the original BOTF but the texture is low detail and not applied in the cleanest manner. That could be overcome with touchup on the 2D if this is a ship you want to use in the first place.


12 Sep 2007, 15:25
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This one is a better model to start with. I did a little touch up work. - Mostly highlights and sharpen. It is on SharePoint. The old one above will take longer to make it look good. -lipstick on a pig?


Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 16 Sep 2007, 03:10, edited 2 times in total.

13 Sep 2007, 03:28
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good job! ;)

13 Sep 2007, 09:46
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I spent an lot more time trying to clean this one up. Models may be able to do better when he gets back. It is harder when the underlying model is not the best.



16 Sep 2007, 03:11
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There is a second Marauder on SharePoint but it is made by the same guy as the battleship. I just do not have the time or heart to fight with it for now . :cry:


16 Sep 2007, 03:39
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perfect. Actually for our bote splash screen such a good marauder is or better was missing till now. I'll just contact our graphics guy and tell him we got now one! :D

16 Sep 2007, 06:32
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