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Ship Engineer
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Joined: 10 Jul 2006, 01:00
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Location: Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence!
Recording is completed and all audio mp3 files are now on SharePoint.

For my part I am not entering the encounter of each major race uniquely with each minor race. This was the case in the original game but now we have a lot more minor races. I would think this best done as a single greeting for each minor to all major races.
Minor Races

1ACAMARIANS: Acamarians retain an archaic clan structure but their technology is advanced. With the military infrastructure they have, they are more than capable of defending their homeworld. They would help trade and morale with your affiliation

2AKAALI: The Akaali are a pre-industrial society passing through their post-renaissance period. While still a primarily agrarian society, their unique farming methods are of significant merit and value.

3AKRITIRIANS: Akritirians are a warp-capable civilization ruled by an oppressive government. They are a humanoid race and their criminal justice system is considered cruel and draconian. Still they could help with system wide morale.

4ALDEANS: Aldeans protect their home world with a highly sophisticated planetary defense field that also acts as a cloak. Diplomatically, they are isolationists. This formidable barrier will protect the planet from all but the most heavily armed foe.

5ALGOLIANS: Algolians have a gift for study and detailed analysis of harmonious mathematical patterns, and complex structures. Some are highly gifted researchers and scientists.

6ALSAURIANS: Alsaurians were treated as a sub-species by the Mokra on the Alsaurian homeworld. The Alsaurians now live in fear and oppression under a Mokra Police State. Their resistance movement has proved they are not an easy race to subdue. They would be of value in ground combat.

7ANDORIANS: Andorians are humanoid with insect traits. They are self-described as a violent and warlike species. They are well-versed in the ways of starship combat, and have much wisdom to pass on.

8ANGOSIANS: The humanoid Angosians are technologically advanced. Angosian authorities were responsible for genetically and chemically engineering soldiers to fight in their Tarsian Wars. They have value in ground combat and bio-medical engineering experience.

9ANKARI: The Ankari have a number of convoluted ritualistic beliefs, but they are reasonably advanced in propulsion studies. The Ankari pride themselves in their entrepreneurial spirit, and engage in all manner of inter-cultural business matters.

10ANTEDEANS: Antedeans have advanced technology, particularly in aquatic food science. The Antedeans are an ichthyoid race, living in the wide oceans of their nearly landless planet. They are uncompromising to the point of being fierce.

11ANTICANS: Anticans are a lupine race, somewhat technologically lacking, but good warriors. The Anticans are extremely set in their ways, and often regard the customs of others to be barbaric.

12ARBAZAN: Arbazan are a humanoid species with a strict moral code that forbids almost all physical vices. They are very easy to offend. Arbazans are often given bureaucratic and research jobs, in which they excel.

13ARDANANS: The social structure of the Ardanans is a caste system that employs a sub-class to work in the Zenite mines. Their planet is a good source of Zenite if the condition of the worker is not an issue for you.

14ARGRATHI: Argrathi are a humanoid race noted for an advanced study of the mind. Some questionable applications have arisen from the research, including neural implants of 'virtual prison' memories.

15ATREANS: Atreans are a humanoid and amiable people, and outwardly friendly to most species. There Institute of Science is at the cutting edge of innovation and forward thinking. Its Computer core models are among the most sophisticated known.

16AXANAR: Axanar are an advanced androgynous species with life spans of some 400 years. When necessary they are capable of defending themselves. The Shipyards of Axanar use sophisticated large-scale fabricating techniques, long perfected.

17B'OMAR: B'omar, an advanced humanoid race, has expertise in colonial logistics and terraforming. They are territorial and if roused, or threatened, they will defend themselves fiercely.

18Ba'ku: Ba'ku are isolationists humanoids that abandoned their advanced technology for a peaceful low tech life of stability and longevity. Their Metaphasic Spa is a marvel of science, nature and the unique conditions on the Ba'ku homeworld.

19BAJORANS : Bajoran spirituality has helped them to survive 40 years of suffering at the hands of the Cardassians. Bajorans had civilization and some technology before human beings on Earth became bipedal. They can supplement system wide morale.

20BANDI: Bandi are a humanoid race. Despite their lack of warp technology the Bandi have access to a wealth of trade links, and if they are willing to trade, they would be a lucrative ally indeed.

21BANEANS: Baneans are humanoid and strict when it comes to security and law. Their Law Commission ensures order and security across all the spectrums of Banean society and would help your own internal security.

22BARKONIANS: Barkonians are a passive humanoid race that is primitive and pre-industrial. They have little to offer but there Industrial Forges may have some economic value.

23BARZANS: Barzans are humanoid and undergoing an economical crisis. In exchange for assistance they are offering access to a wormhole they have discovered. They are technologically advanced and have experience in dealing with global pollution issues.

24BENZITES : Benzites are an advanced race whose members require a special breathing apparatus for oxygen atmospheres. They show a sincere but annoying eagerness to please. They always search of new methods to make work more efficient and productive.

25BETAZOIDS: Betazoids are humanoid with mental power of telepathy within the race. They also have varying empathic links to other races. They are technologically advanced and a valuable Allie.

26BILANAIANS: Bilanaians are advanced, humanoid and innovators in propulsion. They would be of significant benefit to technical researcher.

27BOLIANS: Bolians are humanoid with a moderate degree of technologic advancement. The Bolians are productive trade merchants. With their resources and connections the economic benefits will be immense.

28BOSLICS: Boslics are a nearly humanoid warp capable space-faring race. Their key enterprises are trade, smuggling, dilithium extraction and purple hair dye.

29BOTHANS: Bothans are a cosmetically challenged humanoid race. They have an extraordinary telepathic capacity and would be and asset to intelligence services. They are very territorial and attack vessels that enter their space.

30BRE'ELLIAN: Bre'ellian are a moderately advanced humanoid race. Their mining network uses the latest drilling and extraction technology to make the most of Bre'el's rich mineral reserves.

31BREEN: Breen are believed to be a humanoid race that wears special climate-controlled bio-suits. Of special note are their weapons, a match for any phaser or disruptor. The Breen are known for their low integrity and will destroy any ship that enters their space without hesitation.

32BREKKIANS: Brekkians are humanoid with only basic interplanetary capability. Their economy has broken down, and they are in a severe recession. If the Brekkian fleet is repaired the economy will recover with lucrative trade.

33BYNARS: Bynars are an advanced race of small, pale humanoids linked by telepathy and bioelectronic implants. Their state-of-the-art computer technology is the very apex of technical sophistication.

34CAIRN: Cairn are greatly skilled diplomats and mediators, due to their gift for telepathy. They are capable of spaceflight, and they have just recently achieved to warp capability.

35CALDONIANS: Caldonians are humanoid and disciplined researchers. They share their knowledge but are wary of entering any agreements which might interfere with their research.

36CAPELLANS: Capellans are a pre-industrial humanoid race and fiercely tribal warriors. Their world is rich in rare minerals, giving it a significant economic advantage. Their social order may also prove to be an asset.

37CHALNOTH: Chalnoth are a brutal subhuman race of thugs so approached with caution and respect. They have a need to fight and may be put to use in your army. The installation of a factory program will give them focus as they emerge from their dark ages.

38CORIDAN: The Coridan are a humanoid and advanced race. Their system is rich in Dilithium and they have large, advanced and efficient shipyards. You need them more than they need you.

39CORVALLENS: Corvallens are a nearly humanoid race active in trading, raiding, smuggling and working as mercenaries. You must be cautious in dealing with them but they can be helpful in raiding systems.

40CYTHERIANS: If the zenith of corporeal development is a giant floating head then Cytherians have reached it. They smile a lot but have little interest in younger races. Negotiations will be difficult. If you manage to get their attention for long enough there will be benefit to your technical research.

41DELTANS: Deltans are hairless, telepathic humanoids with good diplomatic skills. They have warp drive ships but these are weakly armed.

42DENOBULAND: Denobulans are a highly sociable humanoid race that smiles a lot. They are technologically advanced and may be helpful in officer training.

43DEVORE: The Devore Imperium use their vast ships to "police" their space for "gaharay", or strangers. They are a technologically advanced humanoid race but will be hard to win over. They could be helpful in system wide moral and ship experience.

44DOPTERIANS: Dopterians are nearly humanoid and thieves. They cannot be trusted, but they do have their uses. The Dopterians have little technology of their own. Through underhanded techniques they could improve your research by stealing developments from others.

45DORSI: Dosi are a profit-driven race of brokers, traders and Ferengi wannabees with ugly tribal face paint. They maintain a merchant navy and can be helpful in trade and industry.

46DREMANS: Dremans are a humanoid pre warp culture ignorant of other worlds up until recent alien contact. There system is rich in raw material including Dilithium.

47EDO: The Edo are a good looking, clueless and scantily clad humanoid race protected by the mysterious Edo guardian device. The Edo society is truly utopian so they could have a system wide morale bust if you do not upset the god like guardian. The guardian my serve a defensive role if you have them in your empire. Good luck.

48EL-AURIANS: El-Aurians are a long lived humanoid race that was made exiles in space by the Borg. They have achieved wisdom, humility and odd sense of fashion. They may prove helpful in internal affairs.

49ELAYSIANS: Elaysians are a space-faring humanoid people from a low-gravity world. They are a peaceful, and friendly race, and more than amiable in diplomatic affairs. They have a resort with some morale value but not much else to offer.

50ENTHARANS: Entharans survive on trade relations with their various partners and affiliates. They can be of value to your trade relations.

51EVORA: Evora are a short statured humanoid race new to warp technology. Their culture still maintains a monarchy. They are shrewd and highly skilled mediators. They will help you in wining diplomatic relations.

52EXCALBIANS: Excalbians are very smart rocks. This silicon-based race is very curious concerning the behavior of other races. They have the ability to shape-shift, have archived much scientist knowledge, and could prove very valuable in technical research.

53FERENGI: The Ferengi are rather smart for rodents, have the galaxies large ears and boast a culture entirely based on commerce. These hucksters follow a code of conduct known as "The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition." These rules ordain conduct such as "Never place family before business." If you do not already know who they are consider playing a different game.

54FLAXIANS: Flaxians are a humanoid race noted for political intrigue and sabotage. They are to be approached with extreme caution but could help you with dirty tricks.

55GORN: The Gorn are an intelligent, advanced bipedal reptilian species with warp drive. They will fight to protect their territory. They are valued for trade and industry.

56GRAZERITES: Grazerites have evolved from herbivorous herd animals and are completely non-violent. They dedicated themselves to diplomacy and inter-species understanding. There value is in external affairs.

57HAAKONIANS: Haakonians are a people that now appreciate peace, after a long war with a neighboring race. Their weapons technology remains and there service as warriors may also be of value.

58HALKANS: Halkan humanoids live in total peace, having renounced technology, economics, and strife of any kind. They have rich Dilithium reserves but are hard to sway. Affiliation may adversely impacted morale.

59HAZARI: Hazari are nearly humanoid and seek to profit from tasks and missions performed for other races. They make particularly efficient bounty hunters with ships useful in raiding.

60HEKARANS: Hekarans are an intelligent humanoid race with advanced research in warp science. They discovered an inconvenient truth about the effects of warp on subspace and normal space. Their research could still be of great benefit to your propulsion programs.

61HIROGEN: Hirogen are a militant race of bloody hunters and traders. They long ago abandoned organized social structures in favor of the Hunt. If you can get close enough without getting killed your ship experience and trade may improve. Don't come crying to me if it does not work out.

62HORTA: Horta are a silicon-based life form and rather smart for rocks. They have no technology but if you can be friends with them they will let you take the Dilithium. Apparently dilithium does not taste very good.

63IYAARANS: Iyaarans appear humanoid but have little understanding of the concepts of emotion, desire, and pleasure stemming from a lack of sexual reproduction. Do not ask them how they feel. They will just ask you a lot of stupid questions. They are willing to learn though and will make good diplomats if you give them a chance.

64J'NAII: J'Nail are a unisex androgynous humanoid race. Being sexless they are no fun at all. Because they brainwash anyone that displays sexual identity they can be of value in internal affairs. They are resistant to bribe. Well, at lest for sexual favors.

65KAELON: KAELON: Kaelon are an advanced scientifically talented race of humanoids that practice ritual suicide. If they do not kill them selves first you may be able to benefit from there knowledge.

66KAREMMA: Karemma are an advanced race of very ugly humanoids prolific in trade and commerce. Get on their good side and your trade will improve.

67KAZON: Kazon are a belligerent humanoid space fairing race of brutes. They live in competing sects and have little native technology. They do have some large ship yards they took by force. They may also prove good for morale if you can deal with them.

68KELLERUN : Kellerun are a passionate and advanced humanoid race with a militant past. They are diplomatically fickle but have developed several advanced biological weapons that your enemies should not be allowed to acquire.

69KES&PRYTT: The Kes and Prytt are two humanoid species, physiologically alike, but culturally far apart on the same world. They have developed advanced early warning systems that are of military and morale value.

70KLAESTRONIANS: Klaestronians are a moderately advanced humanoid race. Their Justice Bureau is effective, and honorable, if not always just or restrained. They may still have value in internal affairs and morale.

71KRADIN: The Kradin are a physically powerful and imposing race of hybrid reptilian to humanoid appearance. They have been locked in protracted warfare. The Kradin would make excellent ground soldiers.

72KREETASSANS: Kreetassans are a deeply ritualistic and advanced humanoid race. In diplomatic matters they are skilled. Their Hall of Diplomacy could be of value to you. They also have abundant raw materials.

73KRIOSIANS: Kriosians are a moderately advanced humanoid race with an unstable and corrupt regime. Rebuilding of their revered Temple of Akadar could give them a sense of solidarity. This would have a positive effect on morale if you can affiliate with them.

74KTARIANS: Ktarians are an advanced humanoid race with great talent in the design of small neural linkage devices. This talent is expression in their enjoyable and addictive games. Like this game they can be tools of sabotage and enslavement.

75LEDOSIANS: Ledosians are an advanced humanoid space faring race. Their homeworld is a trafficking hub, and is in an important strategic location. There space faring experience is of value.

76LISSEPIANS: Lissepians are a race of intelligant reptilian traders and thieves. The extent of what they can do for trade should not be understated. They also have raw material.

77LOKIRRIM: Lokirrim are an advanced humanoid race. They are noteworthy for scientific achievement in holographics and energy. They would be of great benefit to research.

78LURIANS: Lurians are a humanoid race that is moderately advanced technology. They are active merchants but negotiations may be lengthy do to their laconic nature. Though they are not lively conversationalists they may be of value for their trade.

79MALCORIANS: Malcorians are a humanoid race with pre-warp technology. Their system is rich in raw materials but overcoming their extreme xenophobic tendencies will be a diplomatic challenge.

80MALON: Malon are a humanoid race with advanced industrialists. Their heavy industries result in hazardous toxic pollutants. They could still be of value in raw material and trade if you can stand the smell

81MARKALIANS: The Markalians are a reptilian space-fairing race. They operate a highly elusive smuggling cartel in black markets across hundreds of light years. They may be helpful in acquiring raw materials if you are not particular about were it comes from.

82MERIDIANS: The Meridian are a moderately advanced humanoid race. Their home word is very susceptible to phasing in and out of the space-time continuum. Their research in phase shift is of value if they remain put long enough for you to have deals with them.

83MINTAKANS: Mintakans are a passive bronze age proto-vulcan race. They are highly logical and analytical. They could ultimately be of value in research and morale if you can introduce them to advanced technology.

84MIRADORN: Miradorn are an advanced symbiotic species, coupled as twins. Each set of twins operate as one unit. Their research in biotechnology is of value but diplomatically they are hard to deal with.

85MIZARIANS: Mizarians are absolute pacifists. Their world has been invaded and conquered many times, but they have survived, somehow, by offering no resistance whatsoever. They improve system wide morale but you must chose between invasion and diplomacy.

86MOKRA: The Mokra are a technologically advanced species, and their formidable starships are built purely for combat. They are arrogant and diplomacy will not work. You must invade to acquire this system. They would be of value in improving your ground defenses if you manage to defeat them.

87MONEANS: Moneans are a humanoid race now living on a planetoid. Long ago a nomadic race of aliens created a containment field powered by a reactor close to the core. This makes life here possible. Learning the reactors technology would be valuable.

88NAUSICAANS: The Nausicaans are a proud strong and cosmetically challenged race. They are fearsome in battle and always at war. They could be of value in raiding other systems.

89NECHANI: The Nechani are a superstitious humanoid race and value dogma and ritual. They are peaceful, and open, and will respond well to diplomacy. They can be of value to system morale.

90NEZU: The Nezu are an advanced humanoid race. Their home world has been bombarded many times by asteroids. To counter the threat of asteroid strikes the Nezu have developed a highly sophisticated astronomical surveillance and orbital tethers. This can be of value to trade and research.

91NORCADIANS: The Norcadians are an advanced humanoid race, who possess a number of violent tendencies. They are open to trade relations and their industry is advanced.

92NUMIRI: The Numiri are an advanced humanoid race that has been at war with another advanced race. This has left them cynical of all other races, and deeply suspicious. They have a valuable weapons research program but must be won over first.

93NUU'BARI: The Nuu'bari are advanced humanoids. They have successfully integrated holographic workers into common industry. Their shrewd business minds and industrial power is a valuable asset.

94NYRIANS: Nyrians are an advanced humanoid race with expertise in stealth, evasion and subterfuge. They have made a science of military sabotage specialized in seizing equipment and starships.

95OCAMPA: Ocampa are a humanoid race with advanced hydroponics. They are provided for by the 'Caretaker', a powerful extra-galactic entity. The Caretaker's array remains in this system. The array can transport a starship thousands of light years almost instantaneously.

96ORIONS: Orions are a humanoid race that has long been in decline. They still have functional trade routs and intelligence operatives. Their system remains a source of raw material.

97ORNARANS: Ornarans have long been reliant on a narcotic substance called Felicium. Affiliation with an outside power will help them deal with their addiction while improving your industry and system wide morale.

98PAKLEDS: Pakleds are humanoid with a slow and careful manner of speech that belies their great cunning. They have successfully gained technically impressive expertise from seemingly fraudulent means. You could gain access to there library of acquired technologies.

99PARADAS: Parad are an advanced reptilian species. Civil war and unstable governments have lead to them developing skills in both sabotage and internal security.

100RAKOSANS: Rakosans are an advanced reptilian race. They have powerful long range scanner technology but suffer from overpopulation. Their home world's infrastructure needs development.

101RAKHARI: Rakhari are a moderately advanced humanoid race. The government suppresses opposition and does not allow off-world diplomacy, or trade. They will be a difficult to negotiate with but have industrial value.

102RAMATIANS: The Ramatian race has a high incidence of deaf mutes. They have developed a complex form of communication using a telepathic interpretative 'chorus' centered on a deaf mute member that overcomes cross-cultural and linguistic boundaries. Their skills in external affairs are valuable for diplomacy.

103RISANS: Risans are a hedonistic good looking humanoid race. There is a wide array of attractions and services on this homeworld. The Risan Pleasure dome would be a fun addition to your back yard.

104RUTIANS: Rutians are a humanoid race on the verge of warp capability. Domestic troubles make them reluctant to align themselves with other race. They do have advanced research in trans-space: the inter-dimensional bonds that link layers of subspace.

105SELAY: Selay are a reptilian race, somewhat limited in technology and social refinement. Their past includes a great deal of conflict with another race. They have advances in ground combat and aquatic farming.

106SHELIAK: Sheliak are a non-humanoid life-form classified as R3. They view humans as a lower life form and have no qualms about exterminating anyone in their way. They may have value in internal affairs and system morale.

107SIKARIANS: The Sikarians are a scientifically advanced humanoid race, with some impressive technology, and ideas. Their research is valuable.

108SKRREEANS: Skrreeans are a mildly advanced humanoid race. They were long ago driven from their home world. There current system is rich in raw material.

109SON'A: The rebellious Son'a were sent into exile from the Ba'ku homeworld. Now they exist as pirates and mercenaries, and are definitely not to be trusted. They have impressive technology and research.

110SULIBAN: The Suliban is an intelligent humanoid race with a bad looking skin condition. They have advanced bio-technology and general intelligence skills.

111T'LANI: T'Lani are a moderately advanced humanoid race. They prefer to remain independent. Diplomacy will be difficult. They have valuable bio-technology.

112TAKARANS: Takarans appear humanoid but have a unique physiology that makes them incredibly resilient, and highly intelligent. Their people are noted for their proficiency in theoretical physics, as well as their unusual biochemistry.

113TAKARIANS: Takarians are a Bronze Age humanoid civilization. They have some material wealth and the potential to develop an advanced civilization.

114TAK TAK: Tak Tak are an advanced humanoid race that uses an unconventional method of communication involving gestures. Diplomacy will be difficult. They are advanced in bio-chemical research, as well as weaponry.

115TALARIANS: Talarians are mildly advanced humanoid races of skilled warriors. They should be respected, though technologically are inferior. They have value in ground combat and ship experience.

116TALAXIANS: Talaxians are a humanoid race of personable people. Diplomatically they are an amiable to peaceful culture. They have value in internal affairs and bribe resistance.

117TALOSIANS: The remnants of the Talosian civilization lack industry, government, even sophisticated technology but they retain their advanced mental abilities. They can create real appearing illusions to manipulate others. They may have value in internal security that is more than just another illusion.

118TAMARIANS: Tamarians, a Humanoid race, are technologically advanced. Their language is based on metaphor using narrative imagery referencing to the people and places of their mythic history. Diplomacy will be hard but they have ship experience and good morale.

119TANUGANS: The Tanugans are a moderately advanced humanoid race. They have overcome an energy crisis with new technology. If we assisted them, they might be willing to share their research.

120TELLARITES: Tellarites are a humanoid species with porcine features. They are antagonistic by nature and technologically advanced. Their industrial skills would greatly benefit replication plants and shipyards.

121TEPLANS: Teplans are an advanced humanoid race. They have long suffered from the deadly plague unleashed by the Dominion. Now their civilization is broken, and dying. If you can preserve them there is value in their experience in research and ground defenses.

122THOLIANS: Tholians are a highly advanced crystalline life form. They are extremely territorial in disposition. Together, two Tholian ships can spin a web to entrap enemy ships. They can not be trusted but have value in construction research.

123TILONIANS: Tilonians are a moderately advanced humanoid race. They are skilled in a nefarious underground science of neurological manipulation and memory extraction. There skills may be of value.

124TRABE: The Trabe are now a fragmented humanoid race in decline. Trabe are a devious people that hid unscrupulous deeds and dark designs far beneath amiable appearing diplomacy. There skills are of value in sabotage.

125TRILL: Trill are a unique "joined race" whose humanoid members have provided host bodies for small soft-bodied entities in a symbiotic relationship. The parasitic life form is long lived and highly intelligent. They have value in research and morale.

126ULLIANS: Ullians are an old and advanced humanoid race with powerful telepathic skills. Their interest in history gives them great knowledge of the galaxy. They are of value in general intelligence and Sabotage.

127VAADWAUR: Vaadwaur are intelligent and advanced reptilian race with humanoid features. They grew arrogant from their power using war to impose social order on other. They have valuable starship experience.

128VENTAXIAN: Ventaxians are a mildly advanced humanoid race of snappy dressers on the verge of warp capability. Their culture has a dark heritage of fear and superstition that will impede diplomacy. They do, however, have value in general research.

129VHNORI: Vhnori are a humanoid race with unusual ideas about death embodied in many rituals. They are only mildly advanced but could have value in system wide morale.

130VIDIIANS: Vidiians are an advanced humanoid race afflicted by a horrifying pandemic known as the phage. Continuous organ transplantation seems to be the only effective treatment. They have been known to take organ without the donor's consent. They have powerful ships and research in bio-technology.

131VORGONS: Vorgons are an elusive race of hidden agendas and history. They are keen for advanced technologies, and often deal in this line of trade on the black market. They would have great benefit for trade and income.

132VORI: Vori are an advanced humanoid race that has long been at war. Their mind alteration techniques would be a useful tool to aid intelligence efforts.

133VORTA: Vorta are a timid race with limited emotional and sympathetic understanding of others. This makes them dangerous. They have valuable skills in industry and food production.

134VULCANS: The Vulcan humanoid life form sub classification is named for this race. They are noted for lean stature, pointed ears and high intelligence. They have developed a culture dedicated to the complete mastery of logic and learning to suppress their once-violent emotions. They have value in research.

135WADI: Wadi are an advanced humanoid space-faring race. They love gaming and blue face paint. They heat cheaters so do not try to hack their games. They have value in wealth and morale.

136XANTHANS: Xanthan are a moderately advanced humanoid race. Their home world is a magnet for merchants, traffickers, and various smuggling syndicates. They are wealthy if not to be trusted.

137XEPOLITES: The Xepolites are a moderately advanced humanoid race. They operate an extensive trade network and keep questionable company. They may prove to be a source of raw materials.

138XINDI: The Xindi is a mixed alien civilization comprised of many sub-species including primate, aquatic, arboreal, insectoid, and reptilian forms. Key to aligning with them is their unification. There is wealth and benefit to morale if this is achieved.

139XYRILLIANS: Xyrillians are an advanced race of reptiles. Interspecies dating is discouraged as it is the male of their kind that delivers their young. They have advanced holo-generator and food technology.

140YADERANS: Yaderans are and advanced humanoid race. Their forebears were overrun by the Dominion over 390 years earlier. Their research into holo-science and engineering would be of benefit.

141YRIDIANS: Yridians are a moderately advanced race. They have earned a reputation as traders of the secret information and for providing services of espionage, sabotage and assassination to the highest bidder.

142ZAHL: Zahl are an advanced humanoid race. They are a generally hospitable. Their system is rich in dilithium and they have value in scientific research.

143ZAKDORN: The Zakdorn are an advanced but chubby annoying and slack-faced humanoid race noted for their impressive skill as tacticians. They are of value in ship experience and recycling of raw materials from ships.

144ZALKONIANS: Zalkonians are an advanced space-fairing humanoid race. They have impressive achievement in energy research.

145ZIBALIANS: Zibalians are a moderately advance humanoid race. They are prosperous traders but have an affliction for steeling hoarding and collecting rather than selling for a profit. They have wealth but offer little else.


Last edited by Kenneth_of_Borg on 23 Mar 2007, 05:13, edited 11 times in total.

02 Mar 2007, 14:48
Fleet Admiral
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nice progress there! fine job.. :)

11 Mar 2007, 15:31
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Ship Engineer
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The Recording is over and all 145 minor race introductions are on SharePoint as MP3s. I will now work on putting up the text that goes with the audio files.


14 Mar 2007, 03:19
Ship Engineer
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I stand on the shoulders of giants. This could not have been done without all the fine work done at the data base


14 Mar 2007, 14:20
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hehe. nice job anyway. I don't know how sir p. will handle this in the new release, well especially since we have no german equivalent to this fine piece of work yet ;) so I think he will add this all here later on when also most of the major voice records are done.

really nice, who had thought of anything like this a month ago? :lol:

14 Mar 2007, 14:25
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The idea is taken from listening to the old game. Whenever you run into a minor race you hear an explanation about the minor race and see the text for that audio reading. If it is too much work to program a sequence like that to run when you bump into a minor race then at least it was fun doing the work. :P
I hope you can use the major races.


14 Mar 2007, 21:55
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nono I meant it as a compliment. really stunning work there kenneth and fast for that matter! ;)

as for the intros, of course they are used, that's no problem to add into the game. We just like to wait till all majors are finished, then there's no "gap" in the vocal introductions of the various races you know.

14 Mar 2007, 22:01
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Pronunciation? Is it really a long "I" sound in Risan, the minor race? Did I do this race intro recording wrong? :?: ... aces%5fken

Do I need to attend racial diversity sensitivity rehabilitation?? I think the Risan pronunce it while sucking air in with their noses. A Risan has several noses and it can sound very musical.


25 Jul 2007, 21:44
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Bump for later use, Kenneth do you know where the main thread with the Major races speech descriptions are?

Regards Wolfe


06 Oct 2007, 18:40
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hm right, I nearly forget about those. actually don't know if they are already recorded and if sir p. got them in, but I think we'll see that soon enough ;).

06 Oct 2007, 19:47
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The minor race first contact descriptions are listed in Dafedz's Database. The Diplomacy report is listed next to each race in the race database. (Links on the left of the database)

An example is the Acamarians:

The Acamarians wish to preserve their social structure. We must take steps to ensure that they can.

They're nice and short, so would be perfect for soundbites. :)

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07 Oct 2007, 00:09
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There is at least one recording of all the major and minor race mono-log on SharePoint. You can hear all that has been done but do not let it taint your own interpretations. ... 44987A3%7d

The text of what is used for the majors and general game is located at ... pic&t=1715
(make up more combat monolog if you like)

The text of what you may hear when you run into a minor races is above: ... pic&t=1599

You will also find on SharePoint the complete Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, (only through the further acquisition of material wealth can we achieve true happiness.)

I would guess that not much of all this will get into the games but it was fun to put together. :wink:


07 Oct 2007, 01:31
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Thanks Kenneth, i'll admit it's quite addictive messing about with the voices :)

Regards Wolfe


07 Oct 2007, 01:56
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Right i've completed the Dominion ones, how do i go about uploading them onto sharepoint?

Regards Wolfe


08 Oct 2007, 00:41
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If you have them online at say esnips
you can link to them here. I could then upload them to SharePoint.

With a lot of recording though I would ask Mike to give you a login at SharePoint. You can upload your MP3s directly. We are all waiting to hear. :wink:

The devs decide what they can use. I just organized the collection. There is also a text file in the sounds folder of SharePoint where you can add yourself into the credits.


08 Oct 2007, 03:06
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actually I'm quite eager to hear if that "access" to that female - :lol: nice phrasing, couldn't make that better - was "successful" :lol:.

anyway never mind, good job there, wolfe! ;)

08 Oct 2007, 06:35
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Are you aware of the latest update Kenneth? I have completed a great deal of new work on the database. I now have vocal intros tailored for each empire, and for all 150 races:

dafedz = The Federation dummy! (da fedz= the Feds) :D

04 Jun 2008, 17:24
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Great job dafedz on those intros. Will convert them to our Refit content once I got the german intros done where those lines are btw. also helping after translation :thumbwink:

04 Jun 2008, 19:20
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Kenneth can't sign into the forums due to a forum glitch. I've made sure he knows about this though, Dafedz. :wink:

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04 Jun 2008, 20:52
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This post is a continuation of the conversation on combat voices from the 2D artist thread, hopefully this is now in the proper thread. Regarding combat voices, is there only going to be a single set of voices for the ships of a single race in combat? The original BOTF has at least 3 sets of voices for each race in combat, a different voice for each of the different formations (command, fast attack, and strike). I am working on some Cardassian combat voices and am using the original BOTF voices as the starting place.

10 Aug 2008, 19:59
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I have always promoted a variety of voices and wordings in the game. It was that way in BOTF.

If we have more than one voice recorded this is an option. If more than one voice is use depends what Wolfe decides to do with it and if the game download does not become too large. Wolfe is the boss for the combat engine and the voices it will use.



10 Aug 2008, 21:48
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Well there are just over 200 different Cardassian combat voice recordings from the original BOTF, with at least 4 different voices for most of the recordings, coming in under 5 mb in .wav format. That can give Wolfe some idea of voice file sizes for the playable races in combat.

10 Aug 2008, 22:05
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When you say 200 recordings, is that physical recordings or actual lines of script? From what I remember, each individual sentence was recrded as a separate sound file, so a relatively short piece of script could be spread across multiple recordings. This is most obvious with the Echo Papa 607 Commercial, which I think is hysterical. It's a real shame that that voice was never implemented in the actual game. :(

The non-combat ships had their own distinctive voices in BOTF as well, so that makes four groups, not three.

/end pedanticism. :P

If would be cool to have multiple voices for each type of ship, but we have to think about whether we can get together enough voice actors and what sort of impact all those recordings would have on the size of the game. Of course, many of the game-size increasing ideas that have been, or will be, implemented are mine, so perhaps I should stop being so hypocritical. :lol:

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11 Aug 2008, 00:20
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Most of what had been recorded in the past will not be used. Mike just did not have a way to put it all in. For now Wolfe seams to be happy with these line.

Power shields vs Shields up
Power weapons vs power weapons
Attack vs Engage Hostiles
Ship Destroyed vs Ship Destroyed and Wessel Destroyed
Station Destroyed vs Station lost
Enemy destroyed vs Hostile destroyed
Incoming vs Incoming fire
Shields failing vs Shields down
Damage to Hull vs Hull damaged
Fire Weapons vs Fire weapons
Torpedo fired vs fire torpedo
fire disrupts vs fire phasers
Strategic withdrawal vs disengage hostiles

I would check with Wolfe about more than that. You might be able to come up with some new lines he will want to use. Mike had us use MP3 to save space.


11 Aug 2008, 01:54
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To answer your question MOE its 200 files/recordings, not just lines of script, which I extracted and resaved (with the name of the file being what is said in the recording). When I first posted I hadn't counted the files yet and wasn't sure if there were more than three voices for the combat groups, which why I said at least 3 voices, but you are right there are definitely 4 selectable groups in BOTF combat :wink: . I then did the file count for the 200+ files and that does include non-combat voices I believe (as I haven't found any other Cardassian files).

As for new recordings, I am following what you have just posted Kenneth, which I believe was on the other thread and is what you say Wolfe is happy with for now. Maybe the original voices could come in as a gap filler for items not replaced by a new voice? Don't know if anyone is interested in the original voices to see what the lines are or how they sound, but since I resaved them with new files names (describing what their lines are) and in separate folders for each voice I could upload them to those who are interested.

11 Aug 2008, 04:57
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