Star Trek Fan Games

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Author:  Loskene [ 16 Feb 2009, 21:49 ]
Post subject:  Playtesting


I'm availible to playtest. As much as you need. :thumbsup:

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 16 Feb 2009, 22:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Playtesting

Welcome. Looking for bugs while playing would be helpful at this point. We have not started to work on balance yet.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 16 Feb 2009, 23:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Playtesting

Hey Loskene, welcome to the forums! :)

Just do as Kenneth said; play the game and look for bugs. If you notice anything that doesn't look right, just let us know. :winkthumb:

Author:  Loskene [ 17 Feb 2009, 04:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Playtesting

Where should I post my observations?

Author:  Malvoisin [ 17 Feb 2009, 05:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Playtesting

In the respective subforums. 3D Programs and development for cdrwolfe's botf2 battle engine, supremacy bug reports or general chat for mike's supremacy and bote bug reports or general chat for bote :).

Author:  stravik [ 05 Dec 2010, 23:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Playtesting

Do you uys have any elements that need to be tested?

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 06 Dec 2010, 00:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Playtesting

Hey Stravik, welcome to the forums!

If we need something tested, we initially share a very rough version between the staff. Any comments are acted upon, and another, less rough release is sent to the staff. Any improvements are then merged into the full game version for further staff testing. We only then release stuff to the public that we are happy to release to the public, ie. we believe it's of a quality where any bugs can only be found by the considerably larger pool that a public release provides.

The last game release was 18 months ago. We haven't been slacking since then; game development has continued, and there are now several new game features and cosmetic changes. But there are some far-reaching problems that we're encountered with the pre-requisite programs (.Net and .XNA) that we need to get around before the game will be suitable as a release candidate. Basically we need to package more stuff with the game to ensure it is playable, but this stuff varies dependant on what is already installed by the player and the game needs to be intelligent enough to both check for and find any missing components. But even then our testers have encountered some stubborn problems if they are using Windows XP. Until these problems are sorted, we won't be releasing anything. But saying that, the last release Mike sent me was 2 months ago, so he's probably close to solving the problems by now, if he hasn't already.

We will post as soon as a new release is available. We will also send out a mass-email to all forum members, so anyone that is reading this, please make sure the email address you have saved in your profile is up-to-date. You can do this from:

User Control Panel -> Profile -> Edit Account Settings -> Email Address

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