Star Trek Fan Games

Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)
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Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 14:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)


Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 14:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)


Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 14:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)


Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)



Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 14:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)



Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 14:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)



Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 14:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)



Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 14:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)



Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 15:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)



Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 11 Dec 2004, 16:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

Thank you, Iwulff, one is satisfied!

Are these extra races that will be added into the game, or are they just updates of others? I didn't notice any of these in the original posts, but this has happened before... :oops:

Author:  omniq [ 11 Dec 2004, 17:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

cool. more races. :D

Author:  omniq [ 11 Dec 2004, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

umm...i was looking through the races on the first page...where'd the r-s go?

Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 17:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

You don't have to worry, i made a backup of the files. I will add them now. :wink:

Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 17:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)


Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)


Author:  iwulff [ 11 Dec 2004, 18:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

I just wanted so say that we have 128 races at the moment, just a few will get of the list, so we will keep over 120 races at the moment for the game. 8O

Author:  omniq [ 11 Dec 2004, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

awesome :D

Author:  omniq [ 11 Dec 2004, 22:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Ktarians

The Ktarians are a humanoid race from Ktaria VII, who are distinguished by their feline features, yellow eyes, and enlarged foreheads. The Ktarians are a warp capable species, but their ships are inferior to those of most races. They have an overall average level of technology but excel in neurotechnology. They have the technological ability to control the minds of others to their will, making them a danger to other races. They are an ambitious species, but they usually stay neutral with other powers.

Author:  omniq [ 11 Dec 2004, 23:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Takarans

The Takarans are a vaguely reptilian humanoid race from the Takara system. The Takarans are highly advanced in the areas of physics and energy, giving them a technological advantage over most species. They are capable of spaceflight, although little is known of their starships. Physically, the Takarans are very different from other species. They have an incredibly complex internal system, with a homogenous structuring of their organs instead of seperate ones, making the killing of a Takaran very difficult. They prefer to mantain friendly relations with other species.

Author:  omniq [ 12 Dec 2004, 04:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Na'kuhl

The Na'kuhl are a humanoid species, distinguished by their red eyes and many facial ridges. They are a highly aggressive race who will use any means necessary to further their expansion. The Na'kuhl believe that they are the superior race. They have advanced weapons technology and are a spacefaring race, although little is known of their spacecraft. They excel in military and temporal technologies. They are often hostile to other races because of their superiority complex and militaristic nature.

Author:  omniq [ 12 Dec 2004, 05:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Selay

The Selay are a reptilian race from the planet Selay. They had a long feud with the Anticans, whom they vehemently despise. They have a serpent-like face with green skin and have tri-digited hands. They have an average level of technology. They are capable of spaceflight and have a proficiency in weapons. They are friendly to most other races except for the Anticans.

Author:  omniq [ 13 Dec 2004, 02:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Miradorn

The Miradorn are a humanoid race, distinguished by their bi-lobed foreheads. They are born as twins and are so close that each considers himself one half of a whole person. If one twin is born, the other seeks vengeance and will stop at nothing to obtain it. They are of an average technological level. Their ships are up to par with most races. They are prone to assertiveness, complicating diplomatic talks.

Author:  omniq [ 13 Dec 2004, 03:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Krenim

The Krenim are an advanced humanoid species, led by their government, the Krenim Imperium. They are expansionistic and highly aggressive to other species. They are technologically advanced, having technological prowess in temporal mechanics. They have heavily armed ships. The Krenim are territorial and do not often maintain friendly relations with other species.

Author:  iwulff [ 13 Dec 2004, 16:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

About the Iconnu it is possible that their real name is Inconnu. But i am not sure.

Author:  omniq [ 13 Dec 2004, 22:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

so far, all i've been able to find on the iconnu (or inconnu) is a race from the series andromeda called inconnu, and a kind of fish called inconnu.

Author:  omniq [ 13 Dec 2004, 22:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

nevermind the last post, i found the species, but their name is unknown, someone just made the name up.
the "iconnu" pic is about 3/4 of the way down on this page, in case anyone case (who knows why they would)
on this, the alien's name is krit

Author:  iwulff [ 14 Dec 2004, 10:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

This is the episode where this guy appears: DS9: who mourns for Morn

Author:  omniq [ 14 Dec 2004, 22:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Cytherians

The Cytherians are a highly advanced humanoid race, distinguished by the blue spot on their forehead. They are isolationists, staying on their planet and contacting others through the use of probes. They have advanced technology, being able to send large amounts of information into both computers and the minds of others. They are a friendly race who enjoy the pursuit of knowledge.

These are the people elisted as Sytherians on your list, but i guess it's spelled like this. On the subject of if they should be in or not, they are just like other advanced species, they just communicate through long range imaging systems.

Author:  omniq [ 15 Dec 2004, 00:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Meridians

The Meridians are a group of humanoids from the planet Meridian. They phased in between corporeal and noncorporeal forms because of an instability in their sun that causes their planet to undergo dimensional shifts. They tend to form friendly relations with other races, although the dimensional shifts make communication difficult.

The Ullians

The Ullians are a telepathic civilization from the Ullia system. In their past, they had many times of violent conflict, usually involving telepathic invasions of others. However, they have now turned to a new era of peace, in which they record the memories of others into a library history. The Ullians' telepathic abilities are very advanced. They have technology on par to most species. They are a friendly people, who often wish to trade goods and gain allies.

The Zibalians

The Zibalians are a humanoid race from the Zibalia system, characterized by their distinctive facial tattooing on the temporal areas of their faces. They are known for their lucrative trade relations with other species, especially known for being able to provide rare items such as Hitritium. Their ships are not usually meant for battle, but can defend themselves if necessary. Their technology is on par with most species. They usually like to remain neutral to other species and conduct trade.

Author:  omniq [ 15 Dec 2004, 23:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race pictures for the game (2.5 mb loading)

The Halanans

The Halanans are a race from the planet Halana who are psychoprojective telepaths, being able to make images up to two cubic meters in height. They are distinguished by their brown skin and curved ears. Halanans are very loyal, and it is known that they mate for life. They Halanans have technology up to par with most other species. They are spacefaring, but do not usually arm their ships. The Halanans are a peaceful civilization who relish contact with new races.

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