Star Trek Fan Games

ships for the game
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Author:  trispugh [ 07 Nov 2005, 22:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Nice model. Good work dafendz. How many models are still needing to be done before the quota is met for the demo / game? Anyone know?

Author:  michae1ange1o [ 09 Nov 2005, 19:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Mark_campbell wrote:
Matress_of_evil wrote:
Actually, TheWhiteRaven, the winning design has already been chosen, and quite frankly - it's ugly. :(

I've never read any of the books, but i did have my own idea of how it roughly looked, and this thing is nothing like it.

Mutilated Intrepid with a pod just about sums it up.

the word "kitbash" comes to mind, sovereign and akira with a little bit of nebula in the pod.... yawn

Glad somebody else spotted the kitbash look, id have thought a design along the lines of the promethious woulda been better, arrowhead "saucer" small necell's. mind you did you look at the runners up? what on god's green earth was the second guy on?

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 09 Nov 2005, 19:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

what on god's green earth was the second guy on?

Must've been something pretty powerful! :lol:

To be honest though, I don't think that much of the other runner-up design either, although the fact that Cary L. Brown had some rendered views was a nice touch - it looked better than her designs suggested it would.


I like your thoughts on how the Titan should have loked, michae1ange1o. That would've looked cool.

Seeing as the Titan is supposed to be advanced, and the Prommie is the fastest and most advanced ship we've seen, (Of the time) a similar design lineage would make sense.

It's a shame the winner, runners-up, and judges didn't think along the same lines. :(

Author:  Jarok [ 16 Jan 2006, 22:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

I have seared the mental image of the Titan in my mind. Just not the winner, but rather my own effort! :? 8) :wink:

I agree that the winning ship is pretty damn hideous, but not as bad as the runners up! It really does seem to fit the mold of what the judges wanted.

I wish I'd gotten mine in on time - things might be different


I would have liked the ship to have a more modern look, but NOT like the Prometheus. Why? Because cool as the Prometheus is, she is basically an extremely powerful, dedicated warship. The Luna class will be an exploratory vessel, basically a combination of an Intrepid and a Galaxy, in terms of mission profile.

I would like to have seen the Luna class be modern looking but take a less aggressive looking angle to ship design. For the past few years, Star Trek ships keep getting more and more militaristic looking, and the Luna class is supposed to reverse that trend. I wanted to see a winner that looked more peaceful and graceful than we ended up with. That was the philosophy behind my design, and I wish those with enough motivation to actually submit theirs had a similar mindset. The winner might work, though. I'll need to see it more, and at more angles.

Author:  Adm_Willie [ 18 Jan 2006, 19:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

well I have a picture of a ship but I dont now exactly wich class it is.......first they said it was a titan ......later they said it was a luna class........can someone tell me which class it is? :?

........I think the ship looks cool.....its far cooler than the winner design .....i think.....

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 18 Jan 2006, 23:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

The Titan is a Luna class ship.

Are you sure that's what they said, or did you get confused, Adm_Willie?

I've never heard of the Titan class... :? :oops:

That design looks better than the one that won the competition. It has decent Nacelles and no pod! :lol:

I like how the ship has a slight design lineage with a Sovereign though - the upper decks have a triangular shape, just like the Sovereign. The overall shape of the engineering section reminds me of the Excelsior though. Cool. 8)

In my opinion though, the Impulse engines look far too big for the ship. The way they stick out just isn't right. Surely having sections of the ship stick out like that would make the Warp geometry (And therefore higher Warp speeds) difficult to say the least?

...But i'm being pedantic. I like the design. It's certainly better than the now "official" Titan. :D

Author:  Adm_Willie [ 19 Jan 2006, 16:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Matress_of_evil wrote:
The Titan is a Luna class ship.

Are you sure that's what they said, or did you get confused, Adm_Willie?

I've never heard of the Titan class... :? :oops:

Im sure they said it was a titan class.....but I also got confused :lol: ......because later they said it was of a luna class design...

about the Impulse engines: It was a very big ship...almost 1250M....but then I've seen ships with far bigger impulse engines

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 19 Jan 2006, 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

No, I think you misunderstand me about the Impulse engines - what I have a problem with is the way the "flaps" stick out above the ship, not the physical size of them.

Most ships that have unusually large Impulse engines (Eg. the Excelsior) have the engines sticking out backwards, not sticking up, as with the "Lunan" or the "Tita" or whatever class that this should be called. (:lol:)

This wouldn't be the first ship that i've seen with things at odd angles or positions though. I've seen one class with apparently some sort of cannon where the Impulse engines on this ship are!

Anyways, it would be an incredible ship if it was 1250m long. The picture doesn't give a sense of scale though, so I simply imagined it to be about 450m long, since this was one of the design concept notes. :oops:

Author:  Adm_Willie [ 19 Jan 2006, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

owh....yeah the impuls engines stick above the ship.......but the image isn't very clear......i have another picture of the ship....

another thing about this ship has 3 deflectors :lol:

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 19 Jan 2006, 20:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game


And there was me thinking I had ddoouubbllee vviissiioonn... :lol:

(Or would that be triple vision? :? :lol:)

Can it go sideways at Warp then? :idea:

Author:  Adm_Willie [ 20 Jan 2006, 18:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

I dont now......but they should have some task......But sideways into warp? :lol: would be a funny sight :lol:

It is transwarp adaptable....but the federation first must figure out how to use transwarp.........

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 20 Jan 2006, 19:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

It would make sense... :wink: :lol:

Author:  OmegaX [ 06 Apr 2008, 19:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

this is mainly just personal preference, but alot of federation ships in the game would be awesome. even if some people think it'd be too much. the federation used all its ships. i mean, the mirandas are all from earlier tos era, and they're still used. to me, having all the different options would let me build a fleet that looked cool with all the different ships besides having one that just functioned well with the most up-to-date ships available. so, having all the canon ships, or maybe not all the canon ships, but mainstream ones would be awesome for me. i'm sure there're others that think the same too, but just my two cents. having a long scroll list of ships to build from wouldn't bother one bit, but rather feel more canon.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 06 Apr 2008, 20:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Wow...two year old thread. Very old. Not that it matters, we don't mind resurrections here. :)

The shiplist is something that has been argued over for nigh on four years now. The Current Shiplist is considerably larger than the shiplist from BOTF1, and there will be somewhere in the region of two HUNDRED minor race designs as well. The ship advancement will also be different to BOTF1, because instead of an old ship becoming obsolete the moment a newer design becomes available, new designs will instead obsolete ships that are two generations old. For instance:

Constitution -> Constitution Refit -> Excelsior -> Ambassador -> Galaxy -> Sovereign

As soon as you gain access to the Excelsior, the Constitution will be removed from your build list. The Ambassador removes the Constituion Refit, and so on. This means you can keep building slightly older designs simply because it is cheaper technology - as the Ferengi say, superior numbers are just as effective as superior technology. And yes, both the Constitution and the Constitution Refit are in the game(s) as separate designs to ensure they that both models are present in the game. :mrgreen:

If the obsoletion system seems strange to you, you will be able to change it, at least in Supremacy (I'm not sure about BotE. Malvoisin might be able to say about this). The obsoletion system will be an editable function in the Supremacy editor, so you could change it to one generation like BOTF, or you could even remove the obsoletion system so EVERY design is always present. It will be entirely up to you. :wink:

We also have a large catalogue of "extra" models that we are building up, and these aren't just any old ships - we have several versions of the Excelsior for instance, such as the original Excelsior and the Enterprise-B. These models will be made available to download as mods, but if you want a sneak peek, the models are available from Here. You will need a modelling program to be able to see the models, but i'm not sure what format they are in so can't advise on these necessary programs.

The shiplist was designed by Dafedz, and took a VERY long time to produce. It is still under constant development however, so if you believe there should be any changes feel free to let us know what those changes are - and most importantly why they should be made. We've tried to make the shiplist as big as possible, but also to make it balanced. Each design will have specific uses and abilities, which will also be reflected in the specific advantages and weaknesses of each of the Empires. Any change to the shiplist would have to be carefully considered to ensure no one race has an overwhelming advantage.

Welcome to the forums, by the way. :bigthumb:

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 06 Apr 2008, 20:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Good explanation as usual Matress. There are so many models we have had to resort to recruiting them form modelers building ships and station for other games. Some models are on SharePoint but still need to be converted to our design needs. It is a work in progress.

Author:  Bowlesy [ 18 Aug 2009, 23:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

I think it would be cool if you have an alliance with another empire if you could combine research and build a new ship with them like if the Romulans and Federation were allies they could build ships like the Dauntless. And the Klingons didn't have the Vor'cha ships until the technology exchange with the Federation.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 20 Aug 2009, 03:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

That is an interesting idea. You would have to sell Mike on the idea to see it in code.

Author:  Iceman [ 21 Aug 2009, 19:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

And what would "combine research" mean? A Research Pact, where both empires get additional RPs? A diplomacy option. A bit too general.
The game doesn't have different techtrees for each empire, or "racial techs" like Cloaking or Singularity Drive. If it did, something of the sort could easily be implemented.

Author:  MindsEye [ 09 Oct 2009, 15:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

I love the luna class ship.Is there an updated shiplist and is it final?Also will ships be classified as cruiser and destroyer?Seems a bit generic.I was just wondering I have seen some pics of the ships ingame but I was wondering if these were all the ships or there will be more included?

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 09 Oct 2009, 16:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Welcome and it is good to have your input.

We are tracking the model work here

You have to wait for all the images to load. If there is an image for the ship or station then we have a model for it.

The issue of ship classification has been a very hotly debated item. It is my opinion that the average player can related to a ship known as a scout or cruiser or colonyship and know what it is for. We retain names like intrepid, galaxy or D9 but they are subordinate to cruiser, explorer and battle cruiser in our game. A very detailed network of ships and abilities has been worked out by MOE and Dafedz. Deleting or adding a ship in the list would require reworking all the major races to retain the balance intended.

We are looking for and working on a combat engine to use in the game.

Author:  MindsEye [ 09 Oct 2009, 16:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Ah thank you.Excellent list.So the list of minor ships looks massive which is awesome.I was hoping for more expansion on the main race shiplist to include ships like the titan class luna and whatnot.Regardless its an impressive amount of ships you are undertaking. :bolian:

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 09 Oct 2009, 17:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

There are a lot of things we would like to have in the game but at some point it becomes mission creep. The Federation already has more ships than any other race. We have to draw a line and move on or the game will never be done.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 10 Oct 2009, 02:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

As Kenneth said, myself and Dafedz have put a massive amount of work into the shiplist; we've in fact been working on it in one way or another for around five years now. Adding or removing even one design would require a huge amount of work because of the amount of rebalancing and tweaking that would need to be done. As the list currently stands, the Federation have by far the most ship designs, and even then there are loads of ship designs that we've had to leave out.

The Luna class is a more recent example of "missing ship designs"; we created the list before the Luna class even existed, which is why it isn't in there. But because of the constraints of balancing the shiplist with having as many ship designs as possible, we've been forced to leave certain designs out. So along with the Luna, we've also left out the Cheyenne, Curry, Norway, Ptolemy, and Springfield classes. There are probably more than what i've listed as well, those are just the ones off the top of my head.

The game is designed to be easily moddable though; it comes with an editor afterall, albeit a currently broken one as Mike (The developer) is building a new and improved one. So just because a ship class is missing from the game, that doesn't mean people won't add it in at a later date. :smile:

Author:  Iceman [ 01 Apr 2010, 18:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 01 Apr 2010, 20:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: ships for the game

Thanks, that stuff comes in handy.

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