Star Trek Fan Games

Pre Existing Treaties
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Author:  Winterhawk [ 22 Nov 2006, 17:29 ]
Post subject:  Pre Existing Treaties

Postings in Fleet Movements made me think of this. Now I have no idea, but when they developed old botf, if they took into concideration the treaties that were in place on the shows that were aired at that time.

An Example would be the treaty about cloaking. I do not know the details of it, but I remember something about Picard saying that a treaty was made so all parties who did not have cloaking technonogy, would not aquire it or use it.. something like that.

So I ask this. Will treaties that were/are part of Canon be in place in these games?

This may not even be something that is written into the codes, but perhaps should be discussed.

Author:  skeeter [ 22 Nov 2006, 17:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre Existing Treaties

If you mean the treaty of algeron where feds were not allowed to develope or use any clocking tech then i doubt it will be in the game. Tho forming these kind of treatys would be cool but complicated to work into the game programing wise i think.

Have to remember botf games are basically you creating a brand new empire out from nothing. So all you have is ur homeworld. You dont know anyone else as you have just getting warp tech and are now off to explore and conquor new territorys.

Author:  Winterhawk [ 22 Nov 2006, 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre Existing Treaties

Skeeter wrote:
If you mean the treaty of algeron where feds were not allowed to develope or use any clocking tech then i doubt it will be in the game. Tho forming these kind of treatys would be cool but complicated to work into the game programing wise i think.

Have to remember botf games are basically you creating a brand new empire out from nothing. So all you have is ur homeworld. You dont know anyone else as you have just getting warp tech and are now off to explore and conquor new territorys.

Sorry Skeet. I was thinking along the lines of "talking about them" Not having them placed into code. That way there is no Extra code, but we do have a "understaood" border.. so to speak..

Author:  SonOfMogh [ 22 Nov 2006, 22:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre Existing Treaties

The problem is, by having it be a conscious decision not to cloak as the Federation, you allow for the possibility of just disregarding it and developing cloaks. If the Feds can develop cloaks then the Romulans can develop quantum torpedos and ablative armour.

Not only does this spoil the feel of Trek, it also removes the diferent strengths/ weaknesses of the various empires, making gameplay less interesting and generally dull.

I'd say that in the game it is never mentioned why the Feds don't cloak. Maybe it's part of a treaty, maybe it's just beyond their means technologically. Either way it just doesn't happen.

Author:  mstrobel [ 22 Nov 2006, 23:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre Existing Treaties

These kinds of treaties won't be in the game anyway, so it's all academic ;).

Author:  SonOfMogh [ 22 Nov 2006, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre Existing Treaties

I'm really glad about that.

Author:  Winterhawk [ 23 Nov 2006, 06:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre Existing Treaties

Well that is what I was wondering. At least on that aspect of treaties.

Now for Actualy gameplay treaties. Is it going to be an automatic type.
You are offered a treaty do you accept yes? no? for so many turns, Or would we be able to say set our own time as far as length of treaties goes?

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