sirNemanjapro wrote:
1. Icon on the desktop - It says SupremacyClient insted of StarTrek Supremacy. I think there is no issue for it to say as it should.
SupremacyClient is simply the name of the assembly. You're welcome to create a shortcut using whatever name you like. When the game is finished and ships with an installer, it will create shortcuts with the proper name. In the meantime, it's not a priority.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
Intro screen - When it loaded up I thought the movie is going to start. But not a StarTrek movie. I like the idea, but I dont like the execution. They should keep it in few elements as possible. Maybe just that Soverign class ship and stars in the back.
If you know a talented artist that would be willing to create a better one, I'll certainly consider swapping it out.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
3. Intro fonts - change it. Its ST TNG B&B films font. I like the old one. Why change it?
Sorry, I'm in love with the current Supremacy logo, so it's staying
sirNemanjapro wrote:
4. When it loads up, on my 22" wide screen its hard to look to the bottom right to find the menu. Why couldn't it be in center (vertical and horizontal) and in behind the ships of StarTrek universe (like in BOTF). Its still doable, no?
Because that would obscure the game title on lower resolution displays. That was actually the first arrangement that I tried.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
5. Mouse pointer could be done better. Especially for the busy, there is none. Since they have the UFP logo for game icon (desktop). I would go with its animation for busy. Simple.
Again, if you know someone who can make nice animated cursors, or if you'd like to make one yourself, I'll consider adding it to the game. I'd like to get more custom cursors in the game, but it just hasn't been a priority.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
I know the game is not done 100% and it has a long time to fly, until its destination. But there should be, just for the laugh, options for selecting other races and start age. I go from zero, but it would be nice to have it. Just to know it would be implemented.
You're right--that really should be implemented by now, considering you can play as different empires (but only with the Federation/LCARS GUI). I'll bump it up on my "to do" list. In the meantime, you can select another empire by creating a multiplayer game with only yourself in it.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
The busy text bla bla. I hate that. If its in development, you need to know what it is doing. Ok. But for end game? No. Also, if I want to play it as single player, it always goes and downloads some things from the web. Some update. Its a single player game. No net connection! Please!
There is no internet connection. Supremacy always runs as two separate components--a client and a server. For a single player game, the server runs in the background on your computer. Many games actually work this way. Unlike multiplayer games, the client connects directly to the server during single player games using a mechanism called a "named pipe"--no network connection is established. The client/server system is a very important aspect of the game's design, and it will not change.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
System panel. When you go in sys panel you see that the things are not where you have left it in BOTF.
Build queue its on the left. The place is screwed up totally. You can see that there were no professional UI designer on the job.
Supremacy is not a BotF clone or an "updated" version of the game. It's an entirely new game
inspired by BotF. Personally, I think BotF's UI was rather limited, and most people seem to feel that Supremacy's UI is far superior. Nevertheless, if you would like to propose an alternate design, and if enough people like it, I'll consider swapping it out.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
Aiming for buttons. I am used to throw pointer in the upper right corner and click. Now I need a guided mouse pointer to hit the button.
In BotF, the buttons were huge and the screen was a very low resolution. Supremacy makes better use of the space available. If you have difficulty clicking the Turn button, you can instead hit Ctrl+Enter from the galaxy screen.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
10. Construction from the build list. I dont know what is going on. I had items to build 10 turns and it has finished in 7?!
If the current build project can be finished with industry points left to spare, then the remaining industry points will automatically be invested into the next project. Therefore, one project may finish and another may be started during the same turn. Indeed, if enough points are available, multiple items may be built during the same turn.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
Shipbuilding are represented by their images only. Not to big of a problem. But. Wouldn't it be nicer if they were 3D and able to rotate?
I would like to add rotating 3D ship models in the right-hand info panel, but at the moment we do not have models for all of the ships. Since this feature is purely cosmetic, it takes a lower priority than gameplay-related features.
sirNemanjapro wrote:
Also, switched sides for Description...
I like it how it is...
sirNemanjapro wrote:
I could go on...
Simply. They only needed to UPDATE THE GAME, not CHANGE IT.
Like I said, Supremacy is not a BotF remake or a BotF clone. It's an entirely new game. If you don't like it, you're welcome to create your own game.