Star Trek Fan Games

A clock!
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Author:  sny420 [ 01 May 2009, 19:44 ]
Post subject:  A clock!

One of my favorite things about MoO3 and Civ4 is the in-game clock. I can play for hours and not lose track of time. I was playing supremacy until about 2am last nite... I thought it was only like 11pm. I even have a suggestion on where to put it. There's an area between "affiliation" and your empire's logo on the galaxy screen that kinda looks like a sideways pair of legs with feet. Maybe put a clock that's tied to your desktop's clock on one of those "legs". I don't know much about programming (aside from basic, v-basic and a little C++) but it seems like a fairly easy thing to implement.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 01 May 2009, 22:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

That's actually quite a good idea. The clock in Civ4...and WoW for that matter...has been a godsend. I'll send Mike a PM and see what he says. He hasn't been on the forums in a week or two though, and the Easter update is overdue, so I hope nothing has happened to him...

By the way, welcome to the forums. :)

Author:  mstrobel [ 06 May 2009, 16:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

Sorry for the late reply--I've been buried under a mountain of work lately. An in-game clock sounds like a great idea, and pretty easy to implement too. I'll add it to my to-do list. Thanks for the idea!


Author:  Stromgarde [ 27 May 2009, 18:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

The game titled "1701 AD" actually has audio reminders for the player to consider doing something else for a while. It's a great thing. Not to say that the same should be done here, but a clock in the game would definitely be a welcome thing. :winkthumb:

Author:  ScottRV [ 12 Jun 2009, 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

I love the idea of a clock.

How about a stardate?

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 12 Jun 2009, 13:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

We discussed the idea of a stardate counter a loooong time ago on the forums. We eventually decided not to include this when A) we realised no one could agree on what stardates actually represent and B) we would probably end up with people complaining the counter was "wrong" when their advancement along the techtree didn't match the state of technology in the various episodes and films.

Of course, that was a discussion related to Gavin's old game, long before Supremacy came on the scene. So anything is possible.

Author:  jszrom [ 24 Jun 2009, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

We should also add the stardate!

Author:  frontierloc [ 03 Jul 2009, 18:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

I like the stardate idea :D
A good stardate timing system will be cool!

Author:  frontierloc [ 03 Jul 2009, 19:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

These are my opinions:
First, stardate gives the player more true feelings about a Trek game(ship commission dates, first contacts,etc).
Second, adjust those stardates with new technologies would be more interesting
For example: each year is 1000 stardates :?: , you have completed researching a new technology level in A turns for B Trek years.
Let's take 1000 B : A and you will have the standard stardate for each turn.
Just a stupid idea from a new guy. However, keep up the good work, I hope you do well!Qapla'!!! :D

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 03 Jul 2009, 21:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

It would look nice. I am sure not everyone would agree on the dates but then so what. We fight over everything else. :borg:

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 06 Jul 2009, 23:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

No we don't!

( :lol: )

Author:  mstrobel [ 20 Dec 2009, 19:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

supremacy_clock.png [ 25.49 KiB | Viewed 6118 times ]


Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 20 Dec 2009, 22:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!


I'll start adding this to my updates lists in future. :bigthumb:

Author:  viceadmiralv [ 20 Dec 2009, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

our time has come.

Author:  mstrobel [ 20 Dec 2009, 23:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

viceadmiralv wrote:
our time has come.


Author:  Lord_Phan [ 10 Jan 2010, 23:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

I'd prefer gregorian calendar dates, starting around Enterprise with turns defined in terms of months or years. Enterprise starts around the 2150's rights? How many turns does the game usually last on huge maps?

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 11 Jan 2010, 01:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: A clock!

We won't know how long a game will last until the content database is complete, and that won't be for a long while yet. We're also planning to make a change to the techtree which will stir things, and i've got thousands of updates to do to the game content, so it's impossible to predict.

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