Star Trek Fan Games

Supremacy ships design
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Author:  starfleet.command [ 04 Aug 2009, 10:02 ]
Post subject:  Supremacy ships design

Hello dear friends, I have in mind a small idea. I viewed the site of "TREKWAR" and I play myself a game which names " SPACE EMPIRES 5 ". I think that SUPREMACY would need an additional interface with for concept that of the design of vessels by including all the technologies of engines, weapons, shields, warp drive, etc... known in STAR TREK. What do you think?


Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 04 Aug 2009, 14:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supremacy ships design

It is an interesting idea. It would be up to the combat engine and Cdrwolfe as much as Mike. What would it take as far as coding? We should be thinking about what it means to the flow of game play as well.

Supremacy to me is about building an empire and managing fleets more than individual ships. If it could be done without slowing down game play it would be fine. I would not want micromanagement to suck the fun out of the game.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 04 Aug 2009, 17:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supremacy ships design

If you mean that you would like Supremacy to have a ship design screen, then i'm pretty sure Mike will say no to the idea. One of the main features of Birth of the Empires is that players can adjust the stats of their new ship designs before they go into production, by adjusting a slider so you increase or decrease the amount and type of the weapons, armor, and shields of a ship. Making these adjustments also changes the associated costs of the future ship design.

Since this is a main feature of BotE, Mike doesn't want to include a similar feature because he doesn't want Supremacy to be in direct competition; the games *should* have their own unique features. They obviously still have a bit of friendly competion going on though.

Mike will be adding features on to the game in future though - there's a whole host of features that are yet to be implemented, and some of them i'm really looking forward to - you may have noticed me hinting about them on the forums lately, even though Mike has told me to keep shut about them. :mischief:

So whilst Supremacy might be "missing out" on this particular feature, it will be making up for it in other areas. :)

Author:  cdrwolfe [ 04 Aug 2009, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supremacy ships design

Oh but you can tell me right :D :D :love:

Regards Wolfe

Author:  starfleet.command [ 05 Aug 2009, 07:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supremacy ships design

Hello Matress_of_evil, i'm sorry if my idea is little " irrelevant" and does not correspond to your projects but I had forgotten that all the equipments were already included on vessels.

I want to share a personal idea, because in the game you have the particularity to recruit some "personnel". I thought maybe adding into vessels, the "marines", some boarding sections. In fact, in the 3d combat interface, these marines have the particularity to capture enemy ships when they have no shields.
(i've seen it in the STARFLEET COMMAND I, II, III games)

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 05 Aug 2009, 11:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Supremacy ships design

No one's ideas are irrelevant on the forums, starfleet, and I have never said yours were either. You just didn't know that similar ideas had already been proposed, nor about how Mike felt about this particular feature. And as I haven't spoke to Mike in a while due to his boss turning him into a slave, it's entirely possible he might have changed his mind about it since I spoke to him last. I just passed on the most recent info that I have about the feature.

Having marines in the game is a combat-specific idea issue rather than a Supremacy-specific idea. You'll therefore need to speak to CdrWolfe rather than Mike about that. (Since Wolfe is making the combat system) Capturing Ships/Marines have been discussed in the past before though, and he was unsure as to whether the combat engine that he's using is complex enough to be able to support such options. It's been a while since he discussed it though so I don't know if he knows for sure yet.

I've got Starfleet Command 2: EAW myself and I recently..."acquired"...Starfleet Command 3. I love them both, but overall I think that SFC2 is better than SFC3. SFC3 just feels way too dumbed down compared to SFC2 and the weapons seem to cause random amounts of damage. Phasers often cause zero damage even at point-blank range and I've managed to destroy ships that apparently had more than 50% hull strength, even though I wasn't even targeting key systems like the Warp Core. :?

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