Star Trek Fan Games

independent Asteroid field
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Author:  starfleet.command [ 01 Oct 2009, 13:44 ]
Post subject:  independent Asteroid field

In the game, we have all types of space bodies like the nebula, the Black Hole, the Wormhole... ect. My idea would be to propose the creation of independent Asteroid fields that have certain properties. Example: for resources such as Dilithium, Deuterium, Raw Materials ... ect.
What you think about?

Author:  Iceman [ 01 Oct 2009, 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: independent Asteroid field

*IMO* a bad idea. Asteroids are found in star systems, not in deep space (except in Trek War, of course :grin: ).
The problems that would arise would be, would you "colonize" the asteroid belt? Would you have (yet another...) ship type to mine those independent asteroids? How would you build structures on them? Could they be conquered or destroyed?
I'm not sure what this would add to the game. Systems already have Dilithium, Deuterium, Raw Materials. Nebulae will produce Deuterium. Asteroids in systems already are a source of more Raw Materials (pending a fix).
Just my opinion of course.

Author:  starfleet.command [ 01 Oct 2009, 15:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: independent Asteroid field

In fact i wanted to hint at this Voyager's episode "Homestead". Maybe empires can contest these fields of asteroids for mining operations and send some ships for collect some ressources.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 01 Oct 2009, 23:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: independent Asteroid field

The Homestead episode was actually on Virgin 1 today and I watched it. It was never stated that the Asteroid belt was in open space. They simply omitted whether it was near any planets. (The nearest known one is an M-class planet that was 103 light years away, but that doesn't mean there weren't any uninhabitable ones nearby)

Open sectors can be contested in the game already. Contested sectors are highlighted with rainbow-coloured lines.

I agree with .Iceman about this idea. I don't see the point since Asteroids are already in the game. And adding another map object means Mike would need to redo the map generation programming. The cost-benefit calculation is definitely leaning on the cost side.

Author:  starfleet.command [ 02 Oct 2009, 10:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: independent Asteroid field

You are right both, it is true that the star systems are immense and that sometimes fields of asteroids are included inside. Bad Starfleet.command!!! :brickwall:

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 02 Oct 2009, 12:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: independent Asteroid field

There's nothing to be ashamed of, starfleet. An idea is an idea. Don't think that just because we've said no, doesn't mean Mike will think the same way. Nor does it mean that just because we've turned this idea down, we will do the same to any future ideas you may have.

The whole point of the forums is to discuss the game. If we were to shoot down every idea we came across, there wouldn't be any point in having them. Just keep trying; anyone could come up with the one killer idea that will make the game THE game to play. :smile:

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