Star Trek Fan Games

All sections, report!
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Author:  Zweistein000 [ 02 Sep 2011, 11:44 ]
Post subject:  All sections, report!

Hello long time, no see. Just to tell you guys this: Even though I'm not posting, I monitor this sire monthly for any update on your project.

So my question is: What's going on on all fronts of the project and when can we expect that alpha, that was your target one year ago. Also doing some intermediate release at least every 6 months (but preferably every 2-3 months) wouldn't be bad and would probably attract more community.

And remember, I'm still itching to try out ANY update/change that has come since your ..what was it... 2006/2007 release.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 02 Sep 2011, 14:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Mike posted a limited release update to demo new images. He is still working on
diplomacy and other features needed for a wider release update. We have a
Federation and Klingon Alpha video introduction and the Romulans are 80 per
cent done. Image and model work is ongoing.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 02 Sep 2011, 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

We feel your pain. Mike says he works on it nearly every weekend which is pretty amazing as programming is also his day job.

Find programmers

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 02 Sep 2011, 20:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Captain Bashir is the one doing the most visible work right now. His model render images are amazing. It is clear he has put in a lot of hours.

For my part I have to say that my wife and I have a disorder called children. This, I am told, comes from our unprotected sex. We have been slowly recovering over the years. Still it results in lost sleep, fatigue, anxiety, poverty and little spare time. That and work to pay for the PC I use to do the work takes most of any free time left.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 02 Sep 2011, 21:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Before you ask, the release that Kenneth mentioned is a developer-only release. Mike made it specifically so that we could test images and ensure that what we're working on will be compatible with the next release. The rest of the game (In the image release) does not work, which is why it hasn't been made publically available.

As well as the forums, we have a Facebook group Here where we are posting updates. Keep track of both for little snippets of information. :wink:

By the way, the most recent release of the game was May 2009, so we've actually had a more recent release than you think. :razz:

Author:  Zweistein000 [ 02 Sep 2011, 23:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Still.. you're not gonna get more fans with 2 years old, pre-alpha release.

Sorry if I sound mean and evil, but I much desire to live to see this game one day.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 03 Sep 2011, 01:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

We who are working on it are working as fast as we can. I had no usable skills for this when we started. It is a way for me to learn on the job. You are welcome to help. Just find a way to become useful.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 03 Sep 2011, 07:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Mike's a great guy (as are everyone here at the site) so I am about to take C++ programming classes in order to work with him on a daily basis! I'm kinda kidding but not so much. :mischief:

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 03 Sep 2011, 07:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

BTW : Kenneth, thanks...
Here is the Regula 1 station in progress.

Test Regula.png
Test Regula.png [ 192.2 KiB | Viewed 19001 times ]

Author:  Torkani [ 03 Sep 2011, 08:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Bashir, Supremacy is programmed in c#, not c++.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 03 Sep 2011, 16:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Dang, I'm in the wrong class... :brickwall: lol

Author:  mstrobel [ 04 Sep 2011, 00:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Captain Bashir wrote:
Mike's a great guy (as are everyone here at the site) so I am about to take C++ programming classes in order to work with him on a daily basis! I'm kinda kidding but not so much. :mischief:
A noble gesture, but Supremacy is a rather complex piece of software. I wouldn't let anyone near it without the equivalent of a Computer Science degree, or at least 3+ years of relevant experience :). Too many subtleties in the design.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 04 Sep 2011, 01:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Yeah I was pretty sure that was the case. Of course I was just joking. It was fun to think about though. I have always found programming extremely interesting. :grin:

Author:  mstrobel [ 04 Sep 2011, 05:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Captain Bashir wrote:
Yeah I was pretty sure that was the case. Of course I was just joking. It was fun to think about though. I have always found programming extremely interesting. :grin:
Well, the source code is public, so you can always go exploring :).

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 04 Sep 2011, 06:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

I've looked some. Which just makes me know I need the classes. :lol:

Hey Kenneth, you had never mentioned children before. How many? Any in college yet?

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 04 Sep 2011, 15:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

I have two daughters and they are great.

Just kidding about them being a chronic disease. It took 20 plus years and they are out of college now.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 04 Sep 2011, 15:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

I have two sons and they are great too. Both done with college and also one with a condo that he keeps pretty cleaned out. The chronic disease analogy was still hilarious. Parents get it!

Author:  vjeko1701 [ 04 Sep 2011, 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Hehehe, you have children older than quote Kirk: "Young. I feel young."

The engineering kid.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 04 Sep 2011, 19:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

With Trek we cross the great cultural divide of age.

Author:  vjeko1701 [ 04 Sep 2011, 20:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!


I have a little nephew though, hhehehe, it's not the same but still.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 04 Sep 2011, 21:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Hey vjeko is my third son, the engineer I always wanted. Heck, he's Kenneth's engineering son too. Sound's like K_O_B could use a son. :smile:

PS Call me captain, this post is 1335.

Author:  mstrobel [ 05 Sep 2011, 04:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

I think I'm right around the median age of our group. It works out well, since I can relate reasonably well to everyone else.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 05 Sep 2011, 18:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

It's amazing, the broad appeal of Star Trek. Both sexes and at any age.

Author:  Iver [ 06 Sep 2011, 15:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Ok, great!
Any rough estimation when we can expect the next release??
What kind of feature can we expect for this one?


Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 06 Sep 2011, 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Welcome Iver, we are glad to see you here.

I am hoping Mike will make the major components function allowing for multiplayer games online. That would be things like diplomacy, espionage along with the colonization, combat and system build. For my part I am just coming up on three of five major race introduction videos. Let's hope Mike is as far along or more.

Author:  Iver [ 07 Sep 2011, 09:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Hey Kenneth, thanks for the welcome. As you see, i registred ages ago on this forum, but so far i have been mostly reading and sayed slient for a really long time ;)
Great to hear about the features! For my part i am fine with no enemy AI, as i would anyway play in mulitplayer to have some wife-ish battles :)
I read that i takes ages to prgramm and you guys lack programmers. Unfortunately, I am not one, but i will still try to help your project where I can.

I am totally looking forward to your next release and i hope for more people to join your team to get stuff going. :bolian:

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 07 Sep 2011, 14:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Thanks Iver. It is good to finally have your feedback. It is good to see there are still some in Ireland that can afford to stay online. (Just kidding, I mean no offense to my ancestral homeland)

Author:  Iver [ 07 Sep 2011, 15:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
Thanks Iver. It is good to finally have your feedback. It is good to see there are still some in Ireland that can afford to stay online. (Just kidding, I mean no offense to my ancestral homeland)

haha, good one! But have to dissapoint you unfortunately, I am just a "German" born in Poland who emigrated to Ireland a few years ago ;)
(Crazy Europeans! :D )

I am not sure what you mean though, they have electricty in Ireland since a few years, and we started using 56 kbit modems last year!

(a joke :twistedlaugh: )

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 07 Sep 2011, 16:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

I did notice they had electricity the last time I was in Dublin. :wink:
- really love the Germans and Polish too.

There was at least one person I recall trying to get their head around all the new races showing up in Ireland at that time.
:borg: :vulcan: :jemhadar: :klingon: :orion: :romulan: :cardassian: :bolian: :gripe:

Author:  cdrwolfe [ 11 Sep 2011, 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: All sections, report!

mstrobel wrote:
Captain Bashir wrote:
Mike's a great guy (as are everyone here at the site) so I am about to take C++ programming classes in order to work with him on a daily basis! I'm kinda kidding but not so much. :mischief:
A noble gesture, but Supremacy is a rather complex piece of software. I wouldn't let anyone near it without the equivalent of a Computer Science degree, or at least 3+ years of relevant experience :). Too many subtleties in the design.

Amen to that :D

These things seem infinitely more complex after the fact lol.

Regards Wolfe

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