BOTE - ChangelogJanuary 2004 - January 2011V0.72 -> V0.8 (Alpha 6)
New Views and Events:
- Complete new Khaoron skin
- Reworked some older skins
- New views for ship combat tactics, ship combat orders and ship combat information implemented
- New event for ship combat implemented
- New event for the end game (Game Over) implemented
- Implemented new event for the destruction of a race
- New event on extinction of a race
- Implemented new event for victory
- New Demographics view
- New Top-5 systems view
- New victory conditions view
New Features:
- Khaoron as new playable race
- Space anomalies implemented
- Presentation, Tooltips, AI attention implemented for space anomalies
- Frequency of space anomalies via the options dialog and command set Ini
- Various victory conditions added
- For victory in Optionsdialog and ini file set
- While the game does not disable more changeable options in the Options dialog
- Wireframe sphere around graphics on terraforming planets
- Display of the exact morale change in the behind the Morale Event Impieriumsnachrichtenübersicht
- Implemented event for morale empire extinction of system attack
- Un-buildable orders are shown with a darker background
- Select a resource symbol before construction contract for special buildings (building work without compulsion)
- A new flagship icon
- New shipicon for stealth ships
- Labelled vessels are highlighted with an oval glow
- Observance of avoidance and retreat commands in the fight calculation
- New morale events (flagship destroyed, outpost destroyed, starbase destroyed)
- Switching through systems in trade view with arrow keys
- Renewed sequence of calculations during the new round (of ship movements from ship combat system against attack)
- Extension of the statistical calculations to demographics and match points
- Security reports can now be sorted via different parameters (in ascending or descending)
- But can never gain experience
- For negative credits may no longer be built warships
- Building the x-can be built only once per empire or only from a certain race to be removed during system acquisition (eg, distributors)
- If you are affiliated with a Minor Race that can build ships, their system will have a shipyard when they join you
- Troops with troops and descriptions come from StringTable.txt (language dependent)
- Work assignment bars are now displayed slightly rounded off
- Destroyed Empire (human and AI controlled) are now properly removed
- Event in first contact increased font size for breed description
- Increases to maximum Tooltipwidth 300px
- Research at game start a little slower, afterwards a little faster
- Combat AI implemented
- In assessing the dangerousness of sectors go defensive strengths of vessels is an only half
- The less Terraform options are available, the higher Außenpostenbauprioritäten
- Maneuverability is now relatively strong in the evaluation of offensive and defensive strengths ship
- System-AI largely improved
- War is declared only when really militarily stronger
- On ship dismantling ships were not in the fleet added to the Shiphistory
- Ship orders are correctly reset on completion of terraforming, colonization and Substations for all vessels involved
- First contact in event was not for lack of the graphic image displayed in the absence of graphics
- Fixed buffer overflow in internal security points and negative bonuses in the calculation Intel
- Fixed bug when undoing the racial acquaintance between two races (always made known)
- Bug fix in the calculation of the fight beam attack
- Fixed error in the copy constructor and assignment operator for ships
- Are in stock now negative Credit not grant credit huge gifts by diplomacy offer
- Are selected for terraforming planets no longer shown as a straight terra formed when the command changes
- Pointer to display a tooltip does not change now
- Fixed a bug in the display of fleet names of minor race ships
Internal code:
- Optimization of struggle calculation (Performance +)
- Built-in function to the overall chance of winning calculation
- New generic function for drawing a ship (view, view fleet, fight view)
- New general function to clear vessels (and thereby also to be noted that Fleet)
- General function to add new ships to Shiphistory list
- New general function for calculating the required laps for a construction project
- Internal Star Maps (range map) can now be created for individual race
- Star maps are calculated at a central location once and not at various points during next round ()
- New virtual Close () function for event screens (what happens when you close a screen event)
- Static Font object for sector labels no longer needed
- Modified post-frequent increments of iterators in pre-incrememtents (Performance +)
- Implemented in some parts missing const correctness
- Technically revised fleet menu code
- Mouse overs and redraw drastically in all views of the ships
- Pre_increments wherever possible and memset programmed more safely
- New backgroundmusic for Hayoun, Khaorons and Rotharians
- New Building "Omega Homeyard"
- Spelling mistake fixed
- Added alien-ships in shiplist (but ingame not used yet)
- Recolored small duranium- and energyicon
V0.71 -> V0.72
- Scroll bars are hidden by default in the galaxy view
- New initiatives commands (scroll bars show, star and system density Minor)
- Implemented scrolling with the left mouse button in galaxy view
- Tech level in organic, energy and construction technology to give 2% bonus on each production
- Systems of resources distribution in system overview marked (* before resource)
- Implemented more tech level (plus possible future technologies)
- Bribe resistance implemented
- Tooltips implemented many other
- Ships of unknown breeds appear anywhere, anytime with a question mark icon
- Trade routes always generate a minimal credit (previously also possible NULL)
- Minor performance optimizations
- Fixed some bugs
V0.70 -> V0.71 (Alpha 5.1)
- project set to VS2008 standard
- complete ToolTip-architecture implemented
- tooltips at various locations in program manifested
- tooltip delay in ini file modifiable
- minors build their own ships
- new symbols for all minors with ships
- scrollbars in galaxy view disabled by default
- new ini commands (turn scrollbar on/off, star and minor system density on galaxy map)
- scrolling with pressed-down left mouse-button and dragging implemented
- tech level increasings in bio-, energy
- and construction tech yields a 2% bonus on corresponding production value
- systems with resource allocators are labelled with a * before the resource in system overview
- further tech levels implemented (plus future techs)
- bribe resistance implemented
- a lot of new tooltips implemented at various locations in-game
- ships of unknown races are labelled with a question mark everywhere they show up
- trade routes generate at least 1 credits (before ZERO credits were possible)
- smaller performance optimizations
- multi-button mouse extra buttons for switching systems
- right click resets system, duration and resource button in diplomacy offer menu
- maneuvrability now internally up to 9 (phenomenal)
- some new structure and ship graphics
- some balancing changes at building and ships stats
- (near-)all bugs reported in Alpha5 v0.7 fixed
- crashes at turn shift by wild mouse clicking should now be fixed (respectively less often occuring)
- copyright information updated to the year 2010
V_0.62b -> V0.7 (Alpha5)
- complete code restructuring and partial reprogramming
- Use of GDI+ (no longer the simpler GDI)
- much higher resolution on galaxy map plus mini-map for better overview
- atmospheric event screens at certain in-game events
- Cartare Invaders as playable race (but no longer the Khaoron due to race skin copyrights)
- new graphics in virtually every part of the game (planets, ships, buildings, troops)
- new atmospheric music and sound
- new buildings with exciting new abilities
- new ships especially for minor races with fitting realistic description
- a few new race images
- new fonts
- Maintainance costs for ships
- Crew experience and troop experience implemented (however without experience gain at ship battles yet)
- completely new race system with unlimited major races (requires modding of course)
- Firearcs, weapon mounts etc. for a lot more differentiated battles
- lots of balancing adaptions (diplomacy, research, ships, combat)
- different starting conditions for each major (especially starting number and type of ships)
- a lot of bugfixes as usual
- additional display information in ship design
- display of available resources on planets in system view
- plus
- and minus-buttons for easier reallocation of workers
- Deritium demands and gifts now possible within diplomacy menu
- like a ton of improvements at code framework
- a lot of improvements on general look&feel
- complete German manual
- and lots more!
V_0.62 -> V0.62b
- War pact offerable when already having a war with the soon-to-be-common enemy
- AI collects ships now before a system attack
- Combat without shooting his allied fleet (deliberately) now possible
- Draw in combat possible (and reported)
- Performance optimizations
- Buttons in Diplomacy offer menu are reacting now
- Time for developing later tech levels slightly reduced
- small changes to the major race diplomacy AI
- Bugfixes
- Skin improvements
- Special research only needs 66% of research points (all research of the same level added up and then 66% of the RP)
- Cartare transporters 2 and 3 have now range high
V_0.60 -> V_0.62 (Alpha4 Refit)
- Start-buildings externally moddable
- contains name of graphic file to avoid translation issues
- contains diplomacy bonus
- new file: -> all morale values of all major races on each possible event having morale effects
- new file: -> text file for describing morale events at empire view
- Resource routes implemented
- GUI added for resource routes
- Deritium dependent on number of deposit-planets in system
- Maximum storage capacity added
- two complete new sets of special techs implemented
- Monopoly advantage of double resource production added
- Bug at bombardment fixed
- Diplomacy bug after conquering a minor race fixed
- Start-ships externally moddable
- Blockade (Order) implemented
- Blockade effects implemented
- dynamic race prefixes (thus easier modding)
- Minors have structures of their most similar major race
- conquered or diplomatically won minor systems have some resource right from the start
- Report about interstellar storage status
- complete new race UI for the Coalition of Planets
V_0.52 -> V_0.60 (Alpha4)
- complete Heyoun style built-in
- Heyoun playable as race
- complete intelligence system now in-game
- BotE is as of now resolution-independent
- no more restrictions to installation path choice
- BotE completely compatible with running under linux
- AI further enhanced
- AI bombards systems
- AI builds outposts in order to expand
- new global resource view
- new algorithm for galaxy generation
- additional new planetary graphics added
- new ship
- and building graphics added
- ship and building data modified resp. added
- new internal graphic loading system
- enhanced sound system
- voice output at important events added
- higher resolution of galaxy map therefore more detailed graphics
- again changes to the bombardment damage
- new torpedo type added (for details see ship editor)
- free minor race systems are displayed in white color
- new Coalition emblem on galaxy map
- planet bonusses too small -> fixed
- known grammar issues fixed
- all known bugs fixed
- new ini-commands, i.e. difficulty level (AI) adjustable
V_0.51 -> V_0.52
- AI tears down superfluous buildings
- bugs from the Khaoron update fixed
- invasion of independent/ungoverned systems possible
- additional buttons sensitive to mouseovers
- surplus population at colonization will be redistributed where possible
- no discrete planet selection possible anymore when colonizing
- obsolete ship classes are no longer shown inside ship design menu
- changes to ship cost calculation
- changes to system attack
- (hopefully) removal of program termination at the end of turn
- (hopefully) removal of load and save error
- RAM-usage at turn end reduced from ca. 80MB to ca. 30MB
- (hopefully) graphic (stars) load and display bug fixed
- algorithms for system bombardement changed, so that more damage will be done
- fleet terraforming crash fixed
- non-inhabited, terraformed planets will be painted white
- further known bugs fixed
V_0.50 -> V_0.51
- complete Khaoron style inbuilt
- Khaorons playable as race
- all known bugs fixed
- new build and ship list
- new ship pics
- changes to the diplomacy AI (AI demands less frequently)
- change of relationship to the mininum value on the given level after accepting treaty
- fonts are smoothed in their own way
- optimization in the graphics load function
V_0.45v -> V_0.50 (Alpha3)
- partially AI implementation
- AI manages systems
- AI builds ships and fleets
- AI colonizes systems
- AI expands on the map
- AI reacts on enemy ships
- AI sets up traderoutes
- military strength has impact on treaty proposals
- Minorraces terraform planets in their home system
- Terraforming help of planets in
minorracesystems improves relationships - Deritium transport via transporter built-in
- new sound effects on various locations
- setting up either hardware
- or software sounddevice via ini-command
- miscellaneous background music for the major races
- current ship routes made visual
- all lists inside the empire view now scrollable
- Overhaul of ship costs at the ship design menu
- Maintainance costs will now be taken into calculations
- many, many new planet images added
- revisioned Rotharian galaxy map
- new buildings including their graphic files added to the data base
- new ships added
- further ship names added
- ship name generating a bit changed
- new minor races implemented
- all minor race descriptions reviewed
- several new minor race special buildings added
- new Rotharian font
- new Font-Loader class programmed
- Descriptions for special research and planetary classes no longer hardcoded
- Bug with non-combat-ships-only-battle fixed
- Bug with list sort fixed
- Bug with buildings with empire-wide moral effects fixed
- Bug with setting up trade routes fixed
- many smaller optimizations done
V_0.45b -> V0.45c
- improved netcode
- Soundbug filling up RAM fixed
- smaller changes on the balancing
- ini-file now available in botf2 folder
- cleaned up smaller bugs
- a colony ship can now colonize more than one planet simultaneously by splitting up the colonists
V_0.45 -> V0.45b
- Bug with visible trade routes fixed
- Bug with Deritium mines fixed
- to load a save game won't lead to crashes any longer
- Autosave function implemented
- load game added to game start dialog
- Clients can save games now
- increased pop growth
V_0.42 -> V_0.45 (Alpha2)
- some smaller bugs fixed
- FMOD Sound-engine for audio-playback
- Cloaking built-in complete
- Buildings overview slightly changed
- ingame ship-design completed
- further areas of special research implemented
- Display of status symbols reworked
- galaxy map slightly reworked
- some menu-repositionings
- complete network-functionality implemented
- ingame Chat
- complete new planetary graphics added
- Rotharian building placed in the code
- several minor bugs fixed
V_0.41 -> V_0.42
- all known bugs from the alpha1-version fixed
- always save as.. added
- Traderoutes added
- Stellar depository (for food and resources) added
- Upgrade-costs for building are now calculated different, when somehow related buildings are scapped
- Troops/Units implemented
- Troops can be built now
- System-attack added
- System-bombardement added
- military conquering of enemy systems now added
- all messages and morale effects related to system attacks are now implemented
- Optimization of savegame-size
- Transportation with ships added
- workers menu slightly changed
- Planet-boni added
- Territories similar to Botf added
- Deritium deposits added
- many additional ship properties implemented
- battle-algorithms adapted to new ship properties and stats
- Display of latinum change with respect to last turn
V_0.40 -> V_0.41
- new graphics added
- Bug with fleet movement fixed
- new empire news overview added
- many news for player
- Display of available resources on planets
- System overview added
- Ship overview of available ships added
- Ship overview of lost ships added
- partial morale system with people's opinion implemented
- Bug fixed that AI did not offer defense pact
- Display of research descriptions added
- Menu handling in buildings overview and energy menu improved
- all current Coalition graphics added
- all diplomatic texts added
- some minorraces added
- some Bugs fixed
V_0.35 -> V_0.40
- 4 smaller bugs fixed
- smaller optimizations taken -> 30% lower ram usage
- first small networking code added
- 2 new building characteristics added
- BotE now compatible to BotE buildings editor
- BotE now compatible to BotE minor race editor
- Number of system names now variable
- first prerelease version of battle algorithm
- optimized galaxy view (i.e. faster, improved controls, better graphics, etc.)
- range map improved
- highly optimized pathfinding algorithm for ships on map (Dijkstra algorithm)
- multicolored suns in star systems
- new planet descriptions and view
- ca. 100 minor races in-game
- 200 buildings of Coalition, Heyoun and Khaoron
- Scanning and scan strength implemented
- several small bugs fixed and optimizations made
- build list now scrollable
- many smaller things added
V_0.32 -> V_0.35
- global stock exchange added
- stock exchange management implemented
- Costs of quick-buy of build job now depending on stock exchange prices
- Quick-buy of build job has effects on stock market price
- tax income for monopoly owners
- monopoly acquisition now working
- monopoly overview menu implemented
- news of monopoly acquisition implemented
- Transfer overview menu added
- Market prices of resources are display in a chart
- no fixed number of buildings in database necessary anymore
- system class reworked (build list abstracted)
- build list is now its own class
- system class reworked (production abstracted)
- system production is now its own class
- building features reworked and added
- Algorithm for buildings and upgrades in build list re-done
- empire-wide moral effects added
- buildings scrapping reworked
- several small bugs fixed
- saving and loading game possible
V_0.31 -> V_0.32
- Fleet view added
- Fleet management implemented
- Ship orders now applicable to fleets
- window graphics no longer changeable
- scroll bars in menus removed where they were not needed
- colored bars alongside ship pics that show the "health" of a ship added
- Flagship declaration now possible
- Ship designmenu completely added
- now nigh-infinitely many ships addable to fleets
- Fleet management control extended (direct adding and removing according to ship type)
V_0.3 -> V_0.31
- Bug in building list fixed
- Ship classes completely reviewed and reworked where necessary
- Ships are now buildable
- Deritium is now storable
- automatic ship name generation (just Terrans)
- Ship display at lower view reworked
- Ship orders partially implemented
- Terraforming of planets possible
- Colonization of planeten possible
- Construction of stations now possible
- Scrap-order added
V_0.27 -> V_0.3
- Bug at defense pact offers by AI player solved
- AI now also offers war pacts
- AI makes gifts
- AI makes demands
- AI not only considers their own relations at trade offer but also the one of their counterpart
- Bug at accepting demands by player fixed
- Bug (crash in diplomacy view with little minors in-game) fixed
- AI reacts on player-made demands
- Text at AI-major race offers available
- AI also accepts offers from minor races
- AI makes offers to minor races
- AI makes gifts to minor races
- AI can bribe minor races
- Deterioration of relationships lowered when not directly declaring war
- Accepting offers of minors depending on their type of minor
V_0.26 -> V_0.27
- diplomacy with major races partially implemented except for accrediting given resources
- diplomatic answers of majors
- pics of majors added
- automatic treaty cancellation bug with minor races fixed
- relationship deterioration bug after refusal by minors fixed
- nearly all texts for the special techs added
- after refusal, resources and gifts are put back on the original account
- when accepting offers, sent-along credits are properly added to your number of credits
- Check for alliances on war declaration
- Defense pact added
- War pact implemented
- Resource-gifts only possible when already having a trade contract
- some effects of treaties on sectors
- partly implementation of major race AI
- Quicksort-Algorithm for sorting used
- Gifts to major races as well as their effects
- Gifts on offers to major races are considered
- AI gives gifts when offering treaties now as well
- AI determines duration of a treaty at offer
- Bug in diplomacy input menu fixed
- global mean storage resources in statistics
V_0.25 -> V_0.26
- long-term good relationships to minors makes it more difficult for other to "bribe in"
- Bribing of minors completely implemented
- research screen slightly changed
V_0.24 -> V_0.25
- Algorithm for building in the build-list reworked
- Diplo-Offers now dependant on current relationship level to the other race
- minor races do offers now
- Diplomacy-Input-Screen added
- Reaction to offers from minor races possible
- minor races can terminate a contract/deal
- latinum gifts implemented
- resource gifts implemented
- minor races consume ressources
- diplomatic offer screen changed
- news about successfully sent gifts
- membership leads to adding the system to your control
- minor race dissociation leads to canceling membership treaty and deterioration of relationship value
- common shipyard use in alliance and affiliation
- display of many new diplomatic texts
- treaties are now manually cancelable
- graphics for the buildmenu at CoPs and rot added
- minor race specific buildings available in build list after membership
- Value of resource gifts depend on type
- probability of war declaration dep. on type
V_0.23 -> V_0.24
- Diplomacyscreen
- Offers added
- diplomatic offers to smaller races possible
- News about diplomatic offers
V_0.2 -> V_0.23
- added minor races
- "Getting to know each other" amongst minor races now possible
- Diplomacyscreen
- Information added
- Relations to minor races implemented
- Sending gifts
- News about transfered gifts
- Colors implemented at the workers-assignment-bar
V_0.19b -> V_0.2
- planetary graphics worked over
- now 10 graphics per class available
- system-secession at low morale
- Researchscreen
- normal research completely implemented
- special research to a great extend implemented
- complex: Economics, Production, Research and Security/Intel implemented
- News about research advancements
V_0.19 -> V_0.19b
- Informationscreen added
- industrial news
- famines
- news about famines
- morale-minus when having famine in system
V_0.00 -> V_0.19a
- general Look&Feel
- completed generating of the galaxy
- Galaxy-, Buildmenu-, Energymenu-, workermenu-, Overviewmenu-screen built-in
- general functionality of all menus
- many small things..