because doesn't satisfy us anymore, since some months, in a manner that downloads are not possible anymore ....
Unfortunately, our SVN bridge has been having performance issues lately. One option is to use TFS directly to checkout your code. Sorry for the troubles.
CodePlex Team
...we are looking for a new homebase for BotE-Source Code.
Does anybody have (negativ) info about ? (btw: How do they earn their money?)
We want to upload our source code and complete game files too, e.g. all the graphics and sounds provided to us by the artists. I did already a quick view to but my English isn't good enough to do all the text, and for snares not at all.
Thanks for your feedbacks and help

PS: bitbucket (used by Mike) seems not to fit to us because of the limit of 5 "uploaders" at free version (as far as I have read)