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 Diplomacy crash 
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Communications Officer
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Joined: 29 Nov 2012, 18:19
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Posting here, after more than three years since the last post on this topic... while playing this build (20121204b) yesterday, I sent an alliance proposal to the Romulans and my game crashed to desktop. That's one glitch. Kenneth of Borg advised me to upload the error file, but that file was blank, with 0 bytes. So I guess that's another glitch.

08 Dec 2012, 11:41
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I've split this post from the other thread, as it's a completely new build and a new problem.

Notice that diplomacy and agents are still a WiP, Mike's been working on them. None of the log files reported anything relevant?

Asking for credits from an allied minor also crashes the game, and recalling an agent that is assigned to a minor from the Embassy screen freezes the game. I'm sure there are more.

Thanks for the report!

08 Dec 2012, 11:58
Communications Officer
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Oh, I didn't notice the other ones yet, with the credits and recalling agents. But now that you mention it, the credits are not entirely displayed, maybe because of the larger font. And there was something the game said right before crashing. I'll check again and post it here.

08 Dec 2012, 12:07
Communications Officer
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Well, this is extremely strange! :rolleyes: Last time my game crashed due to the same error, the "Error.txt" file was blank. Now it contains lots of data about the crash. Anyway, here it is:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Server stack trace:
at Supremacy.Personnel.DiplomaticEnvoyMission.StationedPhase.OnTransitionedTo(MissionPhase lastPhase) in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Personnel\DiplomaticEnvoyMission.cs:line 336
at Supremacy.Personnel.Mission.TransitionToPhase(MissionPhase phase) in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Personnel\Mission.cs:line 251
at Supremacy.Personnel.DiplomaticEnvoyMission.OutboundPhase.OnTurnPhaseFinished(TurnPhase phase) in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Personnel\DiplomaticEnvoyMission.cs:line 193
at Supremacy.Personnel.Mission.OnTurnPhaseFinished(TurnPhase phase) in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Personnel\Mission.cs:line 389
at Supremacy.Personnel.Mission.Supremacy.Game.IGameTurnListener.OnTurnPhaseFinished(GameContext game, TurnPhase phase) in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Personnel\Mission.cs:line 419
at Supremacy.Personnel.Agent.Supremacy.Game.IGameTurnListener.OnTurnPhaseFinished(GameContext game, TurnPhase phase) in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Personnel\Agent.cs:line 363
at Supremacy.Game.GameEngine.OnTurnPhaseFinished(GameContext game, TurnPhase phase) in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Game\GameEngine.cs:line 151
at Supremacy.Game.GameEngine.DoTurn(GameContext game) in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyCore\Game\GameEngine.cs:line 223
at Supremacy.WCF.SupremacyService.<>c__DisplayClass46.<DoTurnCore>b__45() in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyService\SupremacyService.cs:line 619
at System.Linq.Observable.<>c__DisplayClass130.<>c__DisplayClass132.<ToAsync>b__12f()

Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at Supremacy.WCF.SupremacyService.<DoTurnCore>d__48.MoveNext() in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyService\SupremacyService.cs:line 622

Exception rethrown at [1]:
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()
at Supremacy.WCF.SupremacyService.<ProcessTurn>d__3b.MoveNext() in w:\Supremacy\Mainline\SupremacyService\SupremacyService.cs:line 535

Exception rethrown at [2]:
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<ThrowAsync>b__0(Object state)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean ignoreSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()


08 Dec 2012, 12:13
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This does not seem to have to do with the Romulans, but with assigning envoys to other races - and probably recalling them? It's probaly the same issue I mentioned. I'll check the log against mine.

I tried getting a Full Alliance (that's the one you were talking about, right?) with the romulans, and the first time I had a crash too; turns out I was playing around with agents and hit recall, hence the crash. Tried another game, and was able to get Full Alliances with all 4 empires, with no problem.

08 Dec 2012, 17:10
Communications Officer
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Ok, Iceman. I believe you are correct about the agents; they are the cause of this. I encountered a minor race (the Paradans) before the Romulans in that game and assigned an agent to them. I don't know how to recall an agent, so I don't know if I accidentally recalled him. I thought it was because of the diplomacy because that full alliance was the last thing I did before hitting the turn button. And what's worse, in the other 2 subsequent attempts, I met minor races to whom I sent agents right before meeting a major race and entering diplomacy, because I tried to recreate the exact conditions which were present at the first crash. Sorry for reporting a fake bug!! :silenced:

12 Dec 2012, 21:40
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Hehe, no prob, we don't know if it's a fake bug. It might be something I haven't run into yet. Seems like agents, but could be something else.
Recalling agents, there's a button for that in the agent's stats window. That button doesn't work in the Intel\Agents screen, but it crashes the game in the Embassy window (when you click on an agent to see his status). You can't recall them while they're en route to their destination BTW, only on the turn you assign them or when they get there.

13 Dec 2012, 09:35
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