Star Trek Fan Games

Minor bug with intelligence window
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Author:  Andi47 [ 06 Apr 2009, 14:24 ]
Post subject:  Minor bug with intelligence window

When I close the lock for one of the three options in the intelligence window (e.g. the lock at "internal affairs") and keep the button to the right of one of the other options pressed (e.g. for officers) until the percentage of the third option (in this example "external affairs") falls to zero, the percentage number of - in my example "officers" - will stop increasing correctly, so that the sum of all three won't rise above 100%, but the "percentage bar" will keep growing until it's full.

A screenshot (reduced in size) is attached to illustrate this bug.

Bug_percentage_bar1.jpg [ 80.95 KiB | Viewed 1490 times ]

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 06 Apr 2009, 15:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Minor bug with intelligence window

Thanks for that Andi, i'll pass this on to Mike. I believe he already knows of some bugs in the Intel screen though - Intel is still at a VERY early stage in development and is going to undergo some major changes soon (Not necessarily in the Easter update though). This problem has surfaced in the past so it's likely that the fix was accidentally removed or something, that's all.

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