Star Trek Fan Games

Production control bars don't work correctly
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Author:  Andi47 [ 08 Apr 2009, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Production control bars don't work correctly

I have seen this a few times, but often I thought "hmmm, maybe I have missed the button when clicking":

* When there is starvation in a stellar system and I reduce the number of working population in industry by one and increase the number of workers in food production by one, sometimes the food production (and thus the amount of food deficit) doesn't change.

* I just encountered this one in the Tak Tak system: I intend to build an Advanced Weapons Lab and so I wanted to check if I can produce enough energy: I took three workers from industry and put them into energy production: When I add the first worker, energy production increases to 12, when I add the second and third workers (the "dots" in the bare are lightened), energy production stays at 12. Now when I reduce the number of workers working in energy production by one (from 2 to 1 or from 3 to 2!!), energy production drops to zero!

I added a picture and a saved game where the (second case of the) bug occurs.

Dominion Turn [278.6 KiB]
Downloaded 147 times
Bug_Zero_Energy_a.jpg [ 104.12 KiB | Viewed 1367 times ]

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 08 Apr 2009, 16:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Production control bars don't work correctly

There is a known bug with the production bars and Mike knows about it, so it *should* be fixed with the Easter update. Thanks for pointing it out though, Andi.

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