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 Few bugs i have found and questions 
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Joined: 16 Apr 2009, 19:42
Posts: 2
I first of all I love this game so a big thanks to all building it.

I have found a few bugs some I think you are aware off and others I’m not sure but here they are:

1: Fabrication plants won't allow you to upgrade above level 2.
2: Fusion reactor won't allow you to upgrade above level 2.
3: Universities won't allow you to upgrade above level 5.
4: you don't get the option to even build the primitive farms or the Purification Works they have never showed up on any solar system at all to build.

5: you never get the option to build the Solar panel array, but once your universities have researched enough you can go straight into building the advanced solar array panel without upgrading but this is missing it image pic.

6: The Zalkonians image pic is missing and they have a item called the Bio-Electronic Guild which also has the image missing and I thing the amount off energy this needs to work has been inputted wrong, as it Costs 2680 to build and 2680 energy to run so you can build it but will never be able to use it as no solar system is ever going to be able to produce that amount of energy.

7: Also not sure if there is a problem with the Outpost, Science station and Starbase building as Outpost 2, Science station and Starbase's take around 100-150 turns to build, if this is the amount of time it does take to build it might be a good idea for you to add something to tell you the expected build time.

8: Also like the first BOFT you could combine two construction ships to speed up the build time will this be a possible option soon?
9: Is there any real reason to build the Transport Ship as there doesn't really seem any point to have it at all.
10: Also I can't build some of the new ships I have the option to build and I have Mark 2 Starship.
11: Also is there any reason to have resources in Intelligence seeing as there is not AI yet in the game?

Thanks for the great game all, I can't wait until the Easter Update is released.

16 Apr 2009, 20:16
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hey dark79angel, welcome to the forums! :)

I'm guessing that I really need to write a guide to the game of known problems. A lot of people have told me this now, but I keep typing out posts and explaining things over and over again to people; the upgrade problems are known - and have been fixed. The updated files simply haven't been released yet, that's all. I actually posted about the same problem (Although with the Dominion Rations Dispensers) only a few hours ago. I guess I shouldn't expect people to read the current other 5196 posts though. :P

An update is going to be released any time now. We're calling it the Easter update, but it's been delayed slightly so a better name would probably be the After-Easter update lol. Mike, the developer, has had to go to a week-long works conference thing and he also needs to write a special program that will convert my updated files into something that will be compatible with the existing Easter update. So chances are the After-Easter update will be released some time during the next two weeks.

The game will automatically prompt you that an update is available once the update is released; it contains a built-in auto-updater that checks your files against those on the update server; if there are any differences between your files and those on the server, (Unfortunately this also includes modifications you've made) the game will notify you of the update and will download the files located on the server.

During a normal game, you *shouldn't* need to build Primitive Farms; Primitive Farms are a stop-gap measure to prevent a colony from starving. They are the absolute basic amenities, are very cheap to build, and will generally only be buildable once the improved food production buildings have been destroyed (Orbital bombardment, terrorism, natural disaster...).

Purification Works is unbuildable because of a glitch in the Database - they should be buildable in any system that have a Terran or Oceanic or Jungle planet, but instead they are only buildable in systems that have a Terran AND an Oceanic AND a Jungle planet. This will glitch NOT be fixed in the After-Easter update because it was only identified a few days ago - but that was after I had already sent my updated files to Mike. It will be the first thing that I fix after the After-Easter update is released though.

It is intentional that the Advanced Solar Array is buildable without the Basic Array; they actually have different requirements, but this isn't immediately obvious. The Advanced Array has relaxed build requirements which make it a much more useful buildin, but since the requirements overlap, this means you can skip the Basic Array. My update does contain some changes to this, but nmore changes will be coming later. The missing image has been added as part of the update.

The Zalkonian image is NOT missing; it is simply named wrong, so the game can't find it. This has been fixed in the update. Their structure is missing an image because we haven't made one yet. The energy cost has been fixed in the After-Easter update. (It requires 110 energy now)

The game hasn't been balanced yet; it takes 100 turns to build the stations because the output of the construction ships is pathetic. I've made changes to the costs of both the stations and the output of the construction ships (And there are more construction ships now) but I will need to make more changes in the future. I do not know what Mike's plans are for allowing multi-ship construction, but I don't see any reason why he wouldn't implement this feature eventually.

The Transport is the Invasion ship; you need it to invade other systems. We did have plans to make it have many other uses as well, such as needing them to crew stations, needing them as part of colonization, etc, but we've recently decided our plans were getting too complicated for players and so we scaled things back. So Transports only have uses for invasion.

The ships are a bit of a mess in the version of the game you have. I've been working on a major overhaul of the ships to fix that. I'm only half way through it though, so the After-Easter update will only half fix the shiplist. The Cardassian ships are definitely all working though because I have completed their shiplist.

The Intel screen is a work-in-progress and going to have a major overhaul soon (Not neccessarily as part of the After-Easter update though). I'm sworn to secrecy on the details at the moment i'm afraid because We want it to be a surprise. :wink:

Thanks for the feedback, and I hope you continue to do so. And I can't wait for the update either! :lol:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


16 Apr 2009, 23:48
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Joined: 16 Apr 2009, 19:42
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Thanks for the reply

I do think it might be a really good idea for you to have a list off the known faults and bugs that you are already aware off and have been fixed, might be a good idea to set it up in categories to make it easier to find and as you said save you keep getting repeat posts.

Thanks again.

17 Apr 2009, 19:26
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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I wrote one last night, dark79angel. :wink:

Check It Out

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


18 Apr 2009, 00:26
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