Star Trek Fan Games

Multithreading bug
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Author:  Overlord [ 19 May 2009, 17:00 ]
Post subject:  Multithreading bug


apparently there is some sort of a multithreading bug.
If I set the process affinity of SupremacyClient.exe to all cores my CPU utilization is as follows:
File comment: With all cores
allcores.jpg [ 124.65 KiB | Viewed 3861 times ]

And with only one core:
File comment: With one core
onecore.jpg [ 128.46 KiB | Viewed 3861 times ]

Author:  mstrobel [ 19 May 2009, 17:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

Hey Overlord, I didn't know you were affiliated with the Jad Engine--I've been following that project for a while. It's pretty cool. I've been thinking about using it for our combat engine.

This is certainly odd. I've got a multi-core machine, and I haven't noticed this before, but I'll do some testing. Thanks for the post!

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 19 May 2009, 19:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

Did I hear someone say combat engine?!?!
It would be wonderful just to have a simple (rock paper scissors and no 3D combat view) temporary combat fix in the alpha. It would be wonderful to have more help with the 3D combat engine. Especially as I have spent the last two years collecting and building models for it.

Author:  mstrobel [ 19 May 2009, 20:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

Most of the CPU usage during regular gameplay is from the star and planet animations. Are you sure you had similar content on-screen when you did these tests?

Author:  cdrwolfe [ 20 May 2009, 00:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

Kenneth_of_Borg wrote:
Did I hear someone say combat engine?!?!
It would be wonderful just to have a simple (rock paper scissors and no 3D combat view) temporary combat fix in the alpha. It would be wonderful to have more help with the 3D combat engine. Especially as I have spent the last two years collecting and building models for it.

All that work for nothing, I know how your feel :D.

Regards Wolfe

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 20 May 2009, 00:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

I know you can get it done given time CDR.

It would be nice if you had some help.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 20 May 2009, 01:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

There might be some help on the way Wolfe - a new forum member, aeon, just posted. He says he has experience with Advanced 2D/3D Graphics Programming, XNA, DirectX, and WPF. Are those the sorts of areas you need help with?

Aeon's Post.

Author:  mstrobel [ 20 May 2009, 03:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

Matress_of_evil wrote:
There might be some help on the way Wolfe - a new forum member, aeon, just posted. He says he has experience with Advanced 2D/3D Graphics Programming, XNA, DirectX, and WPF. Are those the sorts of areas you need help with?
No, they're areas *I* need help with. Or at least more manpower. Stay away, he's mine! :twisted:

Author:  Overlord [ 20 May 2009, 10:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

mstrobel wrote:
Most of the CPU usage during regular gameplay is from the star and planet animations. Are you sure you had similar content on-screen when you did these tests?

Yes I was in the galaxy view, the CPU usage changed as soon as I changed the processor affinity (w/o doing anything else in the game).

Author:  Overlord [ 30 May 2009, 13:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multithreading bug

Could you please add an option or commandline switch that sets the processor affinity to the first core.

Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessorAffinity = new IntPtr(1);

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