Star Trek Fan Games

Restrictions Structures Errors
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Author:  starfleet.command [ 28 Aug 2009, 10:42 ]
Post subject:  Restrictions Structures Errors

Hello, I noticed some errors in the restrictions of these structures following:

CARDASSIANS: Central Command, Detapa Council, Metagenics Lab, Obsidian Order, Union Broadcast Network, Union Fleetyard

FEDERATION: Starfleet Intelligence, Federation Council, ASDB Complex, Daystrom Institute, News Service, Starfleet Academy, Genesis Research Lab, Utopia planitia, Advanced Fleetyard

KLINGONS: Hall of Warriors, Imperial News Network, Defence Force, Intelligence, Praxis Research Base, Great Hall, War Room, Tactical College, Combat Testing Centre, Fleetyard

ROMULANS: Imperial Mining Commission HQ, Imperial Senate, Naval Academy, Plasma Physics Comlex, Reman Dilithium Mine, State Broadcast Bureau, Tal shiar HQ, Fleetyard

DOMINION: Changeling Network, Changeling Replacements, Ketracel-White Facility, Logistic command, Great Link, Vorta cloning Lab, Fleetyard

Same thing for the own minor races structures and shipyards.

All these structures seem intended to be built that only once in their home system. The errors come from here:


If we want to put a single structure by empire in the Home System, it is necessary to delete OnePerSystem

The Depot Surplus has the same problem.

You forgot a structure for the Dominion:

Tribute Office +40% Credits, -1 Morale, One per system, Subjugated

There are extra, more subtle means of accumulating revenue, other than industry, trade and commerce - and that is tribute, collected from subservient races. A Vorta representative awaits all generous donations in the Tribute Office...

Author:  Iceman [ 28 Aug 2009, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Restrictions Structures Errors

OpS is added by default by the editor. Hopefully it will be fixed, even because some structures are not OpS. It's a know thing. In the OpE/HS structures, it is merely redundant, no harm done. When the editor is fixed, problem solved.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 28 Aug 2009, 19:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Restrictions Structures Errors

.Iceman is correct; this is a programming bug and isn't manually put there by myself, Dafedz, or anyone else. The OnePerSystem restriction must be left where it is for the time being, but Mike knows of the problem and is working on it.

As for the missing structure, i'll add it to my to do list after the editor is fixed as it's not in my own copy of the game files either.

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