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The PercentShipExperience structures (empires have one each except the Klingon who have 2, and some minor also have one) should actually be ShipExperience, not PercentShipExperience. ShipExperience doesn't exist as a bonus though. PercentShipExperience is actually defined as a %. Though it should be an easy fix, it should be Mike handling this IMO.

Fed Bunker Network is probably intended to be scrapped? It's not in the Fed's techtree.

The Aquaculture Centre is now Rom only? And it costs energy to maintain?
Also, its cost is 4400 (edit, typo), while the Planetary Shield which is the same tech level only costs 800?

The cost of low level shipyards should be increased IMO. The Basic one to 1000, the Medium one to 8000 or so. And the homesystems should start with a Basic Shipyard already built (Mike).


Star Names

add Yadalla

Menkalina -> Menkalinan

Still some very similar names, typos?

Stars named *** Prime are kind of odd (Atbar Prime, Azati Prime, ...).
Same for stars named something like Alpha Omicron, Beta Epsilon, etc.

21 Aug 2010, 10:46
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Mike will have to answer The PercentShipExperience one.

Bunker Network is meant to be in. I'll add to the TechTree.

Yes, the Aquaculture Centre is now Romulan only. The Federation now have an Aquasphere, the Klingons have an Aqua-Dredge, the Cardassians have an Aquafarm, and the Dominion don't have one. These structures all have a +100 Biotech bonus but we don't know if that can be done yet. It may need to simply be +100 Research.

I agree about the shipyards on both points, and i've thought the same thing for a while. Dafedz can comment.

Star names have now been fixed;
Arrakis removed. Arakis remains. Harrakis remains.
Sandara remains, Sahndara removed. (Looked odd)

The Prime stars are generally meant to refer to systems that are known to be occupied by minor races, but they aren't their home systems. Since they exist, they are canon, so they should be in, but yes, they do sound weird and since they won't necessarily be occupied it would seem weird. I've removed the Prime parts of their names now, so eg. Azati Prime is now simply Azati.

The Alphas and Betas are all real star names though so i'm not sure what the problem is there.
StarNames.txt [14.11 KiB]
Downloaded 324 times

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21 Aug 2010, 14:05
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
Yes, the Aquaculture Centre is now Romulan only. The Federation now have an Aquasphere, the Klingons have an Aqua-Dredge, the Cardassians have an Aquafarm, and the Dominion don't have one. These structures all have a +100 Biotech bonus but we don't know if that can be done yet. It may need to simply be +100 Research.

Actually, the Dredge and the Aqua Center don't have the Res bonus. The Dredge is cheaper though (2200 vs 4400), the Aqua produces more Food (50 vs 30). Both with less energy reqs. I'm guessing it is intended.

I think the intention was to make it more personalized, but the side effect is that now minors do not have this structure... they only have one food structure, the Adv Irrigation Network, at level 5, only buildable on Barren planets. And it costs 11630. Not a good trade-off IMO. Especially because it's almost only a matter of having different names... BotF made the racial distinctions mostly in Production Facilities, not in Structures. They had it right IMO. This sounds like more stuff just for the sake of being more stuff.

Also, the Dom Provisions Dispenser has the Oceanic req, which I believe it shouldn't? Because the upgrades will also be confined to Oceanics. Neither of the 3 sound like an Oceanic structure, and their stats are odd.
Prov Disp lvl 0, 150 cost, 5 en, food +15
Organics Replicator 4, 600, 40, +20, +10% PH (should probably be lower level)
Advanced Replicator 5, 2200, 80, +40, +15%
lvls 0/4/5 ; cost 150/600/2200, en 5/40/80, food 15/20/40

While at food structures, some more stuff:

The Kli Basic Food Processors should have the OpS req. A few other structures too. Granted, the game by default assigns this req to every structure, but this should be fixed sometime, so now is as good a time as any. The cleaner the database, the better.

The Kli Private Ranches and the Private Farms (Fed/Rom/Dom/Car) have some noticeable differences [the issue mentioned above, about splitting common structures].
The Ranches are level 5, the Farms level 3; The Farms have a Morale bonus, the Ranches don't. Other than this, they are _exactly_ the same.The Farms are available earlier and have an extra bonus.
Also, are these structures supposed to be OpS? They are set as such, but with a 3 Food output? The Ranches don't have the Morale bonus; the Farms could be a way to boost Morale though.

Also check Retail Outlets. It's not OpS (though in practice you can still only build one for now), but does have the +1 Morale bonus. For 5 Energy, it could be a treat. OTOH, it gives 1 Credit too, so being a OpS sounds kind of odd. Probably needs to be revised, the goal of this structure.

I agree about the shipyards on both points, and i've thought the same thing for a while. Dafedz can comment.

These values would put them on par with comparable Cruisers.
Minor shipyards would have to be scaled too BTW. Probably 800/6500.

I would also make their stats the same for all empires. Energy cost (Rom and Kli Basic SY), Build Cost (Kli Advanced SY). And Fleetyards. And scrap Build Efficiency values. Basically because the different costs of ships for each empire already reflect their ability to build ships. It's kind of redundant, especially if ship construction is really going to be decoupled from industry production - like it was talked about some time ago.

The Alphas and Betas are all real star names though so i'm not sure what the problem is there.

Well, two (or more) greek letters in a row are not star names, they're fraternity names. Don't know any real star name like that. It's just not the way to name stars. The single greek letter illustrates the star's position in the constellation. Don't know of any constellation named after a greek letter. I don't know all constellation names though, so I could be wrong.

21 Aug 2010, 16:47
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Dom Shipyard III: Efficiency 1.5 -> 1.9

Dom Fleetyard is way too expensive (42k vs 36k), and takes too much energy (300 vs 220) relative to the others

The energy upkeep of the Card Fleetyard I is a bit low when compared with the Fed Fleetyard I's (80 vs 110)

Minors should probably only have access to shipyards that they need to build their highest level ships; that is, if they only have ships up to level 8, they should only get SYs I and II. The extra production and energy costs might not justify the increased shipbuilding capacity.

Card Monac SY should be set to Home System

Dom Outpost I: upgrades to Card Starbase I and II

Minors' special fleetyards don't have tech reqs; empires that member them could have access to FYs too soon

Cardassian ships
- Colony Ship I and Destroyer I don't have Dilithium cost
- Scout I has no maintenance cost
- Most ships don't have Population Health values

Coridans, they're in the Alpha Q in game, but they should be in the Beta Quadrant

Graviton (Pro5 Transwarp, Wea12 Gravimetrics) vs Gravitron (minors planetary shields)

Fed Heavy Cruiser III description: The Akira's platform ; paramters and capabailities

- Yaderan Quadritronics Lab name and description: Quadronics -> Quadritronics ; structure should be tech level 7+ (Quadritronics) ?
- the research matrix entries have already been fixed here:

30 Aug 2010, 11:03
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Work on the files has had to stop for the time being. The changes are not compatible with the upcoming update according to Vjeko, and I still haven't been able to trace the cause of why my files no longer work in the existing game version. (It's definitely not an xml problem)

Mike has said the Editor will be a long way off, so this work will have to stop until after the next release.

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30 Aug 2010, 16:57
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Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Well you should ask Mike so be sure, all I know that the updated files that work in this version of the game, don't work in the newer version(but only TechObjectDatabase.xml as far as I know)


30 Aug 2010, 17:24
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That's where most of the changes are, though. I've tested a few of the other files and they do still work, but the updates are nothing without TechObjectDatabase.

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30 Aug 2010, 21:15
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Well, that's more or less true


30 Aug 2010, 21:42
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Found and fixed the problem during lunch break :grin:
Will send all the fixed files (research matrix and databases) to Mike tomorrow or so - finalizing a few details.

BTW, the Net4 build looks sweet :winkthumb: Only a smallish problem, system generation doesn't seem to be working? All systems start with zero pop (except minors' of course).

02 Sep 2010, 14:36
Crazed Emissary of the Photoshop
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Yeah, me and Matress have already reported that to Mike and it's fixed.


02 Sep 2010, 15:17
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Yeah we noticed that, and a few other small problems, and Mike is working on those too. He hasn't sent us another update yet though.

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02 Sep 2010, 15:42
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