Lotte wrote:
Personally I feel the federation has possibly the largest territory given its expansive policy, yet might have the least populated empire. The federation is only 200yrs old so Picard saying there is over 150 planets might be on more literal truth. However since the federation is undisputed in high warp speed its possible to say they have more planets under their turf, many perhaps still in the process of being colonised. The only fault of the federation is that it seems to be surronded by almost every major race without a wall to put its back on.
What do you want to say?
The Alpha-Dominion is defeated, the Gamma-Dominion founders agreed in peace because Odo healed them from their desease.
The Klingons are honourous allies. They'd never break up with the feds.
The Romulans have reached a new time of peace due to the Scimitar incident. This is semi-canon, just wait and see what the Titan-Novels will deal with.
The Cardassians are broken and I think they wont be a threat for decades.
The breen are nothing without an alliance with a bigger partner, so there is no point in threating them.
The Borg are far away in the delta quadrant. And due to the fact that their major defeaters, Janeway, Picard and 7of9 are all alive, they can't try a direct attack to the federation soon. Anyway, there are these miracoulous weapons the "janeway-of-the-future" gave to them.
So where is a point thinking the federation has *not* a golden age before them, including the colonization of many thousands of new worlds?