Nope, I never had a NES! Never even touched one.
I had a SNES for my twelfth birthday, and that's when I
first got into playing games. Before then, my parents preferred me to read books, do my homework and so on - which is pretty much all I did. They only got a SNES coz I bugged them so much about having just this
one game called Zelda...
I have:
Donkey Kong Country
Illusion of Time (Also known as Illusion of Gaia in Europe)
Super Mario All Stars
Zelda: A Link to the Past
My SNES (And all the games) still work, although it takes a couple of attempts to actually get the games themselves to start, and the wires are staring to hang out of the controllers.
Then I bought a Gameboy with my own money, and over the years I bought:
Golf (Don't ask me why
Mario and Yoshi
Pokemon Blue
Pokemon Silver
Popeye 2
Super Marioland
Super Marioland 2
Warioland 2
Zelda: Link's Awakening
Zelda: Oracle of Ages.
My Gameboy was the "Classic" version - it was the one with the green dot matrix screen and it needed FOUR batteries to run! It quite literally fell apart and is no longer with us.
Then I "borrowed" my friends' N64 for two years, and completed all of his games. I probably won't remember them all, but here goes:
Banjo Kazooie
Blast Corps
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong64
Fighters Destiny
Goldeneye 007
Jet Force Gemini
Lylat Wars
Pokemon Stadium
Virtual Chess 64
Yoshi's Story
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
My friend has taken his N64 back now and is having
very little luck in beating my high scores, especially on Lylat Wars.
For my Gameboy Advance, i've only got a few games (In comparison):
Golden Sun
Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age
Pokemon Sapphire
Warioland 4
Zelda: The Minish Cap.
I have the original Gameboy Advance, the one that doesn't have a backlight so the games are hard to see. I also have a Gameboy player for my Gamecube, so I rarely play on my actual Gameboy Advance now. Since I also have a DS, there's even less reason to play on it now.
For my Gamecube, i've got:
007: Agent Under Fire
Enter the Matrix
Lost Kingdoms
Luigi's Mansion
Mariokart: Double Dash
Pokemon Colliseum
Puyo Pop Fever
Simpsons Hit and Run
Sonic Adventure: DX
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Mega Collection
Soul Calibur 2
Starfox Adventures
Starfox Assault
Star Wars: Rebel Strike (Rogue Squadron 3)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Zelda: The Windwaker (And the bonus disk with the remixed version of Ocarina of time - Zelda: Master Quest. THAT took me
ages to complete)
And last but not least, for my DS, I <currently> have:
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
I like Nintendo, I do.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."