I found this bolg the other day and have been debating if I should post it or not. so what the heck lets have a go.
here is the post.
Dec 4-6 Conference in Houston: Moon, Mars and Beyond...What WERE You Thinking About, Anyway?
NASA is rethinking the whole moon, mars and beyond thing. Maybe they will come to the same conclusion I did while working in the MCG Group for ISS and on CAU Project for Shuttle: Without a radically new propulsion system, we will not be able easily to either afford or bear the risk of the long missions this goal implies.
In particular, the ideal combination would be as follows:
NEAR Planet: Gravity Control, driven by radically improved electrical storage devices.
TO MOON, MARS and BEYOND: Nuclear Propulsion, and, eventually, space-time warp drives.
All of these technologies are laboratory proven to some extent, right now.
But, are we really ready for such changes/risks these full blown technologies may bring? Picture a radically violent element of society, able to drop a huge mountain on a city from space, at 2-3 miles a second! *End Quote*
_________________I'm A Romulan with an Attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!