Thank you Son of Mogh and congradulations on your rank upgrade.
Right now my left shoulder is frozen. this means that unless I get surgery to get it corrected I will basically have little use of my left arm.
Oh went to Doc today... He thinks I had another tiny tiny heart attack. Adn that is what caused my arm to get messed up. Since I have no job thus no insurance.... well ..... I'm up the paddle without a creek. { That was a joke} All the tests are not back but for now I am told they cannot see any damage, *other then my arm which was a muscle jolt or something like that*
LOL And what is really funny.. Doc told me I need to not be so stressed!! LOL
I told him you bet, I'll stop stressing when I'm as wealthy as Bill Gates, Andrew Carniegie, and Donald Trump combined. .....
I never knew Doctors had a sence of humor.
(Wonders when I'll get my next rank)
_________________I'm A Romulan with an Attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!