I visited a friend of my fathers in Indiana recently in his early 80s to see how he's been doing since his wife has essentially not really been alive in a nursing home for some time now.
Much to my naive shock, he had a girlfriend about 15 years his junior hanging on his arm, driving him around town, etc. I should've known better; I've been warned he was a ladies man all his life..
My life lesson from that? Never too old (or too anything) to dip back in to the big ocean, and thanks to war and longer life spans, the fish are always hungry and biteing.
Not that you're a hobbled 80yr old with a cane, just being encouraging.
I'm sure an episode of The Next Generation probably provides a life lesson regarding this as well, though can't think of at the moment. Just about everything one needs to know about life can be learned from TOS, TNG, and DS9.