Star Trek Fan Games

BotF Battle Shots
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Author:  STHedgeHog [ 27 Oct 2004, 16:50 ]
Post subject:  BotF Battle Shots

OK, its starting to get a bit slow here, mainly due to us running out of ideas, lol. So i thought id start off a new thread that might trickle along a bit. Here id like people to post intresting screenshots of battles in BotF. Give a bit of a history to when they were taken, and who was playing (if not a single player game) Dunno why i thought of this, just something to do i suppose. lol. (PS, please dotn make the file size bigger than 512x512pixles, that way it wont deform the thread at all :D


1 Cardie vs 27 of my Romulan Warbirds, and around 20 assorted Klingon vessles, under the command of gturfrey. I bet you can guess the outcome of this battle, lol.

Author:  iwulff [ 27 Oct 2004, 20:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots


Cardassians (ME) versus Romulans

1 Scout II
8 Destroyers
5 Trill Warships
4 Cruisers II
9 Strike Cruisers II


2 Cruisers (Cloaked)

I know that this i just a small battle, but was the first screenshot i could post so... But anyway they opened fire, because they were cloaked and destroyed a Destroyer I and heavily damaged a Cruiser II. Then next turn, they were trying to escape, but my ships fired all there phasers away, they didn't even want to fir a single torpedo, and destroyed them. :D

Author:  marky [ 28 Oct 2004, 06:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

i agree

very cool

how do u get a screeny?

wat button(s) ? do u push?

Author:  iwulff [ 28 Oct 2004, 08:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

You use the "Prt Sc" or "Print Screen" button on your keyboard. You then go to a program which can edit picutres, and use paste. You then alter the siz of it, to a max of 512x512. Good Luck!! :wink:

Author:  jigalypuff [ 28 Oct 2004, 14:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

i have severel pics at my site, but there new ships from my borg and b5 mods.

Author:  iwulff [ 28 Oct 2004, 14:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

Well place them :wink: .

Author:  jigalypuff [ 28 Oct 2004, 16:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

the narn fleet on the move :lol: (took me ages to figure out how to do this)

Author:  STHedgeHog [ 30 Oct 2004, 01:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

He of course negelected to mention we were friends all the way through and he said he didnt want an allience for a few turns so he could "Show me something" then while my fleet was split, he turned on me against the Federation true nature and attacked me in cold blood. He then moved on to Cardassia, and although i offered him another allience in god will, he ignored it and subjected the home system for his own twisted pleasure. (its the second game hes turned on me for no reason, DISHONOURABLE MAN)

Author:  STHedgeHog [ 30 Oct 2004, 02:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

These two shots are to prove we were infact allies through out the game, i attacked the Romulans and beat them back, then the Klingons attacked me so i took them out. But the Federation had a peachfull exsistance will the Frengi untill he turned for no reason against them, prehaps i should have sided with them against him.

I did attack the Romulans, that is true. It was a warpact form my Frengi friends which i accpeted. As for aiding the Frengi in attacking the Federation, i did nothing of the kind. My outposts and Starbases are open to all who are allied to me, that inculded the Federationb and the Frengi, which by this time i had a allience with. I offered one to the Federation on several ocations but Gavin always turned them down saying it would end the game surely thats what the Feds want, a peacefull end, but NO, this EVIL dictator would not have it and in the end showed his true colours.

In the immortal words of Homes "D'oh!"

And as Pinky would say, "Narf!"

Author:  sensou [ 04 Nov 2004, 03:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

This was played with the borg mod.
look at the number of ships!
i was playing the federation and i had to build up a bit of a credit savings to have enough money to support all of these ships. my ship support cost was ~20000, making my per turn income about -5000 credits., i won the battle, with most of the borg cubes intact and most of the other ships were ok as well.
the whole battle took around 40 minutes due to the LONG time to process everything (and i have a fairly new computer) after i hit the turn button, but those battles were worth it.

and by the way the romulans was an ai player on impossible so the computer actually built all of those romulan ships.
and the battle took place on romulus, which was all the way on the other side of the map so it took a while to get all my ships over there.

Author:  iwulff [ 04 Nov 2004, 09:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

really nice shots, could you give us some more ingame battle shots, of that battle? :lol:

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 07 Dec 2004, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

Oh, you think you have it tough iwulff? my computer is 6 years old now, and has an AMD K62 450Mhz processor - an average ingame turn for me (baring in mind that my longest ever game got to turn 4569!) was 19 minutes processing time (i have a lot of pacience for this game)

last time i checked, my best battle numbered at 319 fast attack, 197 command, 29 non combatant, 214 strike, and a starbase against one ferengi light raider 2! (All my ships had legendary crews, and the ferengi were the only major race that was left - i had killed off the klingons, cardassians, and romulans - obviously i was the federation - and had colonised every system - except ferenginar)

i had the planet mod by joker, and had personally modded trade centers to give me loads of credits, and made ships cheap, so i just went mad with ships!

i wasn't too impressed with my computer when it crashed completely (do you have any idea how long it takes to install the sims with all the expansion packs, and over a thousand files that i had to redownload off the internet? (As well as 12 other games - BOTF + mods, armada 1 + mods, civ 2+3, startopia + mods, starfleet command 2 + mods, pharaoh + queen of the nile + mods + altering the program files, theme park world, empire earth + mods, age of empires 2 + conquerors)

I also had to reinstall windows, my graphics card, the new hard drive, my modem, printer, and scanner, britannica, encarta

you might say i was annoyed! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

anyway, i will have to get back to where i was, to try and reincarnate such battles. i promise i will prove it soon! (well, depending on how much i have forgiven my computer!) :lol:

Author:  ndcspurs [ 24 Dec 2004, 20:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: BotF Battle Shots

This open source program makes it a lot easier to make one or multiple screenshots quickly.

Quote from website:
"ScreenShotAssistant is a utility for Windows which monitors the clipboard for images and saves them as bmp, jpg, png and/or gif files. Great for screenshots from games (specifically written because of CivIII)."

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