Star Trek Fan Games

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Author:  starfleet.command [ 05 Nov 2009, 01:58 ]
Post subject:  vjeko1701

Hey friends, today is a great day, not to die but to celebrate a happy birthday to our Croatian friend vjeko. Light the candles, raise our glasses of champagne and let the fun begin. Sretan rođendan, prijatelju moj.!!! Hourra!!!

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 05 Nov 2009, 03:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Drink blood wine instead and have many more happy birthdays.

Author:  Zeleni [ 05 Nov 2009, 09:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Sretan Rođendan Vjeko!

Starfleet wrote:
Sretan rođendan, prijatelju moj.!!! Hourra!!!

You spell it nicely on croatian for a frenchboy :cool:

Author:  vjeko1701 [ 05 Nov 2009, 13:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Q'apla my friends, and thanks for the wishes, like I say, one year older, one year closer to Supremacy v1.0

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 05 Nov 2009, 16:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

You said that in the PM first. :razz:

Happy bday again vjeko and yes, we're another year closer. :mrgreen:

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 06 Nov 2009, 00:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Yes raise a glass. A very happy birthday to vjeko1701. Captain Bashir.

Author:  vjeko1701 [ 19 Jun 2010, 21:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

I didn't know on which topic to put this, and I didn't wanted to make a new one. If you don't see me here in the next week that's because I'm on a trip and have no access to the internet. I'm writing this just in case anyone would think I have abandoned this team.


See you in 8 days, and I hope you won't make too much progress in my absence.


Author:  captain_picard [ 19 Jun 2010, 22:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Happy birthday man, I wish you the best!

Here's to finest crew in Supremacy!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Author:  vjeko1701 [ 19 Jun 2010, 23:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Well that was a while ago. but guy you won't believe me, I've just seen about 20 UFO-s, my mom woke me up and hurried me to the balcony, and there in the middle of a cloudy sky there were about 20 lights (not in the same time) just appearing and disappearing. I would think they were military fighters, but their movement was to fast and maneuvers to quick, no to mention that Croatia doesn't have that much fighters.

I'm a bit scared guys, but you know I wouldn't lie, and I have the end filmed.

Author:  captain_picard [ 20 Jun 2010, 09:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Mental note: Never post on forums after heavy drinking :brickwall:

I've just seen about 20 UFO-s
If the UFOs land and pointy eared people come out, give them the Vulcan salute :vulcan:
Edit: If they are Alien/Predator-like, run like the wind!

Author:  starfleet.command [ 23 Jun 2010, 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Wow, captain picard dancing mambo show...well done.!!!

Author:  vjeko1701 [ 27 Jun 2010, 00:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

I'm back, and yeah I shouldn't post while under the influence of anything, the UFO-s were just some fireworks from another city, but Vienna, Budapest and Prague were great.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 27 Jun 2010, 02:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Fireworks are just a cover story. That was Nazis from the dark side of the moon.
They are planing an invasion.

Author:  Captain Andrew [ 27 Jun 2010, 03:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

What on Earth are Nazis doing on the dark side of the moon? And wouldn't they die? After all, light is needed for vegetation, and the production of minerals and vitamins, and the creation of organic molecules to sustain organic functions. Therefore, some Nazis would need to come to the light side of the moon eventually..... :borg:

Author:  captain_picard [ 27 Jun 2010, 10:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

vjeko1701 wrote:
I'm back, and yeah I shouldn't post while under the influence of anything

Welcome back! The mental note for posting after drinking was for me I'm afraid (see the post about happy birthdays I made :redface: )

vjeko1701 wrote:
the UFO-s were just some fireworks from another city
The first thing they taught us in StarFleet Academy, ahem I meant Physics, was that there's always a logical explanation for weird phenomena. :vulcan:

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 27 Jun 2010, 10:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Captain Andrew wrote:
What on Earth are Nazis doing on the dark side of the moon?
You've obviously not heard of Iron Sky.

...And if you've not heard of that, you might want to check out the first film, Star Wreck. You're in for a treat. :mrgreen:

Author:  AlexMcpherson [ 27 Jun 2010, 21:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Oh god... I remember watching the original version... *shakes head*

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 29 Jun 2010, 15:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: vjeko1701

Captain Andrew wrote:
What on Earth are Nazis doing on the dark side of the moon? And wouldn't they die? After all, light is needed for vegetation, and the production of minerals and vitamins, and the creation of organic molecules to sustain organic functions. Therefore, some Nazis would need to come to the light side of the moon eventually..... :borg:

Oh, and about the "dark side" of the moon. It is just a phrase. A better term is far side of the moon. It is not always dark.
They do not plan to invade until like 2016 so we are OK for now.

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