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 Titan FPS/3pS/RPG Idea 
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Joined: 10 Apr 2010, 16:28
Posts: 138
Since a Titan Movie isn't likely.

Keep in mind, I'm no programmer/insert other game-development-related-job-title, so I have no idea what is or is not capable.


Remember DS9: The Fallen? You take control or 3 people (Kira, Worf, Sisko) at different points int he game?

and it was 3rd person, i believe...

Anyway, take that format: you control different people throughout the game.

starts with what I posted in the riker thingy topic.

Now, depending on choosing Male or Female characters, you take control of either of a male and female character in a particular setting... i.e. Female players become Kira for the 'Tutorial level' which is DS9, in regards to movement/other things...
Combat just comes in second 'live fire training', so to speak.

DS9 Level:
You need to get from OPS to the Auxilary Weapons Control room, which is used when something prevents computer control (as it is wont to do.)
Then a little turret-ish game, ala that level of the MSDos ds9 game 'The Harbinger'/PS1 game 'Invasion'.

Some RPG-esque puzzles and presto.

<~ Campaign-Mode ~>
<~ Single Player ~> ; < Multiplayer >
Player 1: <~ Male ~> or < Female >
Game Start.
Intro cinematic
We see Stars.
Caption: Gamma Quadrant, Stardate <numbers here>

The Wormhole opens, and the USS Defiant is seen exitting it, then moving off under cloak, with a visible warpflash a second later in the distance, but the Wormhole is still open...

The Camera Flies into it... and slowly, a subtle, ominous sound is heard over the sounds of the wormhole, all the while the camera is still flying through it towards the Alpha Quadrant side...

And as space becomes slowly visible at the end of the wormhole, the sound is now obvious, and a ship flies past and into shot, heading for the Alpha quad. A ship which we only see a little of... Slowly, at the exit, as the camera nears, first as a speck, and getting ever closer, we begin to see DS9.

Then, the camera finally exits the wormhole, the ship visible a little bit still, a huge vessel too... when red and blue torpedoes are fired at DS9.

The red torps strike shields, with the blue ones passing through whenever a red one struck at the same time, to strike on the habitat ring.
Cut to: DS9 OPS.
Caption: Alpha Quadrant, Deep Space Nine Operations.
Captain Kira Nerys and some unfamiliar personel, stuff happens, then you take control of Lieutenant Nog whom must go to the Auxilary weapons station, as internal comms are down and direct computer control of weapons are also down.
[gender-specific: If female, then you take control of Kira. If Multi-player and both same gender, then 2nd player takes noncanon character, for a male+female combo, both canon characters.]
It's the Tutorial level, and making your way through the alternate routes to the auxilary control room since turbolifts are offline too, you learn the movement controls, dodging exploded conduits and doing some puzzles to open up certain doors, and using a map on a Padd that has accessable areas visible on the multi-level interactive map, with non-accessable areas shaded out.

On entry to ther Aux Weapons room, you find out you have no torps, and Phasers are at minimal power, and you/each of you take station. For multiple players, you both get the same 'viewscreen' but multiple weapon pods at your command with two aiming reticles.

The big ship is fuzzy, in the distance, but now DS9 is under attack by unfamiliar runabout sized-vehicles. [foreshadowing other levels]

After the nearest ones are taken out, fade out.

The same bit of ship we saw before, only a reverse angle, and we see several blue torps fired on curved trajectories...

Cut to view of Isometric/Ventral view of DS9.
One or two strike DS9's reactor cores, and DS9 looses main power.

Cut to distance view of fuzzy ship, as it cloaks and disappears to warp simultaneously.

Cut To: OPS
We learn DS9 is okay, but main power is offline, and it'll take a few hours to come back on, but the ship's gone...

[fade out/in]
OPS isn't as much of a battlezone as appeared before, and Kira steps out of the commanders office, and we learn that a ship is being assigned, when asked which,



Character Creation
Screen where each player creates their main character. Ala Mass Effect 2 style.
Points-based, allows unlocking of certain backgrounds [with associated 'skills'] at the cost of some other things, higher 'ranks' cause more specialisation, while lower ranks allow more varied choices.

Appearance and race too can be selected, although not necessarily able to choose just any race. Need to make sense, so no selecting as a Founder, Jemhadar, Vorta, Cardassian, Ferengi (nog being the only known, and he's the canon male on ds9 level)
Backgrounds include:
War Hero, aka fought in the dominion war.
Survivor: Survived any of: Wolf 359, Battle of Sol [first contact], other such 'massacre'.
'Green' or other such term: Hasn't seen much action, served in a low position on a ship during the Dom War, didn't get directly exposed to it's horrors, although several friends on other ships were lost.

Ruthless -charm stats, +combat
Diplomatic -stealth, +charm



More later, posting what I got for people to pick apart/add to.

21 May 2010, 14:46
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