Star Trek Fan Games

BOTF 2 Review...ish
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Author:  STHedgeHog [ 31 Mar 2005, 21:56 ]
Post subject:  BOTF 2 Review...ish

Some of you may have seen this, Gav had it on his MSN name today

Jig and i were talking about it. Its kewl that theres some outside folling to the game, and with a kinda review it might help boost ppl comming here, but basically what we were tryig to figuar out was...

1. How did they find out about this, its not a bad thing, far from it, we would just like to know.
2. Where did they get the name "A new begining" from?

I just read that PC Gamer have contacted Gav about the game, if someone is emailing places about it we';d like to know who so we can say thanks. Its a mystery at the mo how its come about...

(I know ive not posted in a VERY long time, and i said id be back and havent, sori pplz. Lifes got a way of throwing everything at you at once ive noticed, as a few others of tyou have too i bet) :)

Author:  Rigel [ 31 Mar 2005, 22:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

"A New Begining", huh....
Well I guess its better than anything we've come up with (Since I dont think we've ever discussed it). Maybe that could be the new thing to do on this site at the moment, instead of just ship names. :lol: :wink:

Its good the game is getting a little press. You said PC Gamer contacted Gavin, will there be something written about the game coming up in that mag?

I've told a few friends I have who have played the original BOTF, but are too lazy to actually become members on this site. (All I ever hear from them is, "Is it done yet?"). But I dont think the publicity was from that. :lol: I wonder, who is our "mole". :?

Author:  CVN-65 [ 31 Mar 2005, 23:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

Rigel wrote:
... I wonder, who is our "mole". :?

A spy?
In OUR lines?!

And, yes Rigel. I too have noticed the only active thread in game requests seems to be ship names... :lol:

How about BotF2: From Scratch
Botf2:Scene 1, take 2 :?: :wink:

Author:  STHedgeHog [ 01 Apr 2005, 01:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

Jig tracked it down, it was Gav all along. Well though that man, a little press couldnt do any harm.


And apparently BOTF2 is front page news on the site tomorrow. (1st april)

EDIT: Ohh and i just noticed the date, this isnt an april fool.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 01 Apr 2005, 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

Romulans don't fall for April STHedgehog is telling the truth! :wink:

On the front page of the site, is a link to the link that StHedgehog did...:? is that confusing? :lol:

Anyway, just think how many people could be directed to the game now! 8O :D

Official reveiws...our unofficial game just became official! :lol:

Author:  iwulff [ 01 Apr 2005, 15:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

WOW, great news.. Really great work Gav, this could give some extra boost in support. :wink:

Author:  Rigel [ 01 Apr 2005, 23:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

Ummm..., were you talking about it being on the front page of because I dont see it there... :?

Author:  STHedgeHog [ 02 Apr 2005, 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

Rigel wrote:
Ummm..., were you talking about it being on the front page of because I dont see it there... :?

No it was on the front page of TrekPulse and in fact still is. Maybe Gavin will update us on whats going on with PCGamer at some point.

Author:  Rigel [ 03 Apr 2005, 08:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

Oops... :oops:

Author:  ukulele [ 04 Apr 2005, 15:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

good news for those who still couldnt belive in a real-working-and-not-only-announcing-botf-project like all the others before ;)

but some news about progress (or maybe a free beta? :-) ) wouldnt be that terrible

Author:  xir_ [ 04 Apr 2005, 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

if promoting the game is the order of they day then i wouldnt mind giving a hand and spreding the word. Of course i would keep it tactful and not troll other forums.

Whatcha say then? :lol:

Author:  CVN-65 [ 04 Apr 2005, 20:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: BOTF 2 Review...ish

gturfrey wrote:
If i was Sony product guy and we had a new DVD player i wouldnt advertise it twelve months before it was finished would i..? no

I would advertise it 12 months after it hit the shelves would i...? no

I would get all the publicity i could before its release, to assure lots of firefox fanfare and bells and lights and whistles.

That's what Gavin wrote in the predictions on release date thread
so... guess that answers it xir_ :wink:

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