Star Trek Fan Games

What Happens after Supremacy?
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Author:  alexbond45 [ 21 Nov 2011, 17:59 ]
Post subject:  What Happens after Supremacy?

I was just Wondering, do you have anything planned after supremacy, i wouldnt hope for an expansion, just updates to fix bugs so im not as irritated.
This may be a stupid question, but perhaps you guys a sequel to another 4X Game, Star Wars: Rebellion? Theres even a Fan cult that supports the idea, but nobody works with it.
The basic idea of Rebellion was based on your side-the empire or the rebellion
this game was made in 1997, 2 years before the phantom Menace.
Now, as the rebels, you start with NOTHING, and the empire knows you have stuff on yavin, your ships cant compete with the deadly capital ships that the empire can field early game, later ships can. you have 3 goals-capture Palpatine, Capture Vader, and Capture Coruscant, the Imperial Capital.
The Empire has the opposite, Capture Mon Mothma, Capture Luke Skywalker, and Capture the Rebel Base. However, the Rebels have the ability to change their base location.
The map starts with the inner rim and the outer rim. the outer rim is a great place for rebel colonization, and imperial too. BUT, The core Systems are more important, as most of them control major industrial points. Plus, the Empire can Field Star Destroyers from the very beginning, but the rebels can usually quickly get the Nebulon-B-Frigate

The closest thing to a sequel we've had is Empire at War, and that wasnt 4X Enough, it was more like a full blown RTS.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 21 Nov 2011, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

I would like to see the map go 3D in Supremacy II but that will likely be asking too much.

Author:  alexbond45 [ 22 Nov 2011, 01:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

meh, 3d seems like it would ruin the 4X Idea. but i dunno, i could work.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 04 Dec 2011, 15:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

When we are done it will feel like this morning at my house. Cold and lonely to not work on the game but with a break in the clouds. The later is for what comes next.

2011-12-04 07.33.08.jpg
2011-12-04 07.33.08.jpg [ 96.48 KiB | Viewed 6003 times ]

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 04 Dec 2011, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

Is this out your window? What a view!

Author:  Happytrek [ 05 Dec 2011, 00:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

No wonder you're so inspired! :love: I just love that view!

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 05 Dec 2011, 02:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

Although I'm sure it isn't like you've never seen snow Happytrek! :grin:

Author:  Happytrek [ 05 Dec 2011, 03:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

Yes, a few feet becomes a habit each winter but snow in a city full of blocks and snow in the 'burbs makes all the difference. This is a Christmas card view!!!
I wouldn't like to be alone shoveling it, but Man!, enjoying it this way is Faerie!

I don't mean to brag but we're still dry here in my town. :cool:

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 05 Dec 2011, 03:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

Yes, the photo was taken from my deck.

Author:  Happytrek [ 05 Dec 2011, 05:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

You sure live in a nice place my friend! :orion: Lovely view! :bolian:

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 05 Dec 2011, 14:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

Awesome place to live, that's for sure. :love:

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 24 Dec 2011, 01:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Happens after Supremacy?

I've posted my view before. Yours definitely extends further than mine, Kenneth lol. I'll see if I can get a photo out the front windows. There's a gap between the two houses opposite ours were you can see Twmbarlwm mountain (Pronounced: Toom-bar-lan), which has an Iron Age hill fort on top that can be seen from miles away, because it looks like a big lump on top of the mountain lol. It's locally known as "the tump" or "the pimple".

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