Star Trek Fan Games

BotF5 --New
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Author:  ZDarby [ 13 Apr 2012, 02:26 ]
Post subject:  BotF5 --New

I started a BotF5 thread long ago. You can find it here:
I never stopped thinking about it.

I've attached three text files. They all need a text editor that can do mono-spaced fonts and be made not to wrap the text. If you do not have such a text editor, I can recommend SciTe, which works with both Windows and Linux. (Sorry. I don't know about OSX.) It's also the editor I created it with, as it has really nice columnar tools.

There are two histories. The first (called "linear") is a list of things related to space and space-ships that happen to humanity (and, by extension, the Federation) within the Star Trek history, as near as I can discern. I use many different sources and I have tried to document them all. With that list comes defining time-frame for technological "era"s; eg: Ent, Pre-Tos, TMP, TNG, etc. There are 14 of them, starting at era zero, the "Atomic Age", and ending in era 13, TNG. Each line in meat of this file starts with a date (usually just a year, but sometimes includes the month) briefly describes what happened on that date and then where the information came from.

The second history file is a rehash of the first but in a columnar format. Which is to say, each era is represented as column of years with a word or two about what happened. This file includes columns for six future eras, though there is nothing entered into them. The beginning and ending times of these eras are arbitrary.

The third file is a Federation shiplist for all eras. This is the main file. The other two are reference for this one. In it are the class names of the ships I'd minimally like to have in BotF5, starting in the Space Race --era 1-- with Vostok. I've tried to reference all the class names to their origin. And I've tried to define the 51 different spaces per era given for vessels/stations. (There is not a single era with all 51 spaces filled.) I tried to make the definitions nebulous enough to be applicable to all eras, but I know I failed.

It's the barest of beginnings and is not meant to be anything more than that. I'd love any comments, suggestions and corrections.

Furthermore, I'd love to continue the discussion of a BotF5 game that was started so long ago and, I'm certain, has expanded in many people's minds.

ST-ShipTable-XXLarge_v.3.txt [40.77 KiB]
Downloaded 292 times
TrekHistory_v2.txt [33.68 KiB]
Downloaded 290 times
TrekHistory-Linear.txt [26.03 KiB]
Downloaded 305 times

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