Star Trek Fan Games

Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?
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Author:  Nomada_Firefox [ 03 Jul 2012, 02:15 ]
Post subject:  Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?

Hi, I´m making a Star Trek TOS mod for the game Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption. This mod used at first place the stuff from Star Fleet Command 3 TOS mod (with permission asked many time ago). But I thought lately that I could add other eras. By this and other reasons, I would like ask you permission for use your designs of stations only. I suppose that the designs from this list are from you. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2594

All the credits would be given as it must be.

Thanks by your time. Regards.

Author:  vjeko1701 [ 03 Jul 2012, 10:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?

Nomada, is that really you?

I don't know if you remember me, about 3 years ago I was making Rise of the Crime Lords for EAW and I asked to use some stuff you made.

I'm not sure about the designs origins as they were before my time here so I will let someone else answer it. The station designs in that post aren't the ones we'll use (we replaced some of them with better models)

Kenneth_of_Borg and Captain Bashir are our main modelers here and they can provide you with more information.

Author:  Nomada_Firefox [ 03 Jul 2012, 10:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?

Yes, I remember you. I´m the same guy. From 2001, I use always that I can the same nickname for everything.

I do not want the models, I want make new models looking the designs from the images of the units nothing more.

Thanks by the information.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 03 Jul 2012, 21:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?

You are welcome to my stuff. A lot you see though is donated to us so you would have to check the model files for credits.
Captain B has some more tricks hidden away so we will have to wait to see what he offers up.

Author:  Nomada_Firefox [ 04 Jul 2012, 04:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?

Thanks. Now looking, at a first moment I asked about the designs because I did not know nothing about where find the models. But now looking if I have access to the 3ds and they have uv/textures, I do not see the point from to make by myself other models with a similar design if it can be avoid. It would be better for all us.

Only with some of the models I will make a new model because I can not use ported models from Armada games. But I can make a model with new textures, in fact I have made the two Romulan Outpost, now looking, they are very different to the originals. Similar but different. I will show you screenshots later, perhaps you find it interesting. Now I´m on other computer and I have not access to all my files.

At end do not worry, I will give to you and to all the other people the deserved credit.

Thanks. I´m very impressive with all your work, I did not know about this non official game. I have played your game and it is fun and very good.

Author:  Nomada_Firefox [ 04 Jul 2012, 10:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?

This is the list of files that I will use if nobody have any problem. Some of them were made by Darkdrone, Rage and Kreeargh. Darkdrone only requires credit acording to this ... 1122516200 and from Kreeargh I have made some work before. Of course, I always credit to the people.

These are the two models that I made following the images from units.
Probably I will use both, at the end, they are different. Of course I will credit you and I will add a link to this forum and one thread about the game because it is very good.

04/07/2012 10:44 236.542 F Orbital Battery ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:44 1.251.320 F Outpost II ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:44 150.714 F Shipyard I ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:44 318.535 F Shipyard II ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:44 232.493 F Starbase I ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:44 330.187 F Starbase II ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:45 1.221.060 fed_construction_ship_i.rar
04/07/2012 10:45 751.534 fed_construction_ship_ii.rar
04/07/2012 10:30 715.427 K Orbital Battery ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:30 3.081.197 K Shipyard II ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:30 3.114.954 K Shipyard III ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:30 3.988.245 K Starbase I ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:34 460.239 kling_construction_ship.rar
04/07/2012 10:36 26.482 R Fleetyard ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:37 308.798 R Orbital Battery OK.rar
04/07/2012 10:37 1.109.691 R Outpost I ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:40 1.508.322 R Science Station ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:41 787.721 R Starbase I ok.rar
04/07/2012 10:41 953.210 R Starbase II ok.rar

Remember, if you need some of me, only ask. From ST I have not a big amount of stuff but if someday you choose to make a SW mod with the Supremacy engine, I have one of the biggest amount of stuff at 3Dmax from SW. Yes it is stuff from many people but I save all and I have the permissions.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 04 Jul 2012, 13:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?

I wish you the best of luck with your project. It looks wonderful and should be a lot of fun.

Author:  Nomada_Firefox [ 04 Jul 2012, 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any problem if I use a few images for this?


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