Star Trek Fan Games

Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer
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Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 08 Feb 2013, 00:34 ]
Post subject:  Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer


Author:  Captain Bashir [ 08 Feb 2013, 05:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer

She was a good crew. I always thought that the actors for Enterprise started off on a better foot, appearing comfortable with each other and their roles.

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 08 Feb 2013, 14:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer

Wish they had the writers going in that they had in the last two years.

Author:  Captain Bashir [ 08 Feb 2013, 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer

Yeah, there were some things they started that I wish we could have seen more of.

Author:  captain_picard [ 10 Feb 2013, 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer

I remember reading that they were planning big things for the 5th season, eg the wars with the Romulans etc. :(

Author:  Catalin M [ 11 Feb 2013, 12:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer

captain_picard wrote:
I remember reading that they were planning big things for the 5th season, eg the wars with the Romulans etc. :(

... and adding Shran to the crew, and visiting Denobula... How come that people watched this series less and less as the seasons went by? I mean, to me, it seemed to get better and better as they progressed. (Well, had it been me, we would have had TNG until the 2000s, VOY at least till 2008, and ENT would still be on.)

Author:  captain_picard [ 11 Feb 2013, 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer

Catalin M wrote:
... and adding Shran to the crew, and visiting Denobula...
Yes, indeed. Shran would be an awesome addition to the crew! Image

Spoiler: show
Can't we "steal" the above Andorian smiley for our forum as well? It's from the Celestia forum.

Catalin M wrote:
How come that people watched this series less and less as the seasons went by? I mean, to me, it seemed to get better and better as they progressed.
Possibly this was due to franchise fatigue, as there was no gap between the different Trek series. Sometimes this gap helps both the fans, as it builds anticipation, but also the creative staff so that they put things into perspective, come up with new ideas etc. Furthermore, Trek seems to have taken a new direction after the long gap and JJ's involvement. In a sense it's going where no Trek has gone before!

On the other hand, I really liked the ideas with the Maquis that started on TNG and then was later expanded on DS9 and Voyager. Also, the crossovers where just amazing: Worf on DS9, 1 episode with Thomas Riker on DS9, Q (and in 1 episode Riker), the Borg etc on Voyager. However, the last episode of Enterpise with Riker was just lame, but I don't want to open up old wounds...

Author:  Kenneth_of_Borg [ 11 Feb 2013, 18:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue Ray Enterprise Trailer

Trailer for Best of Both Worlds

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