Star Trek Fan Games

Race descriptions for gturfrey
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Author:  SonOfMogh [ 29 Sep 2004, 23:57 ]
Post subject:  Race descriptions for gturfrey

This is a response to your request in the other forum for race descriptions for the other empires in the diplomacy screen. I've written it in such a way as you've only recently met the other empire, but you know about them from their reputation as well as 2nd hand accounts. It's done from a federation viewpoint, but is fairly neutral so can be used for other empires.

If there's anything you're not happy with, too much, too little, content etc let me know. I really don't mind this job so if you like these I'll do all the minors when needed.

"Little is known of the Romulan Star Empire as much of their culture is shrouded in secrecy. It is believed they share a common ancestry with the Vulcan people, however they did not follow the example of surak and embrace pure logic. Many cultures have learned to steer clear of Romulan space, they are fiercely territorial and deal with potential threats quickly and brutally. Their intelligence agency, the Tal Shiar, is known to be ruthless and efficient, they are believed to be the primary reason few races have any reliable information about the Empire. Their vessels are often large and powerful, employing cloaking devices to avoid detection and enable them to utilise the element of surprise."

"The Klingon Empire is feared throughout the quadrant. They are a warrior race, who value honour, courage and tradition above all else. The Klingons live for combat and will rarely seek a diplomatic solution to any incident. Despite their fierce warrior ethic, the Klingons have a reputation for honouring treaties and defending allies as they would their own people. The Klingons place little emphasis on intelligence, preferring to utilise the military as their primary means of defence. Their ships are built for pure combat, they often carry heavy weapons and are highly maneuverable"

"The Cardassian Union is one of the most ruthless institutions in the known galaxy. It is believed the Cardassians were once a peaceful, spiritual people, however their government is now largely controlled by the military. The Cardassians have apparently faced great hardship, the only viable solution has been the exploitation of other worlds to support their race. The Cardassian intelligence agency, the Obsidian Order, is known to be the most ruthless and effective of all known powers. Opponents of the Union have been known to commit suicide, rather than endure a Cardassian interrogation. Their warships are well armoured, with powerful phasers. Their commanders tend to favour rigid military formations."

"The Dominion is one of the most powerful organisations known to exist. The architects of the Dominion are known only as 'The Founders', the true nature of the founders is a well kept secret, however certain members of the Dominion are known to worship them as gods. Diplomacy and administration is the domain of the Vorta, skilled diplomats who report directly to the founders. The military arm of the Dominion are known as the Jem Hadar, genetically enhanced soldiers who are created to fight and to kill. The Jem Hadar are as formiddable warriors as one is likely to meet. Jem hadar warships are extremely maneuverable and highly advanced, utilising phased polaron technology. The Dominion have a reputation for fast and efficient ship building, producing vessels at twice the rate as many empires."

Well, thet's all the empires. Didn't bother with the feds as they'll be the only ones playable initially, however can do them if requsted. Let me know if you wanna use these gturfrey. :D

Author:  iwulff [ 23 Nov 2004, 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race descriptions for gturfrey

Well i guess these can be added to the race discriptions can they? :wink:

Author:  eman [ 29 Nov 2004, 05:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race descriptions for gturfrey

just a quick proofread. on the klings...dont say 'they dont rely on intelligence as it sound funny. use the word espionage.

Author:  iwulff [ 29 Nov 2004, 09:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race descriptions for gturfrey

utilising phased polaron technology.

The Dominion wouldn't have this right from the start, so this should be altered SOM. I already gave race discription to gavin from BOTF, for the early beta game. It can always be altered ofcourse, before release. :wink:

Author:  iwulff [ 26 Jan 2005, 12:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race descriptions for gturfrey

I need an race discription for the Federation, about the same size as the other four in this thread. I don't have the time at the moment so i would really appreciate it if someone would do the work for me.

Author:  CVN-65 [ 26 Jan 2005, 13:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Federation description

I know SonOfMogh wrote he can do the Federation, but I was bored and decided I'd give it go. Hope you dont mind SonOfMogh... :( :wink:


The United Federation of Planets is a pacifistic and egalitarian interstellar alliance of planetary goverments and respective colonies united to promote peace and security in the galaxy,and is headquartered on Earth. They are considered the diplomats of the galaxy, acting as mediaries to many conflicts, although some of their first contacs, notably those with the Romulans and Klingons, have ended disasterously. Their military branch of Star Fleet is used only for defencive and exploratory purposes but is effective in the offensive role when called upon it. The Federation does not interfere in the internal matters of other races, and it's intelligence service is primarily used to protect the citizens of the Federation.

Probably some mistakes in it and I know it kind of makes them look like angels, but the name of the game Is Birth of the Federation (II)

Author:  SonOfMogh [ 26 Jan 2005, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race descriptions for gturfrey

I don't mind at all CVN. :wink:

I have a few issues with your description though;

*You mention the outcome of diplomatic contact with the Klingons and Romulans. At game start you won't have met anyone, different games will have different histories. Also, The description has to be universal, If you pick the Klingons it will just sound odd.

*The phrase, "is headquartered on Earth" seems wrong.

*I don't know if I'd talk about the Federation as mediators, I'm nitpicking now, but if you meet them early game they may be struggling to keep internal peace.

Overall, that reads well. I'll now have a go myself and incorporate elements of what you wrote... :wink:


The United Federation Of Planets exists as an alliance of free worlds, united in the interests of peace. Federation members aspire to promote the ideals of cooperation and friendship to the whole galaxy, whilst adhering to strict policies of non interference in other cultures. The Federation expands through diplomacy, and have an effective internal security division should any outside aggressors wish to disrupt the lives of Federation citizens. Starfleet serves as the combined exploratory, diplomatic and military arm of the Federation. Whilst not designed primarily for battle, Starfleet ships provide an effective deterrent. They have strong shields and advanced torpedo systems, and are designed to perform as well alone as in groups.

This can of course be edited or refined if needed. The toughest part picking a couple of strengths for each race's ships. I figured the Federation always have tough shields, and I think they have a considerable edge in torpedo weapons.

*Regarding the Dominion use of phased polaron technology. I personally don't see any reason they couldn't be using a primitive version during the ENT era, after all Starfleet have primitive phase weapons.

Author:  iwulff [ 26 Jan 2005, 14:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Race descriptions for gturfrey

Thanks to both of you.

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