I'll tell you guys what, i'll just post them here so far. it'll save me sending out a million emails and PMs.
Here goes then:
The Klingon Random Event list - Any writing in brackets in a translation, and is
not intanded to be shown in the game.
14. Caretaker Array - The IKV _____ has failed to return after completing its mission in sector _____. One of our deep-space sensor arrays detected a massive shockwave in the region, and is thought to have something to do with the dissappearance. May her crew feast in the great halls of Sto'Vo'Kor!
15. Subspace Bubble - Contact has been lost with the IKV _____. The ship was on a scouting mission for the Empire, and her reports will be missed. It is unknown what has become of her. May her warriors find glorius battle wherever they may be!
15.1 Subspace Anomaly - An anomaly on the edge of the Galaxy has rendered Warp drive useless throughout the Empire. mu'qaD! (Curses) Our warriors are stranded and unable to fight for the Empire!
15.2 Graviton Ellipse - An unusual anomaly is passing through system _____. All captains' in the vicinity of the anomaly have shut down their Warp cores, else their crews will have a premature entry into Sto'Vo'Kor!
- N/A
- N/A
16. Artificial Intelligence - Our Imperial Navy will need to hunt down one of our own ships! The vessel has gained an artificial intelligence, and it has begun to attack our fleets and colonies. It is a Klingon ship at heart! In different circumstances, it would be a welcome addition to the fleet. However, we cannot take any chances; the ship must be destroyed! If any of the crew still live, at least they will die in glorius battle!
17. Ion Storm Before - Our deep-space outposts have reported a vay-vach (Level five) Ion Storm heading in the direction of system _____. Not even the stoutest Klingon warrior can battle an Ion storm, so perhaps it would be best to move our warriors somewhere more suitable...like within range of an enemy installation perhaps?
Ion Storm After - The Ion Storm has passed. Ha! There has been some damage, but it takes more than a storm to conquer a Klingon!
18. Temporal Disturbance - Our colony in system ____ has been engulfed in a Temporal Disturbance. It seems the warriors training there have had more/less time to practice their Bat'leth skills!
19. Hekaras Corridor Incident - Qugh! (Disaster) It seems we will need to find a new method of faster-than-light travel! The fabric of Subspace collapsed in sector _____ while a transport was travelling through. This will be a challenge worthy of our yaj'an! (Researchers)
20. Unstable Wormhole - The Wormhole in sector _____ has shifted. If any Klingon warrior is trapped on the other side, may they meet Sto'Vo'Kor quickly!
21. Suddenly Appearing Blackhole - Space is treacherous to any ship that travels without good sensors, but sensors are not the primary system of a Klingon ship. It may be wise to advise our warriors of a new Black Hole in sector _____.
Suddenly Appearing Wormhole - Space is vast. Our enemies may be far away, but a chance has been given to our warriors. A new Wormhole has been encountered in sector _____. May it allow us to strike at our enemies!
22. Nebula Formation - Space is full of opportunities for Klingon warriors. A Nebula is forming in sector _____. No doubt our enemies will want to investigate it - no doubt it would make the perfect place for ambush!
22.1. Solar Wind Change - Occaisionally, Stars give the gift of life instead of taking it. It seems the star in system _____ in particular has given such a gift. Our warriors are looking foward to testing their refound youth on unsuspecting enemies of the Empire! Unleash the dogs of war!
23. Nebula Collapse - Opportunities for the Empire are rare, but when they do occur, Klingons take with both hands! A Nebula is sector _____ is collapsing into a new Star system, and would give our warriors more breathing room if we could colonise it before our enemies have the chance.
24. Nexus - Space is full of unusual occurrances and anomalies. It seems one such Anomaly recently passed through system _____. A group of people were left behind in its wake, but the behaviour of these people was extreme, and they caused much disruption. As per Klingon law, they were to be executed, when our yej'an (Researchers) requested they be turned over to them for research. It seems these dogs may be of use afterall...
25. Supernova - nargh! (Evacuate!) The Star in System _____ is a late-stage Red Giant, and our Sensors have detected that an explosion is immenent! There is only a matter of months left. Evacuate those that can serve the Empire, leave the rest. There is no honour in a Klingon who cannot fight.
26. Comet Strike - lot! (Catastrophe) A Comet has impacted with one of the planets in system _____. The devastation is total, and millions of honourable warriors died without battle. It is a sad day for the Empire.
27. Asteroid Impact - lot! (Catastrophe!) An Asteroid has impacted a Planet in system _____. There is widespread devastation, and many Klingon wounded. They are not all dead however, and most can still fight. Hunger will be the next battle our warriors face, as there are few supplies left undamaged on the planet. This is not the way a warrior should die.
28. Earthquake - By the hand of Kahless! An Earthquake has struck a planet in system _____. There is much structural damage, but our warriors have survived. It takes more than shaking ground to kill a Klingon!
28.1 - Meltdown - tlhuD nIj! (Radiation leak!) A research project to solve our energy needs has come to a devastating end. The core of a new power plant went into meltdown during final testing. The resulting explosion has irradiated half of the planet, with projections indicating all life with be poisoned within a matter of months. The dead will line streets! It is a dark day for the Empire.
29. Volcano - The Klingon heart rages with fire, and so it seems, does a planet in system _____. A Volcanic Eruption has turned the sky black, and communication has become impossible. There can be no doubt - millions of honourable warriors will die needlessly. May they find battle in Sto'Vo'Kor!
30. Weather System Breakdown - Unlike a true Klingon, no technology is infallible. It seems our weather control systems in system _____ have gone off-line, and freak weather reports are coming in from across the planet. Whilst our structures may have failed, Klingons warriors still live on! It takes more than a little weather to stop a Klingon!
31. Climate Change - A Planet is like a Klingon, never settled until the end. A Planet in system _____ is undergoing a climate change. It will be some time before our warriors will be able to practice with their Bat'leths outside of their homes.
31.1 Polar Change - Planets are wont to change, and it seems one in system _____ is on the verge of such a change. The Magnetic Poles are shifting, and such a change only occurs before a dramatic climate change. Our warriors are preparing for battle with the elements, until the Planet settles down.
32. Tribbles - yIHmey SurghwI' chon! (Tribble skinning hunt!) Tribbles have eaten the entire food supply in system _____. It doesn't matter though; our warriors are on the hunt! Death to the entire Tribble race!
32.1 Neural Parasites - Our colony in system _____ has been wiped out by Neural Parasites. They were an enemy that not even weapons could destroy!
33. Archaeological Dig Success - Klingons are born to fight and conquer...but the Empire needs technology to provide for her warriors. An archaeological dig in system _____ has discovered ancient devices of unknown use. Our researchers believe they could help the Empire...and her warriors.
34. Asylum - All Klingons serve the Empire, as do all those under it's protection. An enemy scientist has defected to our Empire, and has brought his research with him. The Empire will protect him...for as long as he serves it.
35. Fossils - A Scout vessel has crashed in an asteroid field. Whilst salvaging the ship, the surviving crew recovered strange alien fossils and DNA in some caves. The Empire will find a use for such finds!
36. Genetics Experiment - All Klingons know of the dangers of Genetics experiments, but it seems for once, an accident has actually helped our researchers. A curious mutation developed in our latest experiment, and has provided our researchers answers to some of their greatest questions.
37. Lab Explosion - The Empire survives on Energy, but it seems enough is never enough. A surge in our Energy requirements caused a reactor to go into meltdown; no Klingons were injured in the blast, but an investigation by Klingon Intelligence has discovered an unusual Energy signature in what remains of the core. Our weapons experts are keen to begin harnessing this new radiation immediately, and are sure they can provide new weapons for our Navy. Our nuHpIn (Weapons officers) will be pleased!
38. Expedition - Klingons are made of flesh and blood, but our ships require metal for their structure. A geographical expedition has uncovered a new source of a rare metal; one which future warships will require in abundance. This will allow us to strike at the very core of enemy Empires!
39. Supercomputer - Qach! The Empire relies on her experts to be faultless, but it seems that even mistakes can bring advantages. The subroutines of a critical program were entered wrongly into a computer, but the result was a vast increase in performance. The reasons for this are unknown, but it will boost the power of computers throughout the Empire considerably.
40. Child Genius - wIgh! (Genius) Whilst all Klingons feel the fire of the Klingon spirit for battle, not all Klingons see this as a choice of career. These Klingons go on to be the driving force behind our advancement in technology. It seems one such Klingon has arisen; his theories on Propulsion have stunned our yej'an, (Researchers) and have opened the door to new designs for future warships. The Empire has been served well.
41. Chain Reaction - Whilst on patrol, our Scout vessel in sector _____ performed a standard sensor sweep. The scan triggered a rare subspace reaction, producing energy readings of a level that is unattainable with our current technology. Our yej'an (Researchers) were able to to make detailed analyses of the reaction, providing them with invaluble data. Perhaps the Empire's thirst for power will finally be quenched?
42. Discovery of Data (Dr. Soong) - Apparently, not all life is biological. One of our Scout vessels has captured what appears to be the culmination of the life's work of the late Dr. Noonien Soong, a pioneer in the field of Positronics. Whilst useless as a warrior, the Android will further our knowledge of Positronics considerably.
43. Advanced Starship Discovered - Qapla! (Success) We have captured an advanced starship in sector _____. It was adrift in an Asteroid field, but we know nothing else about it. Our yej'an (Researchers) will surely be able to make some use of it...
44. Experimental Ship Adrift - A Scout vessel detected an experimental ship adrift in sector _____. Against the will of many young Klingon who would have sooner destroyed it, we have handed it back to the Empire who constructed it. Of course, our yej'an (Researchers) made detailed scans of it, providing us with specifications of future posible enemy designs for years to come! What a glorius day for the Empire!
44.1 Experimental Ship Destroyed - A Scout vessel detected an experimental ship adrift in sector _____. The acomplished Klingon commander that discovered the vessel captured the crew and copied the entire computer database, then set off the self-destruct system. The enemy will believe their ship was a failure, and we have gained all of it's secrets. Qapla! (Success!)
45. Dyson Sphere - Our yej'an (Researchers) have long suspected that somewhere out in the cold, dark vastness of space, there is a structure so large, that it surrounds an entire Sun. Whilst exploring sector _____, a Scout vessel detected the presence of such a structure. Our yej'an (Researchers) will be able to advance in many fields of research through this discovery. May our enemies fear us!
46. Encounter The Cytherians - We recently lost contact with the IKV _____. Whilst it isn't unknown for ships to simply dissappear, this particular ship managed to reappear with the combined knowledge of an entire race. Apparently, the ship was dragged to a far-off corner of the Galaxy by an alien probe and taken to a cowardly race known as the Cytherians. It is lucky however, that the commander wasn't too trigger-happy, for our yej'an (Researchers) will be able to advance our knowledge far more quickly with such information. It seems Diplomacy can sometimes be useful to the Empire!
47. Encounter the Omega Particle - We have discovered the most potent source of power in the Universe, the Omega particle. Whilst researching it would bring great benefits to our Empire, the risk of a catastrophic explosion is great. Such an explosion would cause subspace to collapse, rendering Warp drive impossible throughout many sectors. Chancellor, what should our honourable yej'an (Researchers) do?
47.1 Think Tank - A wandering band of great scientists has contacted a Scout vessel in sector _____. The vessel tried to capture them, but the commander failed miserably. By right of challenge, his first-in-command challenged him to combat, and killed the dishonourable Klingon. The new commander has since attempted Diplomacy, and the group is offering their services to the Empire...for a price.
48. Research Convoy - An enemy research convoy docked at one of our bases to resupply. The base commander excercised interplanetary law, and had the cargo seized for examination. Among the contents, several documents and schematics of great importance to the enemy were found. Qapla! (Success!) Triumph for our security forces!
49. Test Beds - We provide our yaj'an (Researchers) with necessary resources, so that they may discover the secrets of the Universe for the glory of the Empire. Occaisionally however, this is simply not enough. Our yaj'an (Researchers) have come up with a new theory, and want to test it out. Will you provide them with resources, Great Chancellor?
50. Data Loss - Our researchers transmitted vital data on a research project to Qo'nos, but the information never arrived. Following standard security protocols, the data was deleted after it was sent, to ensure enemy spies could not capture it. ghuy! (A Klingon curse, no translation) We have lost approximately _____ terraquads of data.
51. Resources Found - Qapla! (Success) Whilst on a dig, a new lode of Resources/Dilithium was discovered. Now the Empire can build even more vessels for our warriors! Qapla! (Success)
51.1 Fuel Leak - The IKV _____ has reported a fuel leak. ghuy! (A Klingon curse, no translation) Her engineer will be punished for this failure. X Deuterium lost.
51.2 Dilithium Freighter Discovered - The IKV _____ has discovered the wreckage of a Dilithium Freighter. Her Commander salvaged the Dilithium, then destroyed the remaining wreckage. X Dilithium gained.
51.3 Freighter Discovered - The IKV _____ has discovered the wreckage of a Freighter. Her Commander salvaged the Resources, then destroyed the remaining wreckage. X Resources gained.
52. Radical New Mining Methods - Qapla! (Success) Our yej'an (Researchers) have served the Empire well. They have come up with radical new methods of mining resources. Our accumulation of these resources will increase significantly.
53. Protocols - A young Klingon Warrior has taken command of a resupply station. He has introduced new operating protocols and boosted the productivity of the station significantly. He will make a fine Klingon warrior!
54. Perfect Growing Conditions - Not all Klingons are warriors, though the warrior spirit is in all true Klingons. The Klingons in charge of our Hunting Grounds in System _____ have come up with new methods of hunting, there is now more fresh meat for all Klingon Warriors in the System! Let the feasting begin!
54.1 Famine - nargh! The animals in our hunting grounds in System _____ have escaped! if the animals are not captured, our Warriors will starve! This is not the way a Klingon should die! He should die at the hands of a superior enemy in battle! It is a dark day for the Empire.
55. Asylum - A career in Klingon Intelligence is not the most desirable career path for young Klingons, but it is something that the Empire relies on for survival, nonetheless. These great Klingons ensure survival from enemies that do not wish to fight; even those cowards that lie in the shadows can hurt us without fighting. An enemy spy is requesting asylum. In exchange, he is willing to give us detailed plans on enemy activities. This would be a great victory for Klingon Intelligence, but if he is lying, there can be only one punishment for these traitorous p'tak! (Klingon curse)
56. Diplomatic Summit - Not all Klingons chose to be warriors. Some choose to represent the Empire through less aggressive means than others would like. At a recent summit of Galactic powers, these Diplomats gained a new understanding. Relations have improved.
57. New Government - The _____ Empire has undergone an internal shift, and a new Government leads their people. This new Government is more/less open to our advances.
58. Intel Breakthrough - To be Klingon, is to have fire in your heart, and to die a Warrior!Not all enemies feel the same though. Some cowards lurk in the shadows, knife ready to kill a Klingon without honour. For once though, it seems the tables have turned! Klingon Intelligence has found a new source of information on enemy movements and procedures. Our intelligence activities against them will be significantly improved for the forseeable future. Qapla! (Success)
59. Compromising Material - Our enemies may try to portray themselves in a favourable light, but it seems even those high up in the Government of the _____ Empire are not as reputable as they seem. Our Intelligence operatives have come across compromising materials, against him. As a result, he has become more willing to...see things from our point of view.
60. Assassination - An enemy leader has been assassinated. Our Empire was framed for the cowardly act, and the _____ Empire has refused all Diplomacy with us. Relations have significantly worsened. (Or) An enemy leader has been assassinated. The leader was actively anti-Klingon, and without his 'guidance', the Government of the _____ Empire has become more open to our advances. Relations have improved.
61. Accident - A prominent advisor to the Chancellor has died in a transporter accident. There was no evidence of external interference, and the engineer in charge has been punished for negligence of duty. Morale Empire-wide has taken a hit.
61.2 Assault - A Diplomat from the _____ Empire was attacked whilst out for a walk. He was unescorted, but thanks to the quick response of our security forces, the Diplomat was saved. Relations have improved.
62. Diplomatic Failure - Every Klingon has his own opinions, but it seems at times, these opinions make their way into the open. An insulting letter was forwarded to _____ Empire before it could be intercepted. Relations have suffered.
62.1 Undercover News Reporter - Klingon Intelligence has failed! An undercover reporter of the _____ Empire managed to get through our security barriers and discovered evidence of our recent acts of aggression against their Empire. The news made the Headlines, and relations have taken a mhuge hit.
63. Domestic Terrorism - Hackers managed to gain access to several of our monetary funds using system overrides. Our economy is in turmoil, and will continue in turmoil until the damage can be repaired and confidence returns. Klingon intelligence will have to answer for this failure. - X % credits for 5 turns.
64. Diplomatic Terrorism - A Subspace transmitter has been hacked into by terrorists. They altered a Diplomatic message to appear extremely hostile. Relations with _____ Empire have suffered. It seems we need changes in Klingon Intelligence.
65. Propaganda - morale randomly fluctuates
66. Terrorism - Terrorists set off a small anti-matter device in System _____. Several structures were destroyed, including our current production in the System. There were no casualties, but the structure will have to be built from scratch. Klingon Intelligence will have to try harder to stop such attacks from occuring again. X production lost.
66.1 Starship Production Lost - Terrorists gained access to a new construction project in system _____. They set off a series of bombs near the Warp Core. The Anti-matter containment fields failed, and the ship was destroyed. We will need to improve security in our shipyards.
66.2 Containment Breach - We lost contact with the IKV _____. While it isn't unusual to lose contact with ships for short periods of time, we were unable to re-establish contact. A Scout was despatched to search for the vessel, but all that could be found was debris. it seems a Containment breach was to blame, and the ship exploded. There were no survivors. The crew's lives were wasted in this terrible accident - there was no sign of any attackers.
67. Diplomatic Success - Klingons are born to fight and conquer! but this is not a day for battle. The wheels of Diplomacy have turned, and our relations with the _____ Empire have improved. Now we must turn our attention to other enemies.
- N/A
68.1 Feast - 'uQ'a'! (Feast) All true Klingons always know who their enemy is at heart, but our growing Empire means that this isn't enough. The leader of a violent/peaceful group has thrown a feast to increase his support throughout our Empire. As a result, Loyalty/morale has decreased/increased throughout the Empire.
68.2 Ext. Affairs Breakthrough - The forge that Kahless used to create the Klingon heart burns red with fire, and it is forges that allows our warriors to fight for the glory of the Empire! The Government of ______ has donated a shipment of industrial replicators to our cause. This gesture should ensure the wheels of Diplomacy are well oiled in future. They may even be worthy of membership in our Empire.
69. War - noH! (War) Glorius battle! The news of the war with the _____ Empire has been met well. All true Klingons are eager to earn their rightful place in Sto'Vo'Kor! There is only one thing that a Klingon like better than the news of war, and that is to fight and die in one. This is good news for enlistments.
Say what you think guys. I'm not so sure about some of my latest ones, but what do you guys think? (Where's a nail-biting emoticon when you need one?
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)