Star Trek Fan Games

How do you get a score in BOTF?
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Author:  tielee [ 30 Aug 2005, 02:04 ]
Post subject:  How do you get a score in BOTF?

Quite simply as it says above, how do you get the final score in BOTF?
I read many manuals and guides on the game and i havent seen any list on how the final score is generated.
I also went online and looked it up, but to no avail i didnt find it anywhere online.

Im wondering just what you have to do in game to score points, and what (if anything) loses you points.

Anyone know?


P.S. A few times i ended the game (2 times as klingon, 1 time as romulan), and even then i didnt get into the high scores.
By ended the game i mean i had captured/colonized most every system, and had killed off the colony of the last empire.

Author:  TrekBoyChris [ 30 Aug 2005, 12:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you get a score in BOTF?

I think they score you on things like Diplomacy, how much info you gather on your oponants etc.

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 30 Aug 2005, 13:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you get a score in BOTF?

All of the following might also be taking into account in the score:

- The number of ships you have?
- The number of enemy ships you take out/steal?
- Your tech level and any 'future' technologies you have?
- The number of systems/Dilithium systems you own?
- Managing to repel the Borg successfully or not?
- Capturing enemy systems or obliterating them? (This one may also depend on the race you play as)
- The amount of successful sabotage/espionage you commit against your enemies? (Unsuccessful probably lowers your score)
- The number of minor races you member/ally/trade with?
- The number/power of your allies?
- 'Trustability' - did you break treaties often or not?
- The number of Trade routes you have?
- The % of the Galaxy you 'own?'
- Beating other Empires?
- The length of the game (Beating a game quickly is usually a good thing)
- The Morale of your systems?
- Did any systems rebel? (Obviously would lower the score)
- The number of systems you liberate?

That's about all I can think of at the moment...

Author:  TrekBoyChris [ 30 Aug 2005, 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you get a score in BOTF?

My head hurts :lol:

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 30 Aug 2005, 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you get a score in BOTF?

Not as much as mine! :lol:

Like I said, those things might be taken into account in the score. It might be all, it might be some. (It might even be none! :cry:)

Author:  TrekBoyChris [ 30 Aug 2005, 20:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you get a score in BOTF?

Well the AI was really bad at everything so i wouldn't be surprised. Your long post might have been in vein :D

Author:  Matress_of_evil [ 31 Aug 2005, 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you get a score in BOTF?

I've done bigger... :lol:

Can anyone think of anything else that could be taken into acount in the score?

Author:  Winterhawk [ 15 Sep 2005, 04:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: How do you get a score in BOTF?

Matress_of_evil wrote:
I've done bigger... :lol:

Can anyone think of anything else that could be taken into acount in the score?

Yes Matress,

with what you listed is good. Other parts are what was taken away i,e, minus points.

1 how many system(s) you lose to other empires
2 gaining them back in a short amount of time gains you extra points.
3 losing minors systems by those minors breaking away from you.
4 total number of ships you have lost in battle.
5 total number of ships that were stolen from you, distroying them does give you a bit of points, but I do not think it effects the overall score as it was one of you own ships...
6 total empire morale.... even one system that is content.. lowers the overall score.
7 total number of times any of your systems were attacked, i.e. sabatoge for farms, ect..

I actually played 1 game at it's end over 40 times, just to record what happened with each item I mentioned above. speed is also a factor, as if you play too fast and the systems are not growing up to full ability, you lose some points, you could have. As far as playing to long? I have played a game up to 1200 turns and my overall score was off the charts. but then again I allowed each system to build as high as it could go, then pumped money into minors who dropped below fanatic..

Your credits also effect the total score shown on the graph. Keep that # has high as you can.
Get any damaged ships repaired. not sure why but that also seems to effect the bar graph score..

hope my personal tests have helped some...
would be nice if others could check this out with there games as i'm sure it varies by race.... mine were Roms only.... I need to do this with the other races as well.

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