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Rank the Trek movies, write a short review also if you like. :wink:

TMP- I'll admit I can't even remember this one well, I've definitely watched it, and watched half of it recently, but I'm not gonna rate it.

TWOK- Ahhdmeehrahhl Kirrrrk! This is a very cool film, and I still enjoy watching it. The pacing is great, the acting is top notch, the characters seem very real and likeable, the space battle is still magnificent, and the ending is stellar. It's also so so quotable, (dey poot creeetures in oure bodees).
I'll have to say though, a bit overrated in my book. It's full of plot holes, big **** plot holes, which in some cases detract directly from the story. Kirk is too much of a bafoon given how awesome he was in TOS. Earns a point for introducing cool new uniforms!
Rating 8.5

TSFS- I always enjoy watching this one. I just love the pacing, the way the film picks up from TWOK with everyone grieving Spock, the acting is cool also. This film gave me the Klingon BOP, the Excelsior, and the Oberth! Problem is it's just so contrived, and serves no purpose other than to undo everything done in TWOK. It is deeper than many give it credit for though, with the whole Klingons vs Kirk thing really hiked up, culminating in a painful death of the Enterprise.
Rating 7

TVH- Shoot me, but I don't think I've ever watched this. I don't really want to either, I like my Trek aboard ships in the future, and with subtle humour.

TFF- Not seen this in years, don't really wish to.

TUC- Great movie, good blend of everything. I love the scenes aboard the big E, and the battle at the end is tense and top notch. The whole political backdrop is a great setting, and the acting is good. I watch this movie more often than TWOK because it just seems crisp and new, while TWOK feels old and grainy.
It does have flaws, I hate the boring Rura Penthe ****, and always fast forward it. I also can't stomach Kirk's speach at the end, I prefer subtle messages that are almost ambiguous, Kirk's speech is subtle as a sledgehammer in the nuts.
Rating 8

GEN- I like this movie, I think it's underrated. I liked seeing the 23rd century again, albeit briefly. I liked a lot of the little stories on board the D, especially Picard's grief over the loss of his family (patrick stewart can sure act). I enjoyed the whole undercurrent of death that runs through the movie, and the hopeful musings of Picard at the end. I also adore the battle, the special effects are incredible, although I'm frustrated they used a BOP and not something more menacing. Look at how the Defiant deals with BOPs, the E-D should have fired 10 photons and be done with it. Oh, and I love the way Riker says 'fire', I could watch that scene over and over.
On the downside, Data's emotion chip comes close to ruining the movie for me. I wanted to take Mr **** Tricorder and shove it up his annoying ass. I character I loved in the series was immediately turned into one I hate in seconds, no other fictional character in history holds that honour. I also thought the movie lacked something, I'm not sure what though. And I have to agree with Brannon Braga in his commentary, the scene where Picard's kid in the Nexus is like "dinner's ready papa", "is just nauxious". I also thought the saucer crash looked stupid and fake. I guess overall it's a pretty mixed bag.
Rating 7

FC- The best of the lot for me. Great acting, great action, fab story. Picard was believable and in character as a man on a mission, and his acting surpassed any other I've seen. I got to see my Defiant fight the Borg on a cinema screen, something I'd only dreamed of. Worf battering Borg with his Mek'Leth was awesome, this truly was the harder, leaner DS9 Worf. I'm so so glad the writers didn't just forget about all his character development, he seemed like he's been written by the DS9 guys, that was appreciated. The assimilation scenes were creepy, and the movie felt like a horror movie at time (I love zombie flicks). All the crew got good roles in this, facilitated by them being split up, Riker was likeable as ever handling a pissed Troi. I also appreciate the Sovereign design, as well as the Akira, Steamrunner and Sabre, the best Trek uniforms ever, and the awesome redesigned Borg.
I can't figure out if I like the queen or not, she helped the plot, but seemed inconsistent with the Borg we know. I'm on the fence there. I also hate how the film was full of corny lines; "astronauts on some kind.....", "To hell with our orders" (you're not Spock, **** off!), "resistance is futull". I guess around the time this came out, most action films had similar **** in them (ID4 anyone). I did like Worf's "assimliate this".
Rating 10

INS- Can't be arsed to write a lot here, nackered from the FC review! I didn't mind this, but it was laughable following FC. The humour was mostly ****, Data was annoying, Worf was less DS9 Worf here, aside from when he's killing Son'A without even looking at them!
My big complaint is that someone has watched FC, and decided Picard's action man. In FC he was out for revenge, the meek, mild mannered Captain had snapped, it was consistent! Here, he faces a similar situation to numerous others he has faced and just goes all action again, this time out of the blue. The Enterprise get's bum raped by two ships that belong to a nobody empire, that didn't fit.
I did like the conversations between Picard and Doherty, all the talk of the Federation was cool. I enjoy watching it, but it falls a bit flat.
Rating 6

NEM- In a nutshell, the movie makes no sense, has plotholes you could fly a starship though, and some very inconsistent characters, but I enjoy it. Looking at the characters, although they forgot about everything from the last 3 films, Data is fairly likeable again. Picard has finally contraced the Irumodic syndrome and lost his **** mind, why doesn't Beverly relieve him of duty after he fires his phaser at a pre warp species? Worf's a joke, he's regularly getting pissed and keeping up with hardened Klingon warriors, O'Brien said "never try to match drinks with a Klingon" after drinking with him, and he's Irish, yet Worf's the only one who seems to be feeling the effects of the batchelor party, even Weasley, who's decided to stop freezing time and rejoin Starfleet, looks fine. The Scimitar is what happens when you let 14 year old nerds design starships, it beats the Galaxy-X in fanboyishness! It is just too powerful to be credible, that ship would've decimated the Wolf 359 fleet with the same ease as the Borg! Surely then it must have been 50 years in the making? A Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order superweapon? Captured alien technology? No, it was built by slaves at a 'secret base', W T F ? That really says a lot about Starfleet's greatest minds, they really **** up with the Sovereign then, by this logic the Romulans could conquer the Federation easily. 10 Scimitars would destroy any fleet, just stupid.
Having said that, the battle was great, the first time trek ships have used sound tactics in battle, very enjoyable. Ok, I can turn my brain off and enjoy this movie, I could even give it a 7. When I sit and think about it I'm inclined to give it a 2, although I enjoy watching it as much as some others. I'll compromise.
Rating 5.5

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

08 Oct 2005, 12:55
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Hmm, i have to admit i had a few mind blansk tryin to work out your abreviation of the movies, but id go along with alot of your comments. First Contact by far a modern great, although perhaps not he best of all time, im going to have to put some more thought into this one.

08 Oct 2005, 13:09
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TMP- The Motion Picture
TWOK- The Wrath Of Khhhhaaaaaaaan
TSFS- The Search For Spock
TVH- The Voyage Home
TFF- The Final Frontier
TUC- The Undiscovered Country
GEN- Generations
FC- First Contact
INS- Insurrection
NEM- Nemesis


Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

08 Oct 2005, 13:25
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FC is by far the best but i did enjoy NEM TVH and TWOK all great movies

godd reviews by the way SOM

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08 Oct 2005, 13:30
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yer first contact is the best of all. i did also like voyage home. i think i will have to site down and watch them all again.

"...without my pants"

08 Oct 2005, 13:56
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Im halfway though FC as we speak lol

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08 Oct 2005, 14:01
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I love your avatar mate. Worf is the original ladies man isn't he. :lol:

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

08 Oct 2005, 14:32
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Here's my top three:

1. Wrath of Khan is my favorite by far. That's the Captain Kirk I grew up with.

2. Undiscovered Country is, again, classic old school trek. Great stuff. Sappy at the end but a nice ending for this crew.

3. First Contact is the best of the new crew.

4. Voyage Home was just fun.

5. Generations was ok. The opening was, again, classic Kirk. That's how Kirk should die: in space trying to save the ship and the crew of the Enterprise. Not on some lifeless rock in space by a collapsing bridge. Stupid, stupid way to kill off Kirk.

6. Search for Spock is just not a memorable movie. Kristie Alley's departure from the franchise was disappointing. I really didn't care when Kirk's son died. Kept expecting the Klingon captain to order his crew to engage the flux capacitor.

7. Insurrection had some interesting stuff but could have been much better. Donna Murphy would have been enough to make me stay with the Baku.

8. The Motion Picture is a great movie if you need to sleep. Very long shots of the Enterprise moving through the Vger ship. Exciting, uh? Only worth watching for it's status as the first movie.

9. Nemesis was just awful and pointless. How could anyone a Paramont have read the script and through "this will work"??? How can you kill off Data, maybe the best character in all of Star Trek? How can you kill him off in such a stupid manner? How can you kill off Data?

There have only been 9 Star Trek movies. I've heard rumors of a 10th, something call Final Frontier ... and I seem to have some nightmare about some stupid, horrible film. But it never happened!


Feel free to take the same stance about Nemesis. I may.

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08 Oct 2005, 16:07
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Quick Trivia Question ... only one franchise has made more movies than Star Trek? Name the franchise.

(Hint: you folks in the UK should get this quick).

08 Oct 2005, 16:09
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Bond, James Bond

"Then perhaps today IS a good day to die!
Helm, prepare for RAMMING SPEED!" - Worf

08 Oct 2005, 16:37
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The_Logical_Man wrote:
Bond, James Bond

My name says it all :lol:

08 Oct 2005, 16:45
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The Motion Picture
This move was sssslllloooowwwww..... i didn't liked it much:

The Wrath Of Khan
Reasonable ST movie, i didn't really liked the character Khan...

The Search For Spock
Good movie, moment that Kirk ordered his ship to get explode, the moment he stole his ship.etc... all that stuff. I also didn't liked the character of Kirk's son...

The Voyage Home
Excellent movie, whales!, Kirk in command of an bird of prey, somehow they might have though of something better then a cilinder. lol

The Final Frontier
Didn't liked it... stupid story.

The Undiscovered Country
Great and excellent movie, i liked Chang only he was to britisch and to much a gentleman in his tongue and stuff same goes with the other klingons. Really excellent story and stuff.

Good movie nothing more, nothing less. Someone said that he wanted to see Kirk die in space, well this is actually a place i would have imaged him to die. Somehow... lol anyway i liked the mix of characters involved, such as Guinan and Lursa sisters and stuff like that. Also Data's emotion chip really funny. Stupid end for the Enterprise D.

First Contact
Great movie, really. Borg need i say more. No The story was excellent written, and really great actor work.

Good movie, i didn't like the fact that it took two son'a vessels to beat the Enterprise (the flagship of the Federation), but well the Enterprise was stronger duo to some *finally* great leadership of Riker.

Some stuff i really liked. Remans, Romulans, Romulan Homeworld.etc.. Thing i didnt liked: Data dead, Picard clone, Scimitar (stupid oaf ship), Not a great story.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

08 Oct 2005, 18:28
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My top three: (in no particular order)

Wrath Of Kahn
First Contact
Voyage Home

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Legacy is now here! Buy the XBOX 360 version!

08 Oct 2005, 19:12
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Well, here's my list

...Well, not bad. The story was nice, but since it was the first that I'd seen of TOS crew movies and I hadn't seen much TOS alltogether, I thought it was actualy kind of funny

I had absolutely no idea who that Khan guy was, so I recorded the movie, found who he was on the Memory Alpha and then the movie actual made sence. Improving...

Steal the ship, save little Spock, Klingons... bah... Liked three things; the Excelsior sabotage, Kirk fooling the Klingons on-board and destroying Enterprise. And, finaly, they shot David :twisted:

Now THAT was a grat movie! Spock was great, funny with his very appearance. The scene where they have to look casual on the intersection, Spock swimming with the whale, Chekov on the Enterprise... It was just great all around

Bad beggining, bad plot, but I did like the "What does God need with a starship" scene

Nice story, a political plot, some shooting and Kirk and McCoy on Rura Penthe. Also, on of the best moments in Trek "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning" :)

I liked it alot, but it could have been better. We get the opportunity to see what happens to a ship when Troi is at the controls. I always thought they'd kill off Kirk in space... Oh well!

Great, great and, you guessed it, great. If only in the end Cochrane took out a gun and shoot the pointy-eared bastard :twisted: (I recently saw the Terrans from ENT)

Riker manuevar, that's all I have to say

imho... It wasn't such a bad movie <ducks and throws for cover>
A flawed plot, but nice flashy, with a nice battle and zgly enemies... Guess I'm a sucker for Specual effects

09 Oct 2005, 01:25
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From best to worst:
- First Contact: Borg battle was GREAT, very good acting, good script, good soundtrack, everything.
- Generations: I like the feeling of this movie. Ok, i don't like Kirk's death, it isn't the way i thought he would die. Also, the interaction between Kirk and Picard (hell, THE captains by far) wasn't at it's best. But, i like the script, the dialogues, picard's and data's acting, the soundtrack also. The Enterprise D - BOP battle was excelent (in terms of effects of course), it was just a shame to see the Ent being destroyed by a tiny BOP, worst that it's phasers couldn't take down the little ship's shields O_o. Anyway, i love to watch it.
- TVH: I like very much the acting, i get to laugh a lot with kirk, spock, bones, scotty.
- Undiscovered Country: I've seen it twice, but i really liked it anyway. It's not something in particular, i guess it just makes me feel good to watch it.

These followed by all the others in no particular order, except for the I and V. The first one it way to slow and weird, the other one is just idiotic.

09 Oct 2005, 02:20
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"Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning"

That is a great quote.

We get the opportunity to see what happens to a ship when Troi is at the controls.

Yep. Never ... I repeat never ... let a counsilor park the ship. :D

09 Oct 2005, 02:25
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Ive only seen the frait of khan and First contact :? :oops: but so far I now First contact is the favorite of I can't give a rate of the movies :(

09 Oct 2005, 11:28
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SonOfMogh wrote:
I love your avatar mate. Worf is the original ladies man isn't he. :lol:

Boring ICT lesson gave birth to my avator lol

Hell yea , go out on a sturday night with worf pick up loads of girls!

Hes ladies man in real life Trek Boy Chris sent me this
hehehehehehe i like it and i would do almost anything to be him at this moment in time lol


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09 Oct 2005, 14:04
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1. FC by far the best.

2. WOK and TUC are tied for second. Khan was a good charcater, but wouldnt you think a genenginered uberman would have been smarter than kirk? :lol: TUC was overall great, but there was always one thing I thought was unbelievably stupid. Why in the hell did Spock need McCoy;s help preforming "surgery" on a torpedo. Wouldnt Scotty, or even a first year engineering cadet from the academy be more useful? :roll:

3. GEN was a fine movie, although I'd have to agree with SOM, why'd they use a BOP, and not some other actually good Klingon ship? Liked the first 10 or so minutes with the ENT-B, but it had a stupid way for Kirk to die later on though.

4. SFS A good movie. It holds a special place for me because it was the first piece of trek I had ever seen. My parents rented the movie one night when I was 6-7, and after that night I watched it about 2-3 more times before they returned it. Cristopher Lloyd (Doc from Back to the Future)made a perfect Klingon, and the scene with the original ent blowing up is classic.

"Their computer is saying something."

"Let me hear." [7..., 6..., 5..., 4] ...... :twisted: :lol:

5. Liked the faster pace of Insurection but Picard was too much of a commando (a problem he revived in NEM). It was also quite dumb to have the federation's ship of the line geting her ass almost handed to her by two ships of a (until then) unknown species. Maybe if they had a few more ships it would have been more believable (and probably a better fight scene).

6. TVH I never really saw this as much of a true trek movie. It was more of a comedy than anything IMO (mainly because it had some truly memorable lines). The whale probe was just laughable. It looks like the special effects team painted a can of Pringles black, and added another little knob.

7. TMP Its a ok movie. I dont really have anything against it, but I also dont have anything I particulary like about it either.

Ok, how to decide which one of the last two movies is the worst.... :?

8. Well Nemesis was trully a horrible movie. If you want an explanation why, look to SOMs first post. He summed it up quite nicely there. Either way, if I remember correctly, alot of us here at the site came to the conclusion the Nemesis wasnt real, it just happened on the holodeck. They just forgot to show Data saying "Computer: end program." at the very end of the movie. :wink: :lol:

9. But ST5 was completely and utterly stupid. And it would be best if it was just completely forgotten.

Si vis pacem para bellum.

09 Oct 2005, 17:06
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BTW, if anyone wants to see something pretty funny click here.

This whole comedic pictoral review of Nemesis makes alot more sense than the actual movie. Its got some profanity in it, so if you'd be offended, dont read it. :wink:

Si vis pacem para bellum.

09 Oct 2005, 17:15
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hehehehehe liked the bit with picard and janeway !
soooo funny and true (sorry for STV fans but it is!)

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09 Oct 2005, 23:01
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Just a little bit of useless info:

One of the main reasons why I love First Contact is a matter of translation - Ok I have to out myself as German-speaking (or at least Swabian-speaking).
During the movie Zefram Cochrane is on the launch site and proclaims he had "to take a leak" and Geordi La Forge asked in return "a leak - where" This does not translate into German ...

Having said that, there is a German expression "schiffen" which is close to "to take a leak" and literately translates "to ship" (verb). Naturally this fitted into this situation wonderfully

Cochrane: I have "to ship"
Geordi: A ship where?

I just love great translations and this is a great one right there!

There is also one aspect I did not like about first Contact but that is not really the films fault. So far I have read only one Star Trek book (way back) and it was about the first contact of vulcans with humans. Then this movie comes along and totally contradicts the book :evil:

Vae victis, oh I meant vae Badeners!

10 Oct 2005, 00:14
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hehehehehe well i dont read them but i guss must be a pain in ass if you have lol

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10 Oct 2005, 00:27

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First Contact is my favorite. Wow.... i think its my favorite movie of all time.

Wrath of Kahn is my second favorite. Great as well.

and all the others except....

Least Favorites:

The Motion Picture


Final Frontier


10 Oct 2005, 01:13
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Rember first time i watched first contact must of been about 6 scared me £%!"less for a 6 year old the borg are nastey things!

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10 Oct 2005, 16:10
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Captain_Billy_Bacon wrote:
Rember first time i watched first contact must of been about 6 scared me £%!"less for a 6 year old the borg are nastey things!

But then you watched some 7of9 and took a whole new liking to them :lol:

10 Oct 2005, 20:04
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:wink: hell yea :lol: nightmares turned into dreams (not that kind! dont go there)

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10 Oct 2005, 20:28
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Dafedz's picture comes to mind again :lol: Where is Dafedz btw?

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10 Oct 2005, 20:37
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TrekBoyChris wrote:
Dafedz's picture comes to mind again :lol: Where is Dafedz btw?

little stupid but who is dafedz?

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10 Oct 2005, 20:53
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Also a developer. And an administrator. If you check Game Requests most of the announcements were made by him. Made the minors list, major races buildings and so on :wink:

10 Oct 2005, 20:59
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