Centurion_VarDin wrote:
The First Romulan-Federation war had nothing to do with that. As you all probably knew we where defending from the Orion Pirates at the moment the first Federation ship entered Romulus using the same words the Orions did to persuade us. Words of peace and friendship and the like. HAH! As you can well understand after years of terror, we didn't quite believe you and destroyed the unfortunate vessel and those that followed.
Yes, but unless you have forgetten your recent history lessons (Enterprise), before any Earth vessel got remotely close to Romulus, you decietful romulans attempted to play the then existing powers (earth, Tellar, Andoria, vulcan, and Rigel [not to be confused with me

])off eachother by using a 'Holo' ship, that would disguise itself as one of the other races ships (ie. Tellerite), and while in this disguise would attack another races ship ( ie. Andorian). It seems to me, decietfulness seems to be a main tenet of the romulan personality.
Centurion_VarDin wrote:
There are still those that are convinced that the real Orion Pirates came from earth.
If thats the case, Romulan intel is much worse than i ever thought.