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 Special buildings for minors 
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Fleet Admiral
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I opened this thread, so that we can discuss the matter of which race gets which type/kind of building, with bonuses that comes with the package. Jigalypuff is namely busy with these buildings, and he needs at least some indication of who gets what. We will first begin with the top 10 then going to the bottom. I will constantly update the decisions we made in this post. I don't know which races we already discussed for this, so people remind me when we did. I also put the discriptions for these races with them, so that you have some idea what we are talking about. I don't want to many noncense in this thread, these matters are needed for the development of the game.

Jigalypuff you can edit pictures of your buildings in, when you want to.

I will place all the posts in documents on my computer, this way we can always return to it when needed.

Completed : A, B

Special Building: Telepathic Communications Center
Bonus: +50% bribe resistance, +5% internal security bonus
The Cairn are a telepathic humanoid race. They have no form of vocal language, instead preferring to communicate to others telepathically through the sending of images. They are incredibly skilled in telepathic ways. The Cairn are capable of spaceflight, although they have only just recently discovered warp travel, and compared to us have a lower level of technology. Although they like to make friends with others, it is complicated by the difficulties in communication.

Special Building: Caldonian Research Think Tank
Bonus: +5% Empire-Wide Research
The Caldonians are humanoid race with a love of research. They are a three fingered race and they are over six feet tall. Most Caldonians are scholars who are on a world committed purely to research. They have little advancement in social or engineering fields, but they make this up with their theoretical works in subspace and quantum mechanics. Caldonians are a peaceful race and are willing to cooperate with other species, to expand their knowledge in research and science.

Special Building: Capellan Forced Labor Mines
Bonus: -1 morale, +25% Raw Materials
The Capellans are a pre-industrial civilization from the planet Capella IV. The Capellans are ruled by a tribal government, with a leader called a teer, and have a society based on codes of war. They solve conflicts through fighting. Their traditions forbid the show of cowardice. Combat is placed above love in their society. They do not use medicine, believing the weak are meant to die. Their world is rich in rare minerals, giving it a significant economic advantage.

Special Building: what's the building for botf?
The Chalnoth are an very violent race. They are large carnivorous beings, and have even been known to consume their enemies. The Chalnoth people live mainly in anarchy, although they will form small groups around a leader if it helps them. They are a spacefaring race, buying small vessels from other species. Their technology is behind that of other races. In diplomacy, step lightly with them, as they will kill any who threaten them.

Special Building: Cheronian War Room
Bonus: +10% Defense Tech, +10% Offense Tech
The Cheronians are a race of humanoids with bodies that are one side black and one side white. Racial conflict divides the race between those with black on the right side and those with white on the right side, with the cultural belief that what colour the right side of you makes you superior or inferior. The Cheronians have a long history of aggression. They have life spans of tens of thousands of years and can biologically create large amounts of energy. Their technology and spacecraft are superior to most races.

Special Building: Coridan Engine Corporation
Bonus: +10% propulsion research, +1 dilithium
The Coridan are a humanoid species from the Coridan system. They are spacefaring, but have inferior technology in most other areas. Their planet has extensive amounts of Dilithium, however, the Coridan have had difficulty mining it. Coridan was unified and achieve spaceflight shortly after the end of a centuries long civil war. They are friendly to other races, wishing for aid for their planet.

Special Building: Corvallen Trade Institute
Bonus: +1 trade route, system only
The Corvallens are a humanoid race, having red skin with a cracked appearance. They have an average amount of strength and their technology is equal to that of most races. They are a neutral race of mercenaries and traders. They usually run their trade between powers. They are considered untrustworthy by many because of the actions of their mercenaries.

Special Building: unknown, didn't like the name: Deltan Pleasure Spas
The Deltans are a bald humanoid race from the Delta system. Deltans are empathic and telepathic. Deltans have life spans of centuries. The Deltans have a highly developed society, with no wars for centuries. They also have a highly developed sexuality which, although it gave them peace, can cause conflicts with less open societies. The Deltans have an average level of technology and are capable of spaceflight, and their ships are rarely armed. They prefer to communicate using multiple methods, using their telepathic, physical, and verbal methods of communication. They are very friendly but will defend themselves if absolutely necessary.

Special Building: Denobulan Medical Consortium
Bonus: +15% effictivess of medicle buildings, and ships, empire wide.
Denobulans are polygamous, with each Denobulan having three partners that also have two other partners, creating a social network. Although Denobulans seem to be a friendly humanoid race, they had at least one war with another species. Denobulans preferred not to be touched, and most Denobulans don't have pets. They have abandoned a lot of things for amusement thinking that their real life is much more exiting. Denobulans have an average technology level with science and medical technology as their strongest points. The Denobulan ships have weapons on board and are thus capable of defending themselves. Most races seem to think that the Denobulans are a friendly race, and Denobulans therefore have often good relations with most other species.

Special Building: Dopterian Attack Hangar
Bonus: +10% effictiveness for invasions.
The Dopterians are a humanoid race who are theorized to have evolved from Ferengi proto-humanoids transferred to another world. They have orangish skin and have four-lobed brains, making it impossible for them to be sensed by telepaths. They are known for their duplicity. They are capable of spaceflight, but most of their other technology lags behind other races. Their spacecraft are usually not manned, but instead are simple automatic attack weapons. They often have relations with other races to further their own species wealth and technology.

Special Building: Dosi Trade Assembly
Bonus: +5% trade credits per traderoute, empirewide
The Dosi are a profit-driven race who have an appearance characterized by the painted stripes on their faces. They are of average stature and build. They usually are below average technologically. They are capable of spaceflight. They welcome trade relations with other races. They are highly aggressive negotiators, sometimes resorting to fighting to resolve business deals.

Special Building: Deep Core Dilithium Mines:
Bonus: +2 dilithium, 50% more change in getting a planetary disaster. (don't know if this is possible, otherwise perhaps just a -1 moral or something).

The Dremans are a pre-warp civilization from the planet Drema IV. Dremans are doll-looking with orange toned skin. Their planet is prone to geological instabilities and is also known for having some of the largest amounts of Dilithium ever found. Their technology is post-industrial, with the discovery of the radio already having occurred, but they are a long way from space flight.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

Last edited by iwulff on 21 Apr 2005, 14:32, edited 8 times in total.

09 Apr 2005, 21:27
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Here's a base list of bonus options. The techs are from a rough list Iwulff discussed with me, and I'll change them to the final ones once the final tech trees come out. The rest are mostly from the 1st game.
+trade route
+trade credits
-morale (forced labor things)
+Raw Materials
+Internal Security
+Ship Experience
+Construction Tech
+Ground Defense
+Resistance to Bribery
+Defense Tech
+Social Tech
+Offense Tech
+Growth Rate
+Scan Range
+Energy Tech
+All Research
+Ground Offense
+Government Tech

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke, Clarke's Second Law

15 Apr 2005, 17:35
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Fair do's if we're going to come back, then give the Bajorans one structure then. I vote the temple thing.


There are actually quite a few C Minors - there are eight that will be in BOTF2. There are only four D Minors though. :wink:

These races are the: -

Cairn, Caldonians, Capellans, Chalnoth, Cheronians, Coridans, and Corvallens.

And the: -
Denobulans, Dopterians, Dosi, and Dremans.

That should be enough to keep us going. :wink:

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20 Apr 2005, 10:25
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Hmmz, why do only 3 of them sound familiar...? :S

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20 Apr 2005, 10:45
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The races are every race that has ever been on trek (As far as we can remember)

The entire list is here: -

It will take a while to load though, because there are pictures as well, so I don't recommend it if you have a slow connection. :wink:

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20 Apr 2005, 10:54
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Here are my ideas so far...

Coridans - Corridan Dilithium Mining facility + 1 Dilithium

Corvallens - Corvallen Trade Centre (or something more imaginative :? ) + 1 trade route to system

Caldonians - Research Accademy - 100% to all research

Denobulans - Denobulan Biomedical Research Centre/Cold Station 12 - 100% biological research

Dremans - Disaster Management Centre - Reduce Damage from disasters empire wide

Well thats as far as I have got so far. Most are pretty obvious suggestions to be honest! :P

Comments? suggestions?

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20 Apr 2005, 14:17
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Just pointing out that the Denobulans do not excell in Medical science whatsoever just because the only Denobulan we know happens to be a Doctor. The most distinctive feature of them is the fact that they need only 6 days of sleep in a year. Perhpas we can come up with someting that has to do with that?

Never dispatch your entire armada into a single battle, never decloak the entire fleet before assaulting and never have all your ships attack and move simultaneously.
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20 Apr 2005, 15:23
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Cold Station 12 was a Denobulan/Starfleet research facility dedicated to biomedical research, not only that but Phlox tells us that Denobulans used genetic engineering in the past to remove various diseases and mutations from their genome. I do think the Denobulans are better suited to biological/medical research bonus. :wink:

"Then perhaps today IS a good day to die!
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20 Apr 2005, 15:30
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Telepathic Communications Center -
Adds to internal security and bribe resistance, just to distinguish it from the Betazoid special structure.

I say just keep the structure from BOTF. It worked perfectly.

Capellan Mining Protectorate: Bonus to ground defense and raw materials, since they were a war-like race that signed some sort of mining agreement.

Again, I think that the structure from BOTF worked well. Maybe some kind of morale penalty to reflect their rebellious nature.

Cheronian Pursuit Agency
A large bonus to intelligence is the best I can think of, since Bele chased Lokai quite tirelessly. Or perhaps all ships should be given a bonus to intercept orders?

Coridan Engine Corporation
Coridan had a vast supply of dilithium, so I say give them some sort of bonus to that... and maybe give them a bonus to propulsion research, since their ships were faster than Vulcan ships in Enterprise.

The_Logical_Man's idea works quite well. Perhaps call it the Corvallen Merchant Consortium.

The Interspecies Medical Exchange is extremely tempting, but there's also the hibernation factor and the complex marriage system. Maybe we could give them a bonus to social research, since they seem to be a very socially sophisticated people.
Maybe compromise by giving them bonuses to the "peaceful" research avenues?

Dopterian Thieves' Guild
Increases the effectiveness of all raid actions.
They always seemed to be portrayed as thieves or scoundrels in general.

Dosi Trade Arena
Adds to trade credits in this system only.

Deep Core Dilithium Mines:
Maybe +2 dilithium, with an increased chance for planetary disasters in the system?
If I recall correctly, they had the highest concentration of dilithium crystals the Enterprise-D had ever seen, but that caused damage to their ecosystem.

20 Apr 2005, 16:29
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Here are my ideas

Cairn Communication Institute
+10% Society Tech
Caldonian Research Think Tank
+10% Empire-Wide Research
Capellan Forced Labor Mines
-1 morale, +25% Raw Materials
Chalnoth Gladiatorial Arena
+30% Offensive Research
Cheronian War Room
+10% Defense Tech, +10% Offense Tech
Coridan Dilithium Mine
+1 Dilithium
Corvallen Trade Imperium
+5% Trade Credits, +1 Trade Route

Deltan Pleasure Spas
+1 morale
Denobulan Medical Consortium
+15% Social Tech
Dopterian Attack Hangar
+25% Offense Tech
Dosi Trade Assembly
+5% trade credits, +1 Trade Route
Dreman Dilithium Mines
+2 Dilithium

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke, Clarke's Second Law

20 Apr 2005, 17:42
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Ooh, I like the Dopterian Attack Hangar! It sounds really evil! I'm not sure about the bonus though. It sounds more like it should be a planetary assault bonus really.

I also think the Coridan should have a Propulsion bonus, LongShotSky. Your point about the Dremans' is true as well. Whatever bonus they do get, they should also have the planetary instability drawback.

When the Denobulans or their homeworld is mentioned, something medical is also mentioned. I know that Dr. Phlox is...well a Doctor, but I think it is more than that. I agree then that their structure should be medical (Social)related, therefore, I think their structure should be the Denobulan Interspecies Medical Exchange, as put by LongShotSky.

I also like the The_Logical_Man's idea of having a bonus to decrease the likelihood of a disaster in your empire. I don't think it should be a bonus specifically for the Dreman's (Because I prefer the above) but it is definitely a bonus worth considering for later races.


On a side-note, I think that any of the races that were in BOTF should keep their structures/bonuses. These worked well enough as they were. Perhaps we should adopt this for all the races, unless a better one is thought of for them? It makes less work for us, anyway.

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20 Apr 2005, 19:26
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I agree, let's just keep the original BOTF buildings for the game, it makes it alot easier, we can just change the bonuses as need arises.

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke, Clarke's Second Law

20 Apr 2005, 21:46
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Most of the suggestions look good overall (although whats social tech?).

As far as the Denobulans go, while arent any lines I can think of like, "The Denobulans are excellent researchers.", or "They excel in biotech.", we are led to believe that the Denobulans are excellent researchers, and do excel in medicine. (Their medical staff exchange, Cold Station 12, and other tidbits about their succesful forays in genetic enginering, etc to name a few examples. I can think of a few more, but no one probably cares. :lol: )

Anyways, I think they should either give a research bonus to bio tech (10% or so), or perhaps they could give a 5 or so percent increase in all research areas (they're no Vulcans, but they're still pretty damn smart).

The sleep cycle idea is also interesting, but how could we turn that into a bonus?

(No problem about the name, Var'Din.) :wink:

21 Apr 2005, 02:55
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Some of the structure bonuses will be changed, but we will most likely use all pictures in the game.

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

21 Apr 2005, 08:16
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Okeey i've added the buildings.. we still need the deltan building with bonus., I didn't like the Deltan Pleasure Spas, and we need the chalnoth botf building.. i can't find it, and don't have time left at the moment. Perhaps later this day. :roll:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

21 Apr 2005, 14:36
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The special building for the Chalnoth was one of the better buildings in BotF: Gladiatorial Arena, +100% weapon research.

To be honest, I liked the Dopterian Thieves' Guild with the added bonus that LongShotSky suggested better, but anyway.

How about this for the Deltans:
Special building: Institute for Peace and Prosperity
Bonus: +2 morale

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21 Apr 2005, 15:38
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I would also stand up for my Thieves' Guild idea for the Dopterians once again... they were portrayed as being duplicitous criminals more than sophisticated invaders. Although the attack hangar sounds really cool, I think it might be more in line with the Nausicaans or Orions.

As for the Deltans...

Shrine of Sensuality
+1 Morale, +5% growth rate (in system only).

21 Apr 2005, 16:11
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Hmm, I would go for that one...
In any case the name is better than mine ;)

Never dispatch your entire armada into a single battle, never decloak the entire fleet before assaulting and never have all your ships attack and move simultaneously.
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21 Apr 2005, 19:05
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Well, let me try one then :roll:

Deltan Philosophical Institute
+1 morale empire wide, +relations with peaceful minors

bwt, can a bonus be +0,5 instead of +1? :?:


21 Apr 2005, 20:10
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Don't worry iwulff, i've got all the structure pics from BOTF. :wink:

Here's the Chalnoth's Gladitorial Arena: -

And the Caldonian Think-Tank: -

I'll put the pics up for the races as we go along if you want, or I can send them to you iwulff. (You probably already have them though) :wink:


The Shrine of Sensuality is perfect for the Deltans, LongShotSky! The bonus works really well because that is their err...personality... :wink: :lol:

I think the Hangar should be for the Dopterians, since we already have the BOTF structure for the Nausicaans. We could always save it for another race of course. :wink:

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21 Apr 2005, 20:12
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So are C and D all set for the most part, and are we ready to move on to E and F?

I couldn't resist adding to the Deltan population growth... it just struck me as being very much in line with their personalities. :wink:

24 Apr 2005, 15:07
Jig of the Puff
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what do i need to makr pics for? someone mail me a list of structures without a pic yet please, sorry but been busy with ships :oops:


24 Apr 2005, 22:56
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Jig, i put the list in the staffroom. You can see the buildings that are already done, and still need to be done. :wink:

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.

26 Apr 2005, 08:19
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LongShotSky wrote:
So are C and D all set for the most part, and are we ready to move on to E and F?

Well, are we? If we are, Iwulff, could you edit?


06 May 2005, 17:09
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This thread is moving real slow indeed... (again)

I propose we continue, shall we? :)

Never dispatch your entire armada into a single battle, never decloak the entire fleet before assaulting and never have all your ships attack and move simultaneously.
-Global Military Directive

08 May 2005, 10:35
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Let's just keep going edit-less, Iwulff has things to do and can get to it all in good time.
Here's my ideas (keep in mind the species; Edo (in first game), Elaysians, El-Aurians, Evorans, Excalbians, Ferengi, Flaxians):

Palace of Edo (In first game)
+1 morale empire-wide
Elaysian Transit Authority
+20% Gov. Tech
El-Aurian Listening Post
+20% Espionage, +1 Scan Range
Evoran Vineyards
+50% Food, +1 Trade Route
Excalbian Shapeshift Training Center
+15% Sabotague

Ferengi Commerce Authority
+50% Credits
Flaxian Assassin Camp
+25% Sabotague

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke, Clarke's Second Law

08 May 2005, 21:03
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I would suggest the "Tower or Commerce" for the Ferengi with the bonus you suggested.

"Then perhaps today IS a good day to die!
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08 May 2005, 22:35
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Perhaps the Ferengi could be one of those races that has multiple special buildings?

We could do with some sort of reason for having them afterall! :lol:

We know they are a relatively well-spread race, seeing as they are found anywhere there is a profit to be made (So anywhere in the Galaxy) This is why they could deserve multiple buildings. They were in BOTF as well afterall.

If they had such buildings perhaps they could be the Commerce Authority and the Tower? :?


The El-Aurian special bonus sounds good to me. The El-Aurians are a 'listening' race, they act as sort of counsellors. (Like Troi) This means that races would be more inclined (Conciously or otherwise) to trust them, and therefore reveal secrets, making them ideal spies.

This ability would also mean they know of things happening around them, which is why they should also get the +1 scan range.

Anyway, I agree with the rest of the ideas for bonuses and buildings. :wink:

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09 May 2005, 12:48
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The ideas sound good to me, do we want to try to move on, or should we wait for an edit?

11 May 2005, 03:20
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How diifficult is it going to be to get the Ferengi as members, actualy? In the series they are almost a major empire and I presume that they are able to grow as wel in BotF2.
So if it is going to be extremely difficult, how about we give them the two bonusses combined into a single building. (as some kind of a reward for the efforts you had to do to get them.)
Tower of Commerce: +50% credits, +3 trade routes.

Never dispatch your entire armada into a single battle, never decloak the entire fleet before assaulting and never have all your ships attack and move simultaneously.
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11 May 2005, 08:56
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