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 Just how large is the federation? 
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i optomised my old system alowing me to have 50 capital ships with all the trimmings, this computers is a good 50 time more powerful in graphics terms, i think i couls squees 200.

i think its time i install botf on this system, should be interesting.....

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06 Jul 2005, 21:54
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What do you mean by "allowing me to have 50 capital ships"? Is it just that the tactical screen runs "smoothly" up to 50 ships or did you mean something I just didn't get?

In regard to my system: I had a Fed-Romulan battle in botf I today, involving 100 commands and 250 escorts, and the calculation for a turn was about 15 seconds, the animation was really smooth, even in a total view.

06 Jul 2005, 22:07
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talking about bc at high res, 50 ships in game with minimal lag

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06 Jul 2005, 22:22
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Ah, you meant BC, thanks. I couldn't help thinkin' about a computer having lags with 50 ships in Botf , because in the ancient times my first computer (133 MHz) worked that out quite well. :twisted:

06 Jul 2005, 22:27
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Wow! I played one with a battle that had 600 + ships in battle. took exactly 3 minutes for computer to run.

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07 Jul 2005, 04:44
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i hate the lag, even with the battle fix the games crashes.

i'm really realy rusty at botf, i've reached a stale mate with the ferengi now we both contol exactly half the galaxy anf have the same tech level.

i cant seem to manage to knock them back with inteligence, i have 12000 points with 95 at sabotaging the ferengi no effect.

Any advice on what to do, i will win eventually seeing as the fergs dont have any traning installations. But i want to start damaging them now with some intel.

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09 Jul 2005, 23:34
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Have you tried a hit and run situation? Set up 3 teams 9 to 15 each.

Set up 2 scouts about 7 squares away from where your main foce is gonna hit. let em pop in and out , it really gets em all upset, they will send a whole group after your scouts.. give you time to pop on a planet, wipe it out then back off. Always worked for me.. Or i like to do this also. Set up a bunch of distroyers send em in against a large force, let me pick em off. They will be killed of course, but it knocks the Ferengi's numbers down. If you can always try to take out any Dilthium planet you can reach. also have 18 troop transports ready to go they can set up a Starbase really fast that way..
Make a hit and run a lot of fun...

I'm A Romulan with an Attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!


10 Jul 2005, 05:28
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well my main weakness in botf is intelligence.

also i never know what to do with systems when i reach tech 9.

i tend to totally convert them to intelligence, but leave one or two to churn out ships every turn so that i can bump my economy.

What im going to do is build up ten more dreadnought 2's and then invade, i have a nice 400 system only a few squares away from ferenginar.

im going to pop in with 18 dreadnoughts at legendary, whilst splitting of two task forces of defiant to defend my far reaching borders. Im not going in with any troop transports though, im will wipe the system out totally and colonize it. I hate the moral issues with the feds. i might take the 5 surrounding systems as well.

here's a screeny


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10 Jul 2005, 19:55
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what is the defence set at on the planet.. got to watch that... can wipe yyou out fast... Otherwise sounds fun!!!

I'm A Romulan with an Attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!


11 Jul 2005, 00:13
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well i started the war, i've won every battle.

however the ferengi have taken to using their marauders to ram my defiant class ships, whilst leaving their raiders to attack my drednoughts, i can't keep my defiants far enough away to defeat this tactic.

any advice to avoid ramings

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11 Jul 2005, 21:59
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xir_ wrote:
well i started the war, i've won every battle.

however the ferengi have taken to using their marauders to ram my defiant class ships, whilst leaving their raiders to attack my drednoughts, i can't keep my defiants far enough away to defeat this tactic.

any advice to avoid ramings.

Evade the defiants from the start and let the Sovereigns aim the Marauders to ram.

11 Jul 2005, 22:20
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yea but by the second evasion the marauders are ontop of them.

i think im gonna icrease my drednought numbers, hopefully i should be able to offer some heavy cover for the definats.

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11 Jul 2005, 22:48
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xir_ wrote:
yea but by the second evasion the marauders are ontop of them.

i think im gonna icrease my drednought numbers, hopefully i should be able to offer some heavy cover for the definats.

Usually evading defiants offer enough cover for theirselves. Have you modded your botf? In two turns each defiant kickes one Marauder's ass.

11 Jul 2005, 23:05
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try starting with harry, then evade

my only other suggestion is just fight battles you can pretty much win in 2 turns

12 Jul 2005, 08:34
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I'm an old war horse.. I always charge head on.... lol give em a hard kick in the pants then open a can of whoooop azz on the rest!!! lol unmodded

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13 Jul 2005, 10:42
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well i have recently been discovering how tactical combat can totally alter the outcome of battles.

if u always include a scout in an invasion force the ai always targets it first, giving you a free hand whilst they take it out.

using the right tactics, especially with command ships can make a difference of destroying 3 enemies or 13.

Ai tactics have changed, first turn they ram defiants with light attack ships. once the majority has been taken out they switch to ramming the dreadnoughts with their marauders.

they are knocking out the ships i use for bomabrdments. Damn this ai seems smarter than it used to be. Its ok i can make ships fater than the ai can knock them out. as soon as i my intelligence gets a leg over the war is off.

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13 Jul 2005, 13:53
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During your most interesting game, are you playing as the Federation?
I'm thinking so.. but could be wrong..

I like the split and devide attack mode. Let the Ai watch the right hand as the left hand is slapping them upside the head. lol

I plan to start a new game soon, Yes I wil still be Rom, but this new game, i will not use any cloaking. Just to make things interesting.

So do any of you play at level one? all races? I like it as it makes a huge challenge. Most times 98.777779% I lose with in the first 200 turns or so. And I have tried every race doing this... The only one who has not gave me a whooping thusfar that early in the game has been the Cardi's.

But that is thusfar.. I never say never.. So out of 178 games at level one I have won like 14 or so.. That is taking them from level 1 to level 9+ were talking about over a 1000+ turns.
Give it a try fi you want a real challenge, but beware do it first without many races. It will help you a lot in the long run.

I'm A Romulan with an Attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!


13 Jul 2005, 23:31
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SonOfMogh wrote:
Captain Kirk told Cochrane in a TOS episode that they were "on a thousand planets and expanding rapidly", althouh it wasn't clear if he meant the Federation or Humans, or if he was exaggerating.

Either way I firmly believe Picard meant 150 races. There are dozens of canon human colonies to 150 planets in all wouldn't allow much for Trill, Vulcan, Andorian colonies. The number of actual systems occupied is probably around 1000 or more, with many more than that lying within Federation space.

You'll never name them all as there is no comprehensive list. The writers leave exact figures out so they can make up new colonies for new story possibilities.

I had a thought about that: Since Picard didn't intend to really kidnap Lily into his time, and she would have to be returned to the 21st century, wouldn't he have been concerned about corrupting the timeline? So what if he only mentioned the human colonies to keep her from getting too xenophobic?

Or, given the events in ENT, perhaps Picard knew just how quickly a 'good' relationship with the Vulcans would form anyway, so he may have gone for the number she would have the quickest confirmation of (and might thus do the least damage), so he could possibly mean 150 Vulcan worlds.

Any thoughts :?:

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15 Jul 2005, 21:43
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Maybe he was referring to 150 systems and not the individual worlds within each system.
Or maybe human worlds and not worlds established by aliens.

When you swear you saw a shadow move, or a foot step in the distance, it may be to late. That unidentified ship with humans on it was never there, you eyes were confused, it was a hot air balloon carrying a weather experiment.

18 Jul 2005, 04:43
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Well since there is no 100% rock solid evidence that it was worlds or systems, we'll just never know.

It makes life easier for the writers though, coz they can just take and add Planets/Systems as they need to though.

Personally, I think that each time they made an episode, they should have written EVERY SINGLE FACT into some big book, and then used it as references for their next shows. It would have meant it took a lot longer to mkae the shows, but at least there wouldn't be mistakes... :lol:

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18 Jul 2005, 11:32
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
Well since there is no 100% rock solid evidence that it was worlds or systems, we'll just never know.

It makes life easier for the writers though, coz they can just take and add Planets/Systems as they need to though.

Personally, I think that each time they made an episode, they should have written EVERY SINGLE FACT into some big book, and then used it as references for their next shows. It would have meant it took a lot longer to mkae the shows, but at least there wouldn't be mistakes... :lol:

i dont any any other show in the history of television has come under such intense scrutiny and fan speculation than trek. I think its a minor miracle they manage to get 35 years of programming (with god knows how many different ideals and writers over those years) to conform at all. I can forgive most canon "errors" by the writers because of this

18 Jul 2005, 11:41
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I can't! :twisted: :lol:

It shows the loyalty of the fans though, if they notice these little mistakes and flaws, it shows they're watching and listening...

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18 Jul 2005, 11:43
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
I can't! :twisted: :lol:

It shows the loyalty of the fans though, if they notice these little mistakes and flaws, it shows they're watching and listening...

most canon errors are so minor they have little universal impact. I consider the torpedo compliment of voyager changing as minor, i view the Klingons having a K`tinga in enterprise to be major

i swear one or two little errors must have been put in just to make sure we are all still watching with the same fervour

18 Jul 2005, 12:45
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Don't forget the Voyager shuttlebay that never ends :lol:
And Recyclable Ensign Kim (TM) :wink:


18 Jul 2005, 14:26
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Abotu voyager's shuttles.... check out the specs on the ship, they are able to construct their own shuttles as long as they have the resources....

When you swear you saw a shadow move, or a foot step in the distance, it may be to late. That unidentified ship with humans on it was never there, you eyes were confused, it was a hot air balloon carrying a weather experiment.

18 Jul 2005, 14:36
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And still, they bitch around about not having enough dilithium, deuterium, coffee...

So, can you see the specs somewhere on the internet? I'd appreciate a link :wink:


18 Jul 2005, 14:39
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there's one.. not sure if it's stated in there... i'll look for more when i get home from work...

When you swear you saw a shadow move, or a foot step in the distance, it may be to late. That unidentified ship with humans on it was never there, you eyes were confused, it was a hot air balloon carrying a weather experiment.

18 Jul 2005, 14:53
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aight i'm goin to work now :?

When you swear you saw a shadow move, or a foot step in the distance, it may be to late. That unidentified ship with humans on it was never there, you eyes were confused, it was a hot air balloon carrying a weather experiment.

18 Jul 2005, 14:57
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colione wrote:

there's one.. not sure if it's stated in there... i'll look for more when i get home from work...

What kind of **** is that?

- Voyager is NO Sovereign class vessel.

- Voyager's registration is NCC-74656, NOT NX-74656

18 Jul 2005, 15:16
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colione wrote:

there's one.. not sure if it's stated in there... i'll look for more when i get home from work...

What kind of **** is that?

- Voyager is NO Sovereign class vessel. :twisted:

- Voyager's registration is NCC-74656, NOT NX-74656 :twisted:

So do any of you play at level one? all races? I like it as it makes a huge challenge. Most times 98.777779% I lose with in the first 200 turns or so. And I have tried every race doing this... The only one who has not gave me a whooping thusfar that early in the game has been the Cardi's.

But that is thusfar.. I never say never.. So out of 178 games at level one I have won like 14 or so.. That is taking them from level 1 to level 9+ were talking about over a 1000+ turns.
Give it a try fi you want a real challenge, but beware do it first without many races. It will help you a lot in the long run.

I do. I like playing T1 (all) or T5 (all), but rather rarely something in between. I'm sure in a MP T1 game I'd whipe you out in around 200 Turns. The last game I lost when at turn 50 there where 3 borg cubes ^^

Yes, my botf is modded, and yes, I rebalanced it. But I'd rather say to the negative aspects. I certainly have a very strong federation, and very weak ferengi. hence you know I usually play Roms it's sometimes a real challnge, but usually I win after 400 turns or so. To your question: With minors it takes around 500 turns to reach tech 10. I have to admin the planet pop's are modded as well, anyway. :twisted:

18 Jul 2005, 15:23
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