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 ships for the game 
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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The whole point of the older ships being removed from the shiplist is to visually show that you are improving in tech.

Whilst everyone has a personally favourite ship, they aren't going to cling onto an entire fleet of them when a single enemy ship could decimate them in combat! 8O

The shiplist would also become cluttered with all the extra ships - you'd have to cycle through the list each time you wanted to build more ships. Removing them from the list avoids this nuisance.

You also have to remember that the removal will be progressive, NOT instant.

Say you have a Constitution class ship. You then get the technology to build Constellations. The Constitutions are NOT removed from the list!

They are only removed when the next ship becomes availble, which is the Niagara class.

This will happen with pretty much every class of ship.

This means that if you have the technology to build the newer, more advanced (But more expensive) ships but you can't because of the cost, then you can keep on building the older ships...for a while.

This keeps the game totally canon, since older ships would then get phased out by you as a person, instead of them just simply 'dissappearing'.

CVN is also right. When you want to get rid of a ship, you decomission it, instead of scrapping it. You get some money and/or resources back when you do this, but the spaceframe is kept in 'storage'.

When a war happens, (Or any other time you need ships quickly) you can just click on a system with one such facility (There will be a max of 4 per Empire) and after a small fee (Which would be far less than actually building a ship from scratch) and a small amount of time to recomission the ship (Which would be faaaar less than if it was being built from scratch) you get the ship to control as you need.

With this system, no matter how old a ship is, it will always have a use. :wink:


Your system of allowing all ships to be in a game, would work best in the non-canon map.

Obviously, this option would not be put into the canon map, (IF it was included in the first place) because it just wouldn't be a canon system.

It is an idea though, so perhaps you should mention it to Gavin or Jig. See what they say. :wink:

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17 Jul 2005, 17:14
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sound brilliant :D, always used to get fed up of scrapping all the older ships once i had new ones. or allowing them to get destroyed waste of resources!

cant wait for the game to be released

any hope of a new orleans class starship in the game ?


17 Jul 2005, 19:58
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Fingers crossed, we are still talking about it...byut I really don't know if it will be in... :(

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17 Jul 2005, 22:01
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it is


17 Jul 2005, 22:10
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Yes it's there, and the last 2 ships I finished making were the New Orleans and Niagara, both definitely in.



18 Jul 2005, 15:20
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Yeah man I love them! :D :D

But... are those registries "hardcoded" into the textures? :oops:

18 Jul 2005, 16:12
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Nice one Dafedz! :D

Is the shading part of the model textures, or did you add it for visual effect?

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18 Jul 2005, 16:57
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the registry is on the textures ya, :oops: better rub those out :lol:


18 Jul 2005, 17:20
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Nice pics :)

Regarding decomissioning ships at some kind of space dock of which there are 4, my only concern is using them as some kind of teleporting mustering bay, where you place 1 dock in each quadrant so to speak, and you then have the ability to decomission a fleet of ships then go half way across the galaxy and recomission them elsewhere, thereby skipping the need to wait 25+ turn etc to have them travel across the galaxy etc.

Of course it could be expensive, and expense may be one way of stopping this from happening, unless you make it so that when you decomission a ship at a dock it can only be recomissioned at THAT specific dock.

However this also leads to problems such as what happens if oyu lose that planet or some kind of subterfuge occurs and the space dock is destroyed, do you lose any ships decomissioned there etc?

Oh and as this is my first post perhaps a poilte Hi is in order :D

So hi all great site, love checking up on it everyday.

18 Jul 2005, 17:53
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Hi there then! :lol:

Don't worry, the all seing eye of the Matress notices when people make their first post. :wink: So congrats are in order on your first post then!

Congratulations! Now post, post, Post!


To my knowledge, the loss of the structures hasn't been given any thought...yet. :wink:

I imagine that with the loss of the structure though, that you would lose all the ships contained there. (Unless the ships are stored in one generic location, and you bring them out through one of the depo's, which would be totally unrealistic)

As for programming's all in Gavin's (The lead programmer, GTurfrey. AKA The God of Programming, and all things Electronic :wink:) hands.

If he can't do it, it won't be in. If he can do it hough...fingers crossed. :wink:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


18 Jul 2005, 18:02
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Welcome cdrwolfe.

Nice ships dafedz.

(Short and sweet) :lol:

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19 Jul 2005, 04:37
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
If he can't do it,

8O Blasphemy... He can do all things electronic :lol:

cdrwolfe, welcome to the Forum, hope you enjoy it :wink:

Right, so IF Gavin thinks it can be done then I agree with Matress and cdrwolfe. When a scrap yard is lost, all ships decomissioned in it should be lost. Of course, that just brought up another question...

How close must a ship be near a yard before it can be decomissioned in it?
I think it should be in the same system, otherwise, I can decomission a fleet of Sovereigns 20 sectors away from a system and then recomission them there for, say, emergency defence.

Dafedz, LOVE the New Orleans. I always liked that ship... It looks powerfull like a Galaxy, but leaning on a more compact and sleeker design like a Nova. Very nice :wink:
Do you guys know if there will be a time-delay in the decommisioning and recommisionig of ships?


Last edited by CVN-65 on 19 Jul 2005, 11:49, edited 1 time in total.

19 Jul 2005, 11:44
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i believe there is a time delay of 2 turns to recommision a ship

19 Jul 2005, 11:45
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Glad you like the ships. We have to rebuild most of the Fed ships as for now (as kind of placeholders) we're using the original models from BOTF 1. Some of those models were quite poor, especially the Ambassador which was very inaccurate. There's probably 200 ships Jig and I have to build and texture in all. Oh the humanity...

The shadows are not on the textures, that's due to lights in the scene render. There are a few highlights i inserted into the textures, such as the gleam in the bussards, and the highlight running along the Niagara secondary hull. Such things couldn't be done otherwise by the 3D engine in the game.

Yes, 2 turns to recommission a ship. They can only (and obviously) be recommissioned in the same depot they were decommissioned in. Anything else and it that would be a glaring oversight. I would also suggest that if you lose a Surplus Depot, you don't lose the ships - it would just mean that they can't be reactivated until you rebuild the depot.

The Depot itself is just like the main office at a breaker's yard, its the administrative centre. There's no need to lose everything in the yard if the office burns to the ground one day. Similarly, you will not be penalised by losing you're entire mothballed fleet if the Depot goes up flames due to some sneaky Romulan saboteur. Rebuild the Depot and the ships can be recommissioned. Building a depot will not be a one turn build though (no matter the cost), like a few structures such as Shipyards and starbases. So you'd have to wait maybe 10 turns to rebuild it.

19 Jul 2005, 14:34
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They are good modles dafd. well done.

19 Jul 2005, 18:56
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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I've had a thought - what if you wanted to move the Depo? ('Scrap' it and build it elsewhere, just like in BOTF)

Or what if the system was invaded?

What happens to the ships then?

Wiil you be able to recommission the ships in the new Depo, or will they be lost?

Will the ships be destroyed/captured during the invasion? (Or will you be able to recommission them once you recapture the system and rebuild the Depo?)

These might need a bit of discussion, unless you already have the answers Defedz. :wink:

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19 Jul 2005, 21:21
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Matress_of_evil wrote:
I've had a thought - what if you wanted to move the Depo? ('Scrap' it and build it elsewhere, just like in BOTF)

Or what if the system was invaded?

What happens to the ships then?

Wiil you be able to recommission the ships in the new Depo, or will they be lost?

Will the ships be destroyed/captured during the invasion? (Or will you be able to recommission them once you recapture the system and rebuild the Depo?)

These might need a bit of discussion, unless you already have the answers Defedz. :wink:

From my point of view there are just two possibilities: If the depot gets destroyed in the invasion, the ships are lost. If not, your enemy can bring them up again! 8O

Of course, this goes vice versa. If you reconquer the depot's system (and it's not destroyed), you get these ships back.

If you decide to scrap the depot, there are two options: Recommission them, or they are lost.

19 Jul 2005, 22:33
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ftranschel wrote:
From my point of view there are just two possibilities: If the depot gets destroyed in the invasion, the ships are lost. If not, your enemy can bring them up again! 8O
I really like this idea, this could give a whole different strategic spin to the shipyards. Say you get an intel report on the location of an enemy shipyard, I know where I would attack, given the chance.

As far as the scraping of these instalations, I have an easy solution. Recommission the ships in the yard, scrap the yard, then move the ships to another depot. Simple!

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20 Jul 2005, 00:27
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Is the stealing of ships event going to be included? I'm playing a game as the Romulans at the moment, and found it quite surprising when I was told that we had managed to steal a Galaxy class ship... I mean, that's hardly realistic :p

20 Jul 2005, 11:25
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Martocticvs wrote:
Is the stealing of ships event going to be included? I'm playing a game as the Romulans at the moment, and found it quite surprising when I was told that we had managed to steal a Galaxy class ship... I mean, that's hardly realistic :p

No it is! Just think of "message in a bottle", where our glorious agents nearly got to capture a warship prototype! :twisted: :twisted:

20 Jul 2005, 13:15
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Hmm... ok, well I suppose there is a case for it :)

But is there anyway to add a layer of realism to it? It would look supid if a supposedly fully manned ship, part of a large fleet of other ships, was somehow stolen and appeared several lightyears away the next turn :p Would be better if only ships in a system could be stolen :)

(How insignificant is this point?! :P)

20 Jul 2005, 14:10
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Good point about the Surplus depots. I'd say if you wanted to scrap the depot a message would appear warning you about the mothballed ships you have stationed there. If you go ahead with the scrap, the ships are lost. So if you really want to scrap it you have the option to recommission your ships and move them to another location ready for mothballing again when you have your new depot.

If the system in which the depot is located is taken by enemy forces, then yes, your enemey would take the depot and all your mothballed ships! This could be neat. For this to work I'd suggest that depots can only be built in actual star systems, and would function like a normal structure, rather than like an outpost or starbase that can exist in an empty sector. They'd be too open to attack there. All an enemy has to do is enter the system, engage in tactical combat and destroy the depot (like an outpost) and all your decommissioned ships. Very frustrating! But if they were constructed in a system, and were not visible as a space structure in combat, then the only way they can be destroyed is 'randomly' by an invasion. Sometimes they're destroyed (along with other structures), sometimes they survive, depending on the strength of the attack.

20 Jul 2005, 15:21
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Then of course, there is the risk of enemy saboteurs.

I'm pretty sure that would make a pretty annoying random event!

You could either have an event where X number of ships are destroyed/stolen, or you could have an event where the Depo is blown up! 8O

Or what even...if terrorists took control of the Depo? Imagine they controlled your mothballed ships and you had to engage them?!


Of course, if that were in, it would have to be a seriously rare event, but still...

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20 Jul 2005, 21:27
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Hey guys, I'm new here so feel free to let me know if I'm barking up a very dead tree.

Have we considered allowing for partial ship upgrades? I know that if just finished researching energy or weapons, I'd love to get the new technology onto the front lines ASAP.

22 Jul 2005, 03:23
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There'ss something similar on this thread. About Nebula class being upgraded with pods. Read through it. ... 6&start=90

Well, upgrading weapons is tricky buissness, basicaly. And programing related, as our resident klingon, SonOfMogh, warned us.

Also, check out the tech tree in dafezd's post ( ... opic&t=549 ).
Every time you research a weapons technology, (except Weapons 2) you get a new class of ship. Thank God, we have plenty of 'em in BotF2 :D

Feel free to print this out, as a visualisation of the dead tree (to bark at) :lol: :lol: :wink:


22 Jul 2005, 09:22
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dafedz wrote:



Beautiful, I've actually just had a sexual experience looking at these vessels.

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

13 Sep 2005, 16:09
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I've just become mentally disturbed by reading that comment and am now actively seeking a psychiatrist... preferably female, young, and extremely attractive....... :D

13 Sep 2005, 23:24
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I like young hotties as much as the next man, but check out the deflector dish on that Niagra! :lol:

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

14 Sep 2005, 10:39
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N/m so the scimitar will be in aswell? As a romulan ship? WOW! 8O

14 Sep 2005, 12:56
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Well if we actually acknowledge the Scimitar even existed, it makes sense to have it as a Romulan ship... I'd like to know how slaves on a mining world were able to build a massive ship without the Romulans knowing about it... makes more sense to say it was captured ;)

14 Sep 2005, 18:07
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