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 The Breen and post DS9 Trek effects 
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Federation/Klingon fleet jumps out of transwrap, arrriving just in time to provide effective cover against nukes launched at Galactica.
Massive battle continues, with heavy losses for federation forces as the cyclons infect their computers with a virus and take computer control of the ships.

Klingons unaffected as their computers are taken offline in time.

Battlestar and Klingons provide cover for feds while evacuation/quick repairs happen.

Klingons destroy cyclons

Klingons destroy Galactica for not including them in their sucide mission plans.... :P

26 Jul 2005, 15:18
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Here's how I see the Federation - Galactica meeting ...

A Galactica Raptor FTL's to a distance star system for recon. Sensors go wild they scan the closest planet. It seems there are humans. Lots of them. Millions of them. There are what appear to be habital satelites in orbit and many small ships, probably shuttles and transports, can be seen scurring around the planet going to and fro.

Is this a huge colony of Cylons? But they've never seen Cylons like these. Never seen ships quite like these. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a huge ship suddenly appears ... much too close to the Raptor. Their small ship is tossed aside, warning lights flash, helm is gone. The ship begins to tumble wildly in space. Decompression warning is announce by the onboard computer. Destruction is imminent. The crew of the Raptor, knowing they are about to die, feel a peace about them. They feel as through they are having an out of body experience. This must be what death is -- a peacful passing into another world.

Meanwhile, back on the Galactica, things are not going well. Four days before one of their Raptors had gone missing. Now the Galactica's FTL drive has failed, leaving the entire fleet stranded in some distance star system. Worse, the Cylons have found them. Eight base stars form a ring around the rag-tagged fleet. Fighters are being launched but aren't attacking yet. It seems they are savoring a bit the final destruction of the human race.

The Galactica launches all Vipors. Adama orders all ships who can to FTL away. Unfortuantely, there is no time to compute new coordinates. This will be their final stand.

On the bridge of the Galactica, Petty Officer Dualla shouts, "I'm picking up multiple readings on sensors. I've never seen readings like this before. They could be incoming ships but ... ".

Before she can complete the Cylons launch their attack. Hundreds and hundreds of nuclear missles are launced from the base stars and fighters. The entire Galactica fleet will be gone in one glorious burst of light.

Then something strange happens ... ships appear which are different than any they've ever seen before. Not fighters but Captial ships. A dozen of them. They appear between the Galactica fleet and the Cylons. Missles from the Cylons don't actually strike these ships. Instead, they seem to detonate before reaching the ships. These new ships begin firing what looks to be some kind of laser, destroying the remaining missles as if they were swatting harmless flies.

The Cylons, not able to compute just how disadvantaged they are, immediately swing about and start firing directly at these newcomers. Once again their attack fails hopelessly. They begin to press their attack again.

Suddenly, the Galactica's comm system picks up a message being broadcasted on all channels from the new fleet. "Cylons, this is the United Federation of Planets. Cease your attack. We will not let you harm these humans." The request for peace is met by another wave of attack from the Cylons.

Suddenly these new comers start to fight back. The speed and agility of their ships is awesome in the view of the Galactica fleet. Their lasers and missles slice the Cylon fleet into oblivion. All the base stars are quickly destroyed. A few fighters are able to FTL out but most are destroyed.

On the bridge of the Galactica, there is stunned silence. A few minutes before they were ready for the after life. Now they seem to have new life. Perhaps they should be joyful but the uncertainty of these new comers leaves them on edge.

Suddenly a new message comes from the newcomers. This time it is directed at them. "Battlestar Galactica. This is Jean Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise. Representing the United Federation of Planets. We've come to assist you."

[roll credits]

~ fin ~

Note: and they live happily ever after. In case you didn't pick up on it, that "out of body" experience was the crew of the Raptor being beamed off right before their ship was destroyed. They informed Star Fleet of the situation. Fortuantely, the Federation had a fleet in the sector who could rapidly respond.

26 Jul 2005, 16:11
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[quote="northtexan95"]Here's how I see the Federation - Galactica meeting ...

Suddenly these new comers start to fight back. The speed and agility of their ships is awesome in the view of the Galactica fleet. Their lasers and missles slice the Cylon fleet into oblivion. All the base stars are quickly destroyed. A few fighters are able to FTL out but most are destroyed.

On the bridge of the Galactica, there is stunned silence. A few minutes before they were ready for the after life. Now they seem to have new life. Perhaps they should be joyful but the uncertainty of these new comers leaves them on edge.

Suddenly a new message comes from the newcomers. This time it is directed at them. "Battlestar Galactica. This is Jean Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise. Representing the United Federation of Planets. We've come to assist! ] end quote..

At that exact time A Huge ship appears out of empty space. A deep voice echos through all the federation and glactica ships.. "We are in control Surrender and you will live.... I speak for the Emperor.... I am Darth Vador.... your new master.... Then the Imperial crusier begins to lauch ships against the tiny fleet.... Meanwhile another cylon Base star encountered the BORG and are joining forces....

I'm A Romulan with an Attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!


27 Jul 2005, 23:20
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Winterhawk7 wrote:
northtexan95 wrote:
At that exact time A Huge ship appears out of empty space. A deep voice echos through all the federation and glactica ships.. "We are in control Surrender and you will live.... I speak for the Emperor.... I am Darth Vador.... your new master.... Then the Imperial crusier begins to lauch ships against the tiny fleet.... Meanwhile another cylon Base star encountered the BORG and are joining forces....

Suddenly Q says to himself, "This is all getting too confusing". And with a wave of his hand all the different sci-fi series are wisked back to their repective parallel universes.

28 Jul 2005, 03:42
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Figures that Q would show up?

He has to ruin eveerything!!! lol

I'm A Romulan with an Attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!


28 Jul 2005, 16:45
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i dunno i think q would egg it on for interest, But would add some shadow ships that slice up the federation and absorb their attacks.

vist my home page at

28 Jul 2005, 21:46
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Winterhawk7 wrote:

Federation encounter Galatica. ( My Viewpoint only) Long range scanners for Galatica detect a Federation Starbase. Sending out Scout ships for a closer look. Scouts will be out of comunacation range for 2 parsecks. Starbase 631 Detects smaller ships entering Federation space and opens Haling Ferquencies. No Relpy recieved. Sending out 2 scouts and a distroyer to make contact with unknown vessels at warp factor 3. contact in 7 minutes. Federation scouts and Distroyer slow to impluse power. Attempting to contact. No responce. Galatica scouts slow to stop. Attempt to contact. No reply recieved. Shuttle lauched from Distroyer which flys to unknown ships. Galatica Warriors. sit at ready wondering if this is a new type of cylon ship. shuttle slows beside Galatica scout. Both see each other look human.. shuttle signals findings to distroyer who relays to starbase. Orders recieved, "motion ship to dock in distroyer. Shuttle Pilot motions for Galatica scout to follow. Scout radios other to fly back to Galatica and report finds. Well proceed to make further contact.

Galatica Scout follows Federation Shuttle to launch bay. First contact made.

Information is shared.....

Galatica joins Federation. Federation prepares for Cylons as a matter of Precaution.

Need to think out the rest. I'll share thoughts in next post.

Next post.

Cylons who are infiltrators into Galatiaca and surrounding ships, then gather intel about Federation i.e. size, fleet size tech.. sends info to Cylon base that are just out of range of Federation Starbases and Galactica's range. Cylon Base star sends signal out and awaits for more base stars to arrive.

Meanwhile at a wormhole that was thought to be deadly... A massive Ship exits the it. An imperial Cruser enters the Romulan outer quadrant bordering the Federation. A romulan Warbird on patrol in the area flys to where the object was suddenly detected. :o The romulans signal the home world.... Alarms sound and the Warbird does not have time for evasive manuevers and is hit by the massive ship. The outer explosion does minor damage. Smaller ships quickly fly out to inspect and or repair the damage. The ship once repaired, goes into light speed as it detects some type of outposts distroying each without resistance. Working there way up to where the Galatica is being refitted on the outskirts of the Federation boundry.

A second Cylon Base star arrives and gathers information from the first. With the spies onboard the Galatica and now working their way through the Federation, they gather even more intel then plan on where and what to hit in preperation for the basestars attack.

Galatica itself is now fully outfited, the older raptors have been refitted with federation arms, shields, and munitions, while Star Fleet redesigns a Higher advanced Raptor, that will be able to withstand a Cylon attack on the computer systems.

Imperial Crusier now flies 20 light years away. They detect a Dreadnaught on patrol The alarm sounds and 200 smaller attack vessels take off from the Imerial Crusier to take on this new unknown threat. With the Crusier not far behind, they overtake the Dreadhaught and before the Captian can fully prepare for a large scale battle, it is snagged by a tractor beam and is pulled into the belly of the massive ship.

Although The Federation is open to contact to new races, the caption makes the choice to keep the shields up, thusly slowing a breech of the ships hull for 15 hours. during that time, contact is made between the Captian of the Imperial Crusier and the Dreadnaught before the ships hull is distroyed. Contact made between them. Beng alone.. the Imperial Crusier joins the Federation ( all the while planning to overtake the Federation) It sends a long range ship back to the wormhole to relay information back to the emperor. The Dreadnaught is released and guides this new ship and it's 50,000 crew to the exact same Starbase that Galatica is based.

Star Fleet deploys 300 pilots to learn how to fly the raptors currently still in use. Starbuck is delighted at the speed in which they learn.

A Third base star arrives. Now they await for information to begin a full frontal attack against the humans who currently reside in this large set of systems and planets.

Imperial Crusier now arrives beside the Federation Starbase. Federation ships from all over the quadrant arrive to see the Galatica, but are amased at the size of the Imperial Crusier. Information and crews are now exchanged between the Imperal Crusier and the Federation. Adama being unimpressed does not allow any Imperial troops onboard the Galatica, stating to Federation repersentatives a need for caution due to what they went through of recent times.

Messages are flashed across the federation! Attacks have happened across the quadrant! Star bases, outposts and ships have blown up with no apparent reason. Starbase 631 goes on red alert! Imperial troops adn Galatica crews all go to thier respective ships. Galatica fires up her new engines. Imperial crusier drifts away from the Starbase as it's massive size would wipe it out if it went forward....

alarms sound in all ships and on the Starbase. An unknown Set of ships is showing on the edge of the scanner range of the Federation Starbase. Cylons! Yells Adama into his com system. A federation affiliate onboard coms the starbase with the news and from there the fleet is alreted.

The 3 Cylon base stars form attack formation and move in... Thousands of Cylon fighters swarm out then set themselves in attack formation groups perparing for an easy battle.

Galatica, the imperial crusier and Federation forces ( 9 dreadnaughts, 18 distroyers, 7 crusiers and 5 scouts)

Raptors at the ready launch and join the federation armada. 400 of the total 900 imperial fighters also launch and join in.

Both forces close in on each other. Cylons fire first with small bursts then nukes. Undaunted, the Newly formed Federation armada returns fire. Several ships on both sides are distroyed, but the armada loses only 20 of the total 477 ships. Cylon base stars launch all remaining ships at this large group. The smaller ships fight long and hard, and the base ships line up aganst teh Imperial crusier, Galatica. Guns from both ships train their guns on the closeist base star and open fire. Return fire of nukes mixed with a new lauching of smaller fighters comes from the Basestar. Counting the seconds, the Imperial crusier launches it's own ships to match the basestar while continuing to fire their huge guns. Basestar explodes in a huge fireball. "Two Left" comes a voice over a interlinked com system! Lets get the next one adama exclaims. Meanwhile the Aramda does short work of the Cylon fighters and is now in a mopping up stage. Galatica reaches the basestar first and unleases it's new weapons systems. 3 strong bursts against the second starbase disables the lauch bays and allows time for the Imperial Crusier to get close enough to launch it's own weapons systems. Galatica fires again and with both bursts the Second Cylon basestar explodes in a blinding fury. The third basestar being just out of range fires nukes at an impressive rate, while the smaller fighters load into it's lauch bays. Just as Galatica gets a volley of shots off, the last fighter lands within the basestar and it jumps away. Suddenly all is quiet. Then a huge wave of emotion runs through all the ships in jubulation, for having beaten 2 of 3 base stars and driving off the thrid.... Victory Belongs to the Federation and it's new found friends....


I'm A Romulan with an Attitude and I'm not afraid to use it!


29 Jul 2005, 14:16
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