It's only 6 weeks or so to go, Undated, can't you wait that long?
We've all lasted 6 years already, surely 6 weeks isn't gonna make you explode?!

(Although maybe with anticipitation...) 8O
The gauntlet was thrown down, attempts were made,
By day and by night they prayed.
They messaged, and posted, typed, and clicked.
But all awhile, the clock just ticked.
Then out of the gloom, a shadow arose,
The time had come, time for repose.
For the Matress was there, and discovered incomplete,
The challenge was missed, he had not been beat.
1600 posts, i've made it now.
Two more to beat, i've made this vow.

_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."