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 Storys Of Great Battles.... got any? 
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i know that IVE fought more than my fair share of them

I.E. -

in June of 2000....

i was playing the Federation, and science ships encountered the Cardassians

they opened fire, destroying the ship

a short time later, war broke out

the Federation fleet was almost non existent, and Cardie forces attacked almost immeadiately after the outbreak of war

several star systems fell

the first negotiated member, Bolarus, was almost among them

but a Stafleet task force engaged the Cardie invasion force, and they were forced to withdraw from Federation space

they came at bolarus again, and again, and each time, they were forced to withdraw with heavy losses

i then began a counter-offensive into Cardassian space and federation ships were operating almost everywhere within after a time

then there were a series of defeats, which resulted in attrition losses

so every federation ship withdrew from cardassian space and R.V. at a starbase back in fed space

then intel revealed sumthing....

a large cluster of cardassian ships was hanging around cardassia prime

so, i sent every ship on a corse staraight for cardaassia

a short time later...

The Battle Of Cardassia was fought.....

and resulted in a MAJOR Federation victory.......

over 20 cardassian warships were destroyed in the battle, with the approx loss of only 10 federation ships, including the Galaxy class USS Cervera, which had fought almost since the start of the war, and led the taskforces that saved Bolarus from invasion all those times

soon after, the Invasion of Cardassia began

and Cardassia Prime was SECURED

a short time later, after 200 + turns of war, the war between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Empire, came to an end.....

the result?

and DOZENS of ships destroyed
entire systems devastated
and the economy of the Federation and the Empire were near collapse


the Federation had WON

and was FREE.....


im sure u have ur own stories

post em!

07 Oct 2004, 00:57
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no1 has any stories?

or they jsu dont ewanna post them?

i`m the king of the polls ma.

09 Oct 2004, 04:18
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The best battle I ever had was a couple of years ago....

I was the federation, playing ai, large galaxy, impossible. The game was very heavily modded. I'd gone through the entire shiplist and set all the values at 1 for every ship, then totally started again. No ship had more than 1-3 phasers or torpedoes, a fight between 2 equal ships would last 6-7 turns (example, galaxy- shields 1000, hull 250, 3 phasers 50 each, 3 torps 70 each).

Very late game The Borg appeared in Cardassian space. The cardassians were my allies so I gathered a fleet of 57 ships and headed to cardassia. (The cube was demonic, shields 0, hull 32,000, 5 beams 250 each). We observed the cube in a nearby sector and set course, we were 4 turns away. They were a nervous 4 turns, especially as my fleet was a little smaller than was generally needed, the fleet was led by a single defiant- the first I'd researched.

I arrived in the sector and to my surprise I was joined by 12 cardassian warships! I spent a few minutes giving each ship a different attack pattern to split the borg fire and pressed turn.... Lost a number of older miranda class ships, the cardassians lost a warship. 5 turns passed, by now the cube was surrounded by ships, all firing phasers and photons into the hull causing massive explosions! By now I'd lost half my ships, the cardassians were no better off. As the Defiant strafed the cube the borg started firing all weapons on it, shields came down the next turn and a direct hit ripped into the ablative armour. The following turn zoomed out and I heard a couple of screams of smaller ships exploding... the defiant was gone. All other ships came about and fired everything at the cube, smaller ships staying close to the hull, drawing fire, larger ships firing turn after turn.

When the cube exploded the Cardassians had 1 warship, with hull damage. I was down to 14 ships, in a bad way. I immediately watched the replay, with chase mode on the defiant, it looked awesome, like first contact. Yet something amazing had happened, on the turn I thought the defiant had been lost, she'd actually flown so close to the cube it couldn't get a clear shot. The whole time she'd been evading around the back, drwing quite a bit of fire!

I returned to the main tac screen and saw a defiant with multiple hull breaches (hull at 85 out of 500). We all headed back to cardassia for repairs.

Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one.

09 Oct 2004, 10:20
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very cool

quite a fight

wish i coulda seen it :D

i`m the king of the polls ma.

09 Oct 2004, 21:25
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i had quite a fight a few hours ago

i was federation

and a war with the klingons that i kne would cum, had jus broken out

had to do sum "strategic withdrawls"

i was runnig a reseach experiemtn, and then i completed development on...

the DEFIANT class

but before they could be built and deployed, a force of 40 + klingon warships entered the bajoran system, destroyed the starbase taht had been buil there to defend against a klingon invasion and then...

they EXTERMINATED the ENTIRE population of Bajor

in 1 turn, 100 million bajorans were killed

within 5 turns, 290 million bajorans were dead, and the now uninhabited bajoran system was annexed by the empire

in all the years ive played BOTF, i dnt thikn ive ever seen the ai do that, but ive been playing for 5 + years, so i mightve and jus not remember

has anyone else ever had this happen to them?


a short time laster, defiants starting coming out of my shipyards

and i deployed them in several large task forces and grouped them together


they ran into a portin f the klingon fleet

about 30 ships!

not a single one survived

they then ran into approx the same number again

nt a single ship survived

i had crushed the majority of the klingon fleet in 2 engagements

simply put, starfleet would not have achieved such a victory if not for the defiants

theyre incredible ships

simply put

i dont even know how many times ive deployed them, and theyve alwayts kikked enemy butt

i`m the king of the polls ma.

10 Oct 2004, 06:33
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Well I was going to do a battle story on my last game as the Cardassians, but my war with the Klingons was nothing to write home about. Then the remaining 3 majors declared war on me, have you ever got to war with 3 major empires with only 3 task forces, if not don't recoment it. Plus they were at war with each other, dumb ai. So now I have working on one as the Klingons, it will be up once I finish the current war.

11 Oct 2004, 02:05
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been there

i played the rommys a couple times


but, i WON the war....


i was quite proud of that victory :lol:

i`m the king of the polls ma.

11 Oct 2004, 02:08
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This may not be great battle, it might not be even that good of a sotry telling. If not let me know what I can do to make the next on better, so here is the first part:

This is my most recent battle story, it has been to long to remeber the older ones. Plus I have only recently gotten up to playing the ai on T5, but that is with me playing off and on for 6 years. Anyway, this is a game where I am playing as the Cardassians and so far it has been interesting.

After 55 turns of building up my empire I declared war on the Ferengi, attacking and conquring Shelia and Caldonia. After building a shipyard in Caldonia I began my assult on Ferenginar, during which the people of Caldonia Rebelled. So I quickly recaptured Caldonia and conqured Ferenginar. After I got everything under control in Ferenginar and build a shipyard I began to wipe out the rest of the Ferengi systems. Druing this war the Klingon declared war with me tiwce, but never attacked. I eventually got them in to a Friendship treaty with me, while I was busy dealing with the Ferengi the Federation was getting wipe out by the Romulan and Rebellion.

Soon after I began my assult on Ferengi systems the Federation, who were down to 3 systems, declared war on me. Soon I had taken out 3 of the Ferengi's 6 remaining systmes, and wiped out a new Federation system on the edge of Ferengi space. Once the Klingons joined the war they conqured one of the last Ferengi systems, and I destoryed the last colony. I then built a shipyard and headed to the last system of the Ferengi, Vulcan. Once my ships got there I attacked and conqured the Vulcans, and the Ferengi Alliance was no more. With the Ferengi gone I decited to move toward the Federation, and finish them off. But that war, and the coming war with the Romulans will have to wait until a later date.

12 Oct 2004, 03:52
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SupremeLegate wrote:
This may not be great battle, it might not be even that good of a sotry telling. If not let me know what I can do to make the next on better, so here is the first part:

This is my most recent battle story, it has been to long to remeber the older ones. Plus I have only recently gotten up to playing the ai on T5, but that is with me playing off and on for 6 years. Anyway, this is a game where I am playing as the Cardassians and so far it has been interesting.

After 55 turns of building up my empire I declared war on the Ferengi, attacking and conquring Shelia and Caldonia. After building a shipyard in Caldonia I began my assult on Ferenginar, during which the people of Caldonia Rebelled. So I quickly recaptured Caldonia and conqured Ferenginar. After I got everything under control in Ferenginar and build a shipyard I began to wipe out the rest of the Ferengi systems. Druing this war the Klingon declared war with me tiwce, but never attacked. I eventually got them in to a Friendship treaty with me, while I was busy dealing with the Ferengi the Federation was getting wipe out by the Romulan and Rebellion.

Soon after I began my assult on Ferengi systems the Federation, who were down to 3 systems, declared war on me. Soon I had taken out 3 of the Ferengi's 6 remaining systmes, and wiped out a new Federation system on the edge of Ferengi space. Once the Klingons joined the war they conqured one of the last Ferengi systems, and I destoryed the last colony. I then built a shipyard and headed to the last system of the Ferengi, Vulcan. Once my ships got there I attacked and conqured the Vulcans, and the Ferengi Alliance was no more. With the Ferengi gone I decited to move toward the Federation, and finish them off. But that war, and the coming war with the Romulans will have to wait until a later date.


good story

tell em exactly as they are


thats wat the threads for :wink:

i`m the king of the polls ma.

12 Oct 2004, 04:10
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o, i got 1

im playing the romulans now

and the cardies and federation


anyway, as the romulans i start expanding right?

then i run into the others

and get this

they ALL declare war on me

a glorious fight!

ive taken a few fed systems, and a couple klingon

and its going very well for me :D

i`m the king of the polls ma.

12 Oct 2004, 04:12
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Here's one I just remembered:

I was playing as the Ferengi, it had been a long game and it was down to me and the Federation. They declared war on me, or I might have on them I can't remember :oops: . As the went the Federation over whelmed me, destorying my systems, which caused minors to leave and systems to declare independance. I was eventually down to just Ferenginar, yet the Federation did not come and destroy me. After a time I was able to build a colony ship and sent it out, it ran into a Borg cube and was desotyed. At this point I did not dare leave my home world, or I might draw the attention of the Borg. Well after MANY turns the game ended, and I WON. I found out that the borg have wiped out all of the Federations systmes, leaveing my the only one to survive. That has been the only game where I have ever won with only one system, and I will always be amazed.

13 Oct 2004, 14:52
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Had sooo many it's hard to remember. However only one sticks in my mind.

It was a few years ago, maybe 2001/2002 and I too had edited the game so ships were cheap to run and had fewer weapons but better shields hull.

Well I was about 375+ turns into a game as the Federation based upon Large, Impossible, Spiral and I had everything researched already so fleets of Defiants/Sovereign's etc.

Well The galaxy was split literally 50/50 between myself and the Kilingon AI and there was an extensive front line which both sides were striking across every turn resulting in skirmishes mainly between both sides fast frigates.

I had been spending about 50 turns trying to get the iso-linear scanners operational on my outlying garrisons (planets) while quelling uprisings of subjugated planets when I picked up a HUGE Klingon fleet at one of their starbases. (I know not often you see an AI starbase) and there was roughly 175 ships, probably 50 command/ships of the lines 100 smaller ships and about 25 strike's and many more transports etc.

I panicked, as you would :) and regathered my ships that were spread along the border to the nearest starbase/high-tech planet hat was close to where I thought the Klingon incursion would take place.

I sent my science ships out to try and assess the best possible way to engage the force and I concluded a direct assault was the only way with superior numbers of ships (the enemy ships were quite high on experience) as opposed to a large proportion of my fleet which was on a level 2 or 3 at best, result of continual rebuilding and need for patrols.

15 or so turns passed and I had my taskforce of around 250 ships assembled and ready, my flanks were hopelessly weakened and vulnerable but scanners showed no signs of any enemy ships nearby so I deployed.

The Klingon fleet immediately moved to my dismay, I had been suckered in to a classic trap, I was sure they were going to split and outflank me taking my outposts and systems and crippling the range my ships could go. I made a snap decision to carry on to the last known location and to my extreme luck I was close to Qo'nos. I too diverted and the tables were turned. I was closer to their homeworls than they were to my border!!! This was it I thought I'm going to suceed ... But then realisation dawned on me, I had not fitted my task force to deal with Orbital Batteries and for a system invasion. I had very few Nebula class cruisers and no troop transports. I was faced with bombarding the planet or trying to hunt down the huge Klingon task force (wherever they had gone) It looked like I was indeed destined to lose.

I stayed in Klingon space randomly searching for the task force for a further few turns while engaging in many minor skirmishes involving cloaked Klingon scouts (they were probing my fleet) and decided that as they hadn't shown up that they were evading due to my superior numbers. I decided to head one last time to the location of the last known whereabouts of the Klingon Navy. I pressed on and due to interference in the area my scans were less than satisfactory. My 250 strong fleet warped into the Klingon system and proximity warnings and tactical scanners immediately lit up. Without any forewarning we had jumped into an ambush, the Klingons were ready and waiting while our ships were disorganised, running low on supplies and our striker cruisers and older/slower ships were lagging behind!! It was classic military incompetence on my behalf.

Immediately the Klingons attacked, but they were many ships short of the fleet I had seen before and I still had a comfortable numerical advantage ... but that comforting thought was about tobe smashed as 20 or so cloaked Birds of Preys dropped their cloaking field and opened fire, a few of my front line ships took heavy damage to their shields as hte Ion torpedoes and disruptors from the experienced Klingon crews found their targets.

They had the upper hand already, the firepower the Klingon fleet commander had at his disposal was awesome, the Federation couldn't match their ships for pure damage. Instead we would have to try and soak up their weapons fire by using the fast ships as decoys while letting our heavy cruisers and command ships stay back and pummel the Klingons fleet with out Quantum torpedoes.

The first proper round of battle involving all ships was awesome, space was literally filled with ionised particles and debris from smaller ships unlucky enoughto have taken direct hits from a high energy disruptor blast. At first our tactics worked, we were able to take the damage the Klingons dealt as our Miranda and Constellation class frigates drew the fire. While our defiants got in close and used their huge firepower to wreak havoc among the larger ships. All the while our sovereigns were orbiting providing cover and flanking support while a few noble Galaxy X class ships gave support from the rear.

It was going as well as could be hoped, the Klingons had lost a lot of smaller destroyers and many small style command cruisers giving our force a brief hint that we could win this battle, unfortunately it would not last. In the heat of battle I failed to notice the Klingons targetting our science vessels, and after 10 or so turns they had all been destroyed so robbing me of the ability to counter the Klingon tactics. I was having huge damage inflicted on my large ships and many were without shields and venting plasma and in many cases venting atmosphere also, the Klingon ships were fairing better their larger command ships were no beginning to take lead from the Bird of preys and smaller vessels, simply charging in and dealing as much damage as they could from clsoe ranges, without prior knowledge there was nothing I could do, in 3 turns of the Klingon command ships coming about and heading at nearly full impulse into my ranks I lost 15 - 20 ships, this continued until I was left with only a handful out of 60 or so command ships but I still had my destroyers.

The Klingons, meanwhile, had themselves taken hideous losses, the tactics they had employed did hurt the federaton task force greatly but their command ships had all but been destroyed, they had no more negh'vars left, they were a priority early on and their vorcha and bird of preys were dead in the water so to speak. It was now up to the frigate and smaller ship classes who were still in relatively good health, on both sides.

I ordered my command ships to staty at distance focusing what remaining weapons they had on the remaining Klingon light ships and as they were no longer evading the larger more stable platforms of the sovereign class hulls meant that the phasers were able to hit for obscene amounts of damage, coupled with the constellations and defiants of about 55 combined oppossed against 60 or so Klingon destroyers it took a mere 6 further turns for our fleet to out maneuver the Klingons, seeking out their weakspots to the above/rear of the Klingons and simply massacreing them, the defiants pulse cannons and the upgraded weapons systems of the constellations working perfectly along side each other to rip through the kligons shields and equally effective on their hulls.

It was finished ... for now two huge fleets had engaged virtually equal at the start and each side fairing blunders, excellent tactics and luck through out the engagment, overall 150 or so Klingon ships were destroyed and about 170 Federaton ships. A lot of fine officers and crew were lost to space that day and it would be a long time before another battle of that magnitude would be seen again.

Overall that was the last large battle in that game, we eventually allied and I won through that option. Nevertheless it was an amazing battle and I was sure I had won at some points and lost at others.

P.S I am sorry about the length . please feel free to ask me to post an edited version with just the semi-facts :)

And the numbers are rought guestimates, was such a long time since I played.

13 Oct 2004, 16:08
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Hmm, well there was me against Robotnik in 91, me and a mate Miles against Robotnik in 92, all the way up to me, miles and knuckles in 04. But as for BOTF battles, ive plaied sommnay times, i cant remember which were great n not.


Last edited by STHedgeHog on 15 Oct 2004, 23:11, edited 1 time in total.

14 Oct 2004, 16:33
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I am working on another game, with some good battles I hope. So here is another game I played some time ago. I was playing as the Federation on Tech 3 or 4, which ever one gives you the Ambassador. Well I had moved out and gotten a few systems, then I meet both the Klingons and Ferengi. They quickly declared war on me, sadly I was not prepared. The Klingons desposed of my fleet in short order, and both the Klingons and Ferengi started conquring my colonys. Soon I was down to just Sol, then after a short assult by the Ferengi I lost Sol and the game ended.

14 Oct 2004, 22:36
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Let's see. I've conquered the galaxy a number of times and with almost every major power however I believe my best single all out battle was as the klingons. I was playing as the Klingons and had killed every major power except the Federation. I had conquered every sector they had except the Edo, and their gardian. Since they were the last sector of the federation they would not except bribes so I had to go in a conquere the people. So I took 300 ships the best ones the Klingons have, I can not remeber their name or class, into the sector and took on the Guardian. It took over three minutes to load after I selected assault. It was over in a mater of seconds but of the 300 ships I came out with only 10. I had to built some more ships to take the sector but in the end they bowed before me and I had the galaxy to myself.

10 Jan 2005, 20:58
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270 ships 300+ ships lol how ya do it? max i had going at once is around 190 romulan destroyers, i like skirmishes like sending a scout ship against an outpost and putting it on evade, 9 times out of 10 scout wins. i like to play as romulan, being extreamly isolationist i just keep myself to myself develope around 3 systems max and keep starbases over em, my fave trick is to ignore all the major powers, just make friends and trade with minors, when im sufficialy advanced to develope destroyers quick i begin to develope them in 9's and send them to romulas for training or send them against the edo guardian echo papa or any random bad guys like the borg chodak etc and get em some xp, if i tend to stay in my system and dont stray out the other major powers tend to leave you alone while they slug it out, granted they may all declare war on you but exept for the random ship's nothing realy happens... anyway one such battle a few days ago occured in a large galaxy, me as the romulans, in the course of the game id uncovered the map and strategicaly planted starbases here and there so i pretty much watched every empire declare war against each other, i realy HATE the cardies so i periodicaly send raiding groups into cardassian space to destroy starbases and colony ships n such, so they were the first to fall to the ferengi, meanwhile id refused war pacts with the federation and klingons they had been pretty much slogging it out for the past 70 turns, the federation was losing bad, eventualy the federation fell and the klingon empire was victorious. it then turned its eyes toward me and the ferengi, id previously signed a friendship treaty with the ferengi so id been left in peace happily training my ships crews, the klingons declared war against the ferengi.... by now id been offered an alliance to wich i agreed then 2 turns later i got a war pact to which i also agreed ... i then commenced to do absolute nothing just watched the klingons and ferengi play they're intergalactic pong match, to put it bluntly the klingons anihilated the ferengi the ferengi home worlds were lost, reduced to just a few piddling planets the klingons decided to destroy, now the klingons had pretty much sunk everything into this war so i wasnt worried about splitting my huge fleet, especialy as my funds were at a rock bottom, i sent a fleet of 100 ships into the heart of klingon territory and whiped out its home systems in 5 or 6 rounds, the same with the federation and cardassian conquered systems. eventualy the klingons defeated the ferengis then came against me .. with all its remaining 30 ships, id had my inteligence on sabotage and stole around 10 klingon ships giving me a total of 100 ships in romulan space, i would have like to watch the battle but my machine would have crashed, i lost an equal ammount of ships but id defeated the klingon fleet leaving me free to split all my ships up and mop up the remainder of the klingon empire... i spose it must have been a good day to die


11 Jan 2005, 00:54
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Recently i played a building mod game halved the upkeep cost for all ships and stations to get some large battles. Also edited some of the systems to get larger production capacities for all majors. ie the Romulans had a system with nearly 900 pop, Fed had several above 600.
I played the Cardassians growing to a small empire quite quickly with 2 minors and stopped expanding. I got friendship treaties with Feds and Romulans to my south and hadnt made contact with Klingons and Ferengi. Soon the Feds declared war on the Roms which were at that point realy small compared to the Feds who had already assimilated most minors in their part of space (6 or 7). They almost anihalated the Romulans instantly only leaving bits for me when I declared war on both of them so I could get to Romulus before the Feds would take it. The task force I used consisted of 27 Galor cruisers (which are not the comand ships in Buildingmod) and 36 of the smaller cruisers. I took the beaten down Romulans with ease but was ambushed by about 200 Federation Ships in the 900 pop Romulan system next to Romulus. The Fed Fleet was comprised of about 100 Ambassadors (better than my lighter cruisers but a bit inferior to my Galors) 60 Mirandas 20 - 30 Galaxies and a hand full of Nebulas. Beeing outnumbered 4:1 tried to make a stand while they attacked my local Starbase (SB and Outposts are about 10-15 times stronger than in normal game). I had no chance and retreated my fleet after my Starbase was destroyed and my fleet had taken serious casulties (20% destroyed 30% damaged).

I already had dispatched most of the rest of my fleet to the former Romulan space (around 60 Galors and an equal number of light Cruisers). Meeting at the border to now Federation space I assembled a fleet of about 150 ships. With the casulties I inflicted on the Feds the last time they still had a slight superiority in ship numbers but were inferior in overall firepower. In the end I totally anihalated the whole Fed fleet but in return also lost about 30% of my ships.

11 Jan 2005, 12:59
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