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 Dominion ships and stations 
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Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Ooh...what would a Dominion station look like?

You could really go to town with that... :twisted:

I'd make it truly massive in size though - their ships are huge, so they would need stations that can allow such ships to dock with them and whatever...

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03 Jan 2006, 15:28
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Xenolinguistics Engineer
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yeah and armed to the teeth :twisted:

03 Jan 2006, 15:48
Klingon Honor Guard
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Texture map size = 512x512. (just stick it all detail on 1024x1024 and resize at the end so easier to work on.)

Model limit is 2000 for station, 2500 if very good.

Dont mock my creative PAINT job hehe. Dom sketch to get a basic design shape for you to develope your own from, as i kinda think it would look good for dom station if not a nice alternative for cards for early periods.


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03 Jan 2006, 17:58
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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your right thats pretty rough lol, but it did give me an idea....

03 Jan 2006, 18:23
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On the wood my mouse aint the best for using pen in paint lol, anyhow givin u a idea is waht it was for so glad it worked hehe. ;)

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03 Jan 2006, 18:36
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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Yeah thanks:) so is that klingon going to be wearing bunny ears and a cotton tale for easter? :lol:

03 Jan 2006, 19:41
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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I hope so - where'd you think my avatar got the crimbo hat from? :lol:


If you look really closely, you can even see a tiny bit of Klingon that I forgot to erase before I put it on my Romulan. (A little patch of dark brown the right of the eyes)

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03 Jan 2006, 19:44
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Hmm where can i find a playboy outfit i can manipulate and the klingon women grilika (marry to quark) hehe. :D

Easter aint till feb or march is it?

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03 Jan 2006, 20:02
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Its in April Einstein :roll:

03 Jan 2006, 20:13
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I can never remember easter lol, just one of them things that never sticks in my mind mainly cos i never bother with it hehe.

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03 Jan 2006, 21:35
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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Well the playboy costumes are easy to find. Google turns up loads of them. :roll:


As for the Grilika one...heh...couldn't find it, but I found this instead...


Haven't got a clue what it has to do with Klingons, but do a google for "Klingon costume", and it shows up on page one every time... :? :lol:

It's amazing what you can find on the internet. In fact, I even found a Klingon Riverdance...



As for the time of Easter, its understandable that you don't know when it is, Skeeter. In fact I didn't know either! :lol:

The exact date changes every year, Zahadoom. :wink:

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


03 Jan 2006, 22:41
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im rebuilding my tholian ship.

looks much better now

ill post screens later tonight (maybe 2-3 hours)

its still extremly simple compared to other ships. still mostly primitives.


04 Jan 2006, 05:38
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A little colour now , i have to lighten it tough


04 Jan 2006, 05:44

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here we go

this is a bit different from the last one

i just had an hour to work on this, last night before break ends, and so here it is.

it will be upgraded to be better. The tholian blueprints i have seem to have a good amount of right angles, so i decided not to do anything to them. This is mostly exactly like the original blueprints i have, other than i changed some stuff in the weapons, and its much simpler.

the tholian blueprints i have have like no curves at all.



04 Jan 2006, 06:14
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Very nice tholian ship there. One thing tho is that the its got alot of polys on the engines )cylinders) area, next time you do them can you create them with less sides so its less poly.

Other than the highish poly cont im worried about its a top ship dude. :)

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04 Jan 2006, 09:42
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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They might be a lot of polies, but I like the engines.

They 're a sharp contrast to the right angles and hard edges of the rest of the ship. The game will certainly be spiced up with such unusual designs. :D


It you don't mind me saying, Zahadoom, your model looks like a manta ray. Cool. 8)

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


04 Jan 2006, 10:35
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the best thing now is that Lightwave has a built in Poly reduction tool. Makes it tons easier now, dont have to redo it.

i just cant figure out how to check the polygon count in truespace.... theres a reduction tool, but no checking tool.


04 Jan 2006, 13:53
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im still not happy with it yet, its too boxey, does lightwave have a fillet or chanfer tool????? Ive tried bringing it into cad but cad doesnt recognize the surfaces so i cant fillet or chamfer, i can delete them but thats pointless. If i can give the ship a rounder look then it will look much better i think......not much but just a little in the front and on the sides....

04 Jan 2006, 14:19
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ok as promised im working on a dominion station (starbase or space dock)also
here it is. I still need to add some details but here is the bare meat of it



feal free to give me some comments

she is at 960 polies at the moment

Last edited by zahadoom on 05 Jan 2006, 14:24, edited 1 time in total.

04 Jan 2006, 17:02
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what happened to using lightwave?

Nice start on the station btw ;)

Also about them tools in lw someone asked, i am not sure but i use construction tab then on left click on knife asnd cut poly from side to side or sections, i can then shape anything this way with combinations of beveling after altered with knife tool.

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04 Jan 2006, 18:24
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im interchanging between the two, some things are easier in cad, others are easier in lightwave so ive decided to use both, and thanks for the tip about the knife

Last edited by zahadoom on 04 Jan 2006, 21:51, edited 1 time in total.

04 Jan 2006, 18:42
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
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I like the Dominion Base, but the circular "walls" around it just don't look right to me.

They look like some sort of solid shield, rather than an actual functional section of the Base.

Perhaps there could be some protrusions or something somewhere?

Sorta like the Romulan Starbase in BOTF1 - I liked the "arms" that it had - it made it look like ships could actually dock with the station. None of the other stations looked like they could allow that, although admittedly they go inside a Federation base, so that doesn't count.

I'm not asking for something that drastic, and it could even simply be "suggested" in the textures, but it's just a thought. :wink:

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04 Jan 2006, 19:37
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With decent texturing the "walls" could have hundreads of docking areas for jem'h'dah fighters. Think of the walls as huge car park hehe for dominion mass of ships.

That or a habitat section as i bet the rooms get filled quickly with cloning of jem'h'dah all the time.

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04 Jan 2006, 19:42
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Actually, having them as a "car park" would make sense.

We know that the Dominion stores hundreds of fighters ready for battle, and they have to be based somewhere.

I've read that a Federation Starbase can only hold a maximum of 20 Excelsior-sized ships, and most of the station is more like a giant, floating city and command center, rather than a defense or repair station - so imagine what a facility that was primarily built for such a purpose AND was designed to specifically hold small ships would look like...ok, I REALLY like it now. :mrgreen:

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04 Jan 2006, 20:02
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i made a few changes and its down to 900 polies, yet with more details:)

i guess i should have explaned this in greater detail, but i get what your saying matress. Here is how the base works.

the upper saucer of the base contains 2 large space doors one on either side these doors measure 1000 m by 600 m, which is large enough for even the biggest ships to enter for repair and what not. im also thinking of doing the same below but for mid ranged cruisers.

Now those two huge walls are for docking all other ships but mostly fighters.
The catch is that the ships dock on the inside of the walls thus protecting them from damage and any prying eyes. most of the weponry will also be on the tops and bottoms of the walls,

there will be a few huge docking ports on the outside of the walls also

Last edited by zahadoom on 05 Jan 2006, 14:28, edited 1 time in total.

04 Jan 2006, 21:01
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Will you be adding greibles later on? (small details such as structure mesh or bits and bobs)

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04 Jan 2006, 21:48
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ill add what i can in allowance with the poly limit so that gives me like 600 poly's to work with, it will be slower from this point though as the office is getting busier again:)

04 Jan 2006, 21:51

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nice spacestation - i like it.

i see that this is now for just Dominion ships, so I'll post my updates somewhere else when i finish.

i dont even know if they still want my stuff, or if my skill still isnt good enough.


05 Jan 2006, 00:13
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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your doing fine:) just start a thread for minor race ships

05 Jan 2006, 00:15

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thats what I was thinking.

im glad someone likes it. even if they trash the model, I'll still make a hidef version and just make it a backround or something.


05 Jan 2006, 00:20
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