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 Dominion ships and stations 
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Jig of the Puff
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General_Nemitor wrote:
nice spacestation - i like it.

i see that this is now for just Dominion ships, so I'll post my updates somewhere else when i finish.

i dont even know if they still want my stuff, or if my skill still isnt good enough.

keep it up, both of you start new threads for your ships, one of the moderators can sticky them when you have done it.


05 Jan 2006, 00:30
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Yeah, make your own thread, and you'll get the recognition that BOTH of you deserve. Afterall, this IS the DOMINION ships and stations thread. :wink:

And I repeat, General - I like the look of your Tholian ship, so if it was trashed, (Which I sincerely doubt coz it would mean more work for someone else) i'd still ask for it as a mod or something. :wink:

Both of you are excellent modelers, whatever you guys might believe.

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05 Jan 2006, 00:50
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sorry to just change the name on you guys:) I didint know that i could and when i started the thread i didint know id be working on only dominion ships:) well dor now at least. after i finish this station i will move on to one of the ds9 variety:)

05 Jan 2006, 18:37
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can one of the moderator man this thread sticky???

08 Jan 2006, 01:08
Klingon Honor Guard
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Np dude ;)

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08 Jan 2006, 01:54
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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sorry guys i havent had alot of time lately but im still plugging away




more to come

14 Jan 2006, 07:10

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gj - mine is on standby for the time being. I had just spent the last day fixing my computer. I had to DBAN it finally to get rid of a virus, but thats besides the point.


oh ****! Ok... bad news... ive lost all my models. Im going to kill my computer.


14 Jan 2006, 07:26
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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Some changes made.... i think that it looks a little better

25 Jan 2006, 01:44
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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more updates
sorry for the slow progress



more to come, ive strted some of the station textures

10 Feb 2006, 16:35
Klingon Honor Guard
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Shape is coming along nicely but i aint too sure about the red bits on the edges of the top and the bottom sections.

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10 Feb 2006, 17:07
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They could be docking ports or weapons pods on the station...but they look more Cardassian than Dominion to me.

Why are they red though, Zahadoom? Did you do that simply to highlight them?

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10 Feb 2006, 23:59
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sorry i should have explained better, the red areas are only that way for my own work its not any kind of texture

11 Feb 2006, 00:46
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see its really hard to know what dominion really is because we only saw a few ships....its a work in progress though and im not yet happy with the shape

11 Feb 2006, 00:48
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Well bugs are kinda there thing so sorta have some shape that is like a bug if u know what i mean, and yeah they look cardasian thats why i wasnt sure about them red bits. Maybe if there antena sorta things they may be better?

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11 Feb 2006, 13:41
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Antennae would be different - other than the Klingon Starbase from BOTF, and a few shots of the Federation Spacedocks, we see very few stations with "decent" antennae.

And following the bug theme, antennae would be a logical design lineage. (Insect wise)

And as for size, i'd make it BIG - rediculously so.

We all know just what a penchant the Dominion has for intimidation by the sheer size of their ships. A big station would complement their ships well. It would be pointless giving them stations that were dwarfed by the ships they were supposed to serve... :?

DS9 looked relatively small when some of the larger Dominion ships were docked with it, so you can just imagine what kind of size their stations must be.

For scaling, a size comparison chart might help, Zahadoom.

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


Last edited by Matress_of_evil on 26 Feb 2006, 18:16, edited 1 time in total.

11 Feb 2006, 23:32
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this station is huge that big docking port is 1500 meters wide

13 Feb 2006, 15:54
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to all ship developers: you r doing a nice job ;)

pleasecheck this out, and tell me if you can realise this.

wer rasen säht, wird mäher ernten

wow, i did it ^^ thx moe!

26 Feb 2006, 14:11
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and the texturing continues


opinions and comments are welcome as always

15 Mar 2006, 01:00
Klingon Honor Guard
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Nice. The only thing i am worried about is the bluriness of the textures as there not very sharp. Apart from that good job so far :)

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15 Mar 2006, 01:37
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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you mean more so at the front??? yeah ill be fixing that

15 Mar 2006, 04:36
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Cool. 8)

One question though - what actual class of ship is it?

This is Dafedz's <current> Dominion shiplist:

-Gecko class TECH 0
-Salamander Class U/G TECH 7

-Storm Class TECH 0
-Tempest CLass U/G TECH 4
-Typhoon Class U/G TECH 9

-Serpent Class TECH 0
-Viper Class TECH 6

-Chameleon Class T1 TECH 1
-Oberon Class TECH 4
-Darkwing Class TECH 7

-Medusa Class TECH 0
-Mirage Class TECH 5
-Aurora Class TECH 8

-Vanguard Class TECH 4
-Penumbra Class TECH 9
-Messiah Class TECH 12

I'm assuming the Dominion "Bug" is the probe ship, and that one of the Battleships is the huge thing we've seen on DS9. There's plenty of space to maneouver your ship into though.

So what class is she going to be?

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15 Mar 2006, 14:59
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its an enterprise era scout.

the previous ship was supposed to be a transport but it can be used as whatever

16 Mar 2006, 00:43
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So this is going to be the Serpent class? Sounds good. And a nice ship too! :)

Personally I'd say the bug ship is one of the 'Attack ships'. As The probes are realy scouts and the bug ship was more of a destroyer.

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16 Mar 2006, 00:50
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Well I was just supposing that. I could easily be wrong.

I was just thinking about the size of the bug though - it was about the size of the Defiant, and there isn't anything much smaller than that except shuttles and Runabouts! :lol:

If you're happy with it being the Serpent class, Zahadoom, then i'll add it into the models thread. That's ONE Dominion ship that I definitely know the class of... :roll: :lol:

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16 Mar 2006, 01:08
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Ok all you lightwave experts, i have a question. why are all my textures turning out blury? I have been using 512x512 pixels texture images but everything i draw is so blury....

16 Mar 2006, 02:37
Klingon Honor Guard
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Ok maybe when u draw them in paint shop pro or whatever is the problem, or its that you haven't set the display resolution for textures high in lightwave as lightwave can show textures as low res (for performance reasons) or high res if u have a good machine. Anyhow what u want to do in lightwave is this.

Start "modeler".

On the top left corner click "edit" then "display options".

You shouls see "texture resolution" buttons starting from 64 - 1024. Click on 1024. Then click "ok".

You should now have sharper textures.

If it is still blurry then you need to rethink how ur making your textures in your painting package.

EDIT - - I notice your using 7.0 which is a bit different menu wise. I think what u do is click on "modeler" which is under "file" in the top left of the screen. Then choose "display options". Failing this it will be on the top bar (create modify etc....) it will be on the most right tab. So click on "display" tab at top. Then click display options (on left menu sections) and then you should be able to find texture resolution adjuments settings.

Failing that try using the manual. To find out how to do it.

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16 Mar 2006, 02:54
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who says there is never a Klingon around when you need one:)

Qapla Skeeter:)

16 Mar 2006, 04:35
Xenolinguistics Engineer
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a little more done and i fixed the textures, i think it looks alot better now


17 Mar 2006, 04:36
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Yeah, that's definitely an improvement.

You can see it better now that the pic is more zoomed in as well. Good work, Zahadoom! 8)

...You didn't answer my question though. Do you want it to be the Serpent class?

"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."


17 Mar 2006, 15:07
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sure i guess, its an early explorer ship probly one of the first you get, ive tried to make it look more primative and such, notice that it has some characteristics of the bug ship but yet it still looks like something that could make an atmospheric landing, so umm if that what the sepent class is then ok, but if were going with a bug theam then id pic something along those lines, whatever works

Im vacationing in cua this next week so i wont be on, but after that i expect to finish this one in a week of 2. im also still working on the station but i have a new idea, and ill post that shortly after. Its more bug like lets say lol.

btw as ive said before id be willing to take on moderator duties if need be, and id like to apply to be part of the staff:) Its up to jig but i think im making a relavent enough contribution....

later all

17 Mar 2006, 16:20
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