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Fleet Admiral
Joined: 18 Sep 2004, 01:00 Posts: 884 Location: Germany
Here we can discuss the diplomacy options that we can put in the game. Mstrobel can tell us wether a certain idea is not possible/takes to much time to implement. I know that we already have some ideas and design for diplomacy but let us talk more about it here.
_________________ "Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)
Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.
16 Apr 2006, 10:27 |
Fleet Admiral
Joined: 18 Sep 2004, 01:00 Posts: 884 Location: Germany
I've an idea to use propaganda via intel on minor races to make them more receptive towards your people. I don't know if this is possible? That the minors also have some sort of intel? But also the possibility for back-fire, they get to know that it comes directly by the ******* governement and the people are pissed off.
_________________ "Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)
Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.
16 Apr 2006, 10:34 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
I think you've got a good idea, iwulff. I think it's a definite possibility. The Intelligence screens will need to be reworked a bit compared to BOTF. Since you'll be able to mod the game pretty easily and add empires, it doesn't make sense to have a screen with 4 or 5 other empires amongst which to divide your resources. I was thinking maybe something like this:
You start with all of your intelligence allocated to internal security. You can then add "targets" to a list. When you add a target, you select an empire or minor race, a target type (espionage, sabotage, propaganda, etc) and, if necessary, an area of focus (military, economic, social, etc). Your new target then appears on the targets list, and you can then distribute your total intel points between internal security and whatever targets you have specified. I think that would be a pretty flexible implementation.
How does that sound to you?
16 Apr 2006, 19:27 |
Fleet Admiral
Joined: 18 Sep 2004, 01:00 Posts: 884 Location: Germany
and the number of targets can be specified by yourselve. Sounds good.
I know this is not a diplomacy question, but.. will systems with lesser intel buildings be less protected against infiltrations? I know that we need to be careful not to overdo things in a game, but to actually manage internal affairs over your systems sounds cool, but might mean to much micromanagement.
_________________ "Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)
Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.
16 Apr 2006, 20:27 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
iwulff wrote: and the number of targets can be specified by yourselve. Sounds good.
I know this is not a diplomacy question, but.. will systems with lesser intel buildings be less protected against infiltrations? I know that we need to be careful not to overdo things in a game, but to actually manage internal affairs over your systems sounds cool, but might mean to much micromanagement. I always assumed that each system's protection against infiltration could be calculated by its total intel output (from intel buildings) times your relative internal security allocation.
For example, if you had an Intel output of 400 in one system, and your internal security allocation was 50%, you would have 200 points of infiltration protection for that star system.
16 Apr 2006, 20:35 |
Fleet Admiral
Joined: 18 Sep 2004, 01:00 Posts: 884 Location: Germany
it seems good.. hope it will work out good  . I have another diplomacy idea, but it is dependant on how trading is expanded in your game.
Some sort of trade agreement that you can do with another empire/minor race. Normally people would be nicer to you if you trade with them.. i think. 
_________________ "Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)
Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.
16 Apr 2006, 20:47 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
I always assumed that signing any treaty with another power would put your higher in their favor. It would make sense that if they're profiting from trade with your empire that they would be more receptive to your diplomatic overtures.
16 Apr 2006, 20:52 |
Joined: 25 Feb 2006, 01:00 Posts: 54
mstrobel wrote: iwulff wrote: I know this is not a diplomacy question, but.. will systems with lesser intel buildings be less protected against infiltrations? I know that we need to be careful not to overdo things in a game, but to actually manage internal affairs over your systems sounds cool, but might mean to much micromanagement. I always assumed that each system's protection against infiltration could be calculated by its total intel output (from intel buildings) times your relative internal security allocation. For example, if you had an Intel output of 400 in one system, and your internal security allocation was 50%, you would have 200 points of infiltration protection for that star system. That would be an acurate way of doing it but the set back is that you couldn't build a plannet devoted to industry or research because those would be easy targets for sabotage.
16 Apr 2006, 20:53 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
True, there would have to be an empire-wide anti-infiltration rating as well. I may poke around some other game forums and see what kind of equations people have come up with. There's some good ideas out there.
16 Apr 2006, 20:55 |
Fleet Admiral
Joined: 18 Sep 2004, 01:00 Posts: 884 Location: Germany
you hit the nail there...  Perhaps the intel buildings affects the region around the system also? But that seems tricky and confusing to the player. OR just a extra bonus for intel defence on the system that has it. Sounds fair 
_________________ "Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)
Q: The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You're guilty. Picard: Guilty of what? Q:Of being inferior.
16 Apr 2006, 20:57 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
The player doesn't necessarily have to know exactly how the system works "under the hood". We could take the total internal security rating, divide half of it evenly amongst the invididual systems, and then divide the other half proportionally among the systems that actually produce intel points (giving the system whatever fraction that it contributes). Whatever system we come up with shouldn't be too complicated--I'm a firm proponent of the "keep it simple, stupid" philosophy  .
16 Apr 2006, 23:23 |
Joined: 10 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 309 Location: Florida, USA
I really like the feel for the game. It is very old school botf and the speed of the turn times have improved. There needs just a little adjustments to the games feel. And I noticed one bug in the game if you take out one race in the game all of them die and you win.
There are just suggestions.
• The game wording is too much like botf1 with diplomacy options, killing off races.
• There needs to be other types of treaties available to the game.
• Financial aid, minor should be able request money amounts under treaties with major races.
• Military aid, selling old technologies, ships, minors requesting the support of military might of a major race.
• Expansion aid, minors requesting majors to help territory expansion.
27 Apr 2006, 16:23 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
I agree with you, Valcoren, but the game as it stands is only a "trial run". Since it was a class project, I didn't have enough time to implement the full diplomacy system that I want to have. And as you pointed out, the wording is all very generic. I will very soon start rebuilding the game and adding many new features as well as the BOTF2 content.
I'm open to the idea of trading territories, military assets, etc. I'm not sure about expansion aid--enforcing that from a programming perspective might be difficult. I'm not ruling it out though--what exactly did you have in mind?
BTW, thanks for playing my pre-release  . And I noticed that bug too, though not until a couple days ago. I haven't had the chance to figure out exactly what causes it. Thanks for feedback, though.
27 Apr 2006, 17:16 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Well since we're all working together you can obviously have the random events that i've come up with so far, MStrobel. I've worded them for each of the Empires, so instead of generic messages as in BOTF, the game will have messages that actually sound like they are from the Emipres.
As an example:
Quote: Suddenly Appearing Blackhole (A Blackhole forms in a random sector. Sensor capability is significantly reduced in and around the sector)
Space always has new surprises. A new Blackhole has formed in sector _____, forming a trecherous hazard to any ships passing near the sector. F Space is treacherous to any ship that travels without good sensors, but sensors are not the primary system of a Klingon warship. It may be wise to advise our warriors of a new Black Hole in sector _____, else they enter Gre'thor for their lack of battle! K Our knowledge of Space is unmatched throughout the Galaxy, but even our researchers can be surprised by particularly unusual events. A Blackhole has appeared in Sector _____. It would be wise to notify our Commanders of its' existance. R Every once in a while, Nature finds something to surprise us with. A Blackhole has formed in sector _____, making travel through the sector treacherous. Not even our toughest Battleship could survive the crushing Gravitational forces of a Blackhole, so our commanders would be wise to avoid the sector. C It seems the wrath of the Founders can even be seen in the darkness of space. A Blackhole has shattered the fabric of space-time in sector _____. It would be wise for our ships to avoid it. D
I'm far from finishing them off, but i've got a good deal of them done. If you want a copy, just let me know.
I know programming them in will be the difficult bit, but just coz I write them doesn't mean they have to be in the game. It's nice to have a variety, so me and OmniQ thought of as many as we possibly could. Dafedz suggested a few more to me about a month ago, so i've added those in too.
The thing that is taking the longest is simply the "localisations".
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
27 Apr 2006, 21:33 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
Mattress, I'll want to snag those from you when I get around to programming random events.
Valcoren, I've published an update that fixes that bug.
28 Apr 2006, 02:28 |
Joined: 10 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 309 Location: Florida, USA
your welcome mstrobel. I'm glad I can provide you with some feed back.
as far as territory expansion. This would be along the lines of a bribe from the minors to a major race. A minor race that does not have warp drive but wants to expand passed its solar system.
i.e. the Bandi want to claim the a start near to their solar system and they offer their resources or large amount of credits to Romulans to help them expand to that star. Romulians accept the offer and send a colony ship to that star as they go to colonize the solar system a pop up asks do Romulans would you like to claim this system for the Bandi. If they accept the request a Bandi population will be deposited in that solar system.
I don’t know of the difficulty of the programming of that but again. these are only suggestions.
28 Apr 2006, 04:15 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
Perhaps as an alternative, the a minor race could just ask for a colony ship as part of a diplomatic exchange.
28 Apr 2006, 04:24 |
Joined: 10 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 309 Location: Florida, USA
That would work also. I have a bad habit of over thinking things sometimes, but on a side note I tested your fix. I did not have a good result. I found that when conquering over a race the game does not end, but the other races still disappear from their solar systems in the game.
28 Apr 2006, 04:59 |
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Joined: 22 Nov 2004, 01:00 Posts: 201 Location: Nor Cal
@MOE: Don't mean to nit-pick but black holes do not appear from nowhere. They're born from the death of stars. In fact, they're born for a very specific *type* of star: huge stars of more than 10 solar masses... Er... My memory says 10 but it needs to be checked to confirm... When such stars die they do so with supernovea.
The giant star at _____ has gone supernova. The nebula and black hole it has left behind are dangerous. Regular traffic should avoid the area.
If you're a Romulan you might want to put a listening post there.
If you're Federation you might want to study it.
Klingons might use the powerfully charged ions to power a weapons manufacturing plant.
The Dominion.... Well, I'm not sure. A prison outpost?
Cardassians... Hrm....
Anyway, black holes, neutron stars, quark stars, magnetars and nebulea don't just come from nowhere.... Of course, it's only a game and being totally realistic might be a serious pain to program. That is up the programmer(s). But there are *real* astronomical hazards out there and I vote for this to be as real as possible.
(Sorry it's a bit off topic y'all but I'm not really sure where I should put this objection.)
End rant.
_________________ No. I'm not back.
28 Apr 2006, 21:25 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Quote: (Sorry it's a bit off topic y'all but I'm not really sure where I should put this objection.)
You could have PM'd it to me, and since it was me that went off-topic in the first place, it doesn't matter.
Thanks for the nitpick, ZDarby, i'll reword it when I have time.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
29 Apr 2006, 00:07 |
Joined: 26 Oct 2005, 01:00 Posts: 302
Regarding random events..
Anyone ever play Space Empires IV? Or III for that matter? Or Gal Civ?
Lots of random, sometimes hilarious, random events in those. Space Empires ones are more serious, but.. engaging none the less.
I don't know how many dreadnoughts I've had that get flung USS Voyager-style to a random system alllll the way across the map due to random wormholes flinging a ship around.
And diplomatic options, SEIV had some very practical treaties, like Protectorate, and progressively higher levels of subjugation, where the dominant empire protects the small one and gets a progressively larger chunk of their income; mineral, research, and intel. Players vs AI's likely wouldn't use that, but it's fun, and practical, at times during PvP.
30 Apr 2006, 03:49 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Sorry, Ringold, never played it.
Right then, i've reworked the Blackhole random event. I also re-thinked the Supernova one, and they're now bundled together. When a Red Giant goes Nova, there will be a chance that a Blackhole forms. Makes things easier then - and means that a Blackhole doesn't happen without at least some mention of a Nova in the text first.
Quote: Supernova/Blackhole Formation (A System with a Red Giant Star is completely destroyed. You get a warning approximately 10 turns before the event. This event may result in one of two things happening: the complete destruction of the system, OR the complete destruction of the system AND the formation of a Blackhole. Blackholes cause a significant reduction in Sensor capability in and around the sector, and any ships that pass through the sector will risk suffering serious damage or even destruction) Note: This event can result in three possible messages, all of which are entered here. The brackets designate which event they refer to.
(Before) Supernova! Science scans have revealed the _____ Star's fusion reactant elements have been considerably reduced. The analysis has concluded a Supernova will occur in approximately 10 months. A full and immediate evacuation is recommended. (Supernova) Supernova! - The Star in system _____ has gone Supernova. Our colony was destroyed, as was all life in the system. It is unlikely that any remaining ships left in the system managed to escape from the explosion, but rescue efforts are underway. (Blackhole) Space always has new surprises. The Star in sector _____ has gone Nova. Whilst we knew the Star was close to the end of its life, we were surprised when the resulting explosion collapsed in on itself, shattering space-time and forming a new Blackhole. Passage through the sector will be trecherous at best, and all future shipping should be diverted away from the new hazard. (Before) There is an old human saying that the candle which burns shortest burns brightest. An apt saying for a Klingon warrior, but it seems it applies to Nature as well. The Red Giant in Sytem _____ is running out of fusion reactants. There is only a matter of months left. Evacuate those that can serve the Empire, leave the rest. There is no honour in a Klingon who cannot fight. (Supernova) nargh! Our yej'an were correct in their analyses. The Star in system _____ went Nova, destroying all life in the system. May those left behind have had a short and brutal life, for there is no honour in those that cannot fight. (Blackhole) Space is treacherous to any ship that travels without good sensors, but sensors are not the primary system of a Klingon warship. It would be wise to advise our warriors that the Red Giant in sector _____ has finally gone Nova, but a Blackhole formed in the process. Warships should avoid travelling near the sector, else they enter Gre'thor for their laughable navigational skills! (Before) Even the Stars are not eternal, and must eventually die. An observation post has detected increasing instabilities in the structure of the Star in System _____. These instabilities are not a good sign, and it would be wise to begin a mass evacuation of the system. Anyone who cannot make it to a means of escape should be left behind. The Empire cannot tolerate those that cannot fend for themselves. (Supernova) As predicted, the Star in System _____ has gone Nova. All life has been wiped out - there is no chance of survivors. The Praetor would be wise if he could find somewhere for our homeless Centurions to live. (Blackhole) Our knowledge of Space is unmatched throughout the Galaxy, but even our researchers can be surprised by particularly rare events. The Red Giant in sector _____ has finally gone Nova. The resulting explosion collapsed in a spectacular implosion, forming a Blackhole in the process. It would be wise to notify our Commanders of its' existance. (Before) We rule the Galaxy with an iron fist, but nature has its own agenda. Sensors indicate the fusion reactants in the Red Giant Star of system _____ are rapidly being depleted. It is likely that the Star will go Nova within the next 10 months. It would be wise to increase production in the system and begin processing the slaves we wish to keep. The rest should be left to suffer their fate. (Supernova) The Star in System _____ has gone Nova. May all those that died know that they died serving Cardassia. (Blackhole) Every once in a while, Nature finds something to surprise us with. The star in system _____ went Nova. Our monitor stations knew this would be inevitable, but the resulting implosion was not predicted. A Blackhole formed from the implosion, making travel through the sector treacherous. Not even our toughest Battleship could survive the crushing Gravitational forces of a Blackhole, so our commanders would be wise to avoid the sector. (Before) Our monitor station in system _____ has terrible news. It seems a Supernova is imminent within the next few months. The system must be evacuated immediately. May the Founders spare us from their wrath. (Supernova) The Founders must care for their children - but sometimes they must remove the wolves from their flock. The Star in system _____ has finally gone Nova. All life in the System has been wiped out, as have all orbital structures and remaining ships. (Blackhole) It seems the wrath of the Founders did not end with the destruction of system _____. The Blackhole that resulted from the implosion of the Red Giant has shattered the fabric of space-time in sector _____. It would be wise for our navy to avoid it.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
Last edited by Matress_of_evil on 02 May 2006, 15:52, edited 2 times in total.
01 May 2006, 17:38 |
Joined: 10 Oct 2005, 01:00 Posts: 56 Location: Albany NY USA
mstrobel, May I get a copy of your pre-release?
Also, what programming language did you use?
I know enough Visual Basic
I know some C++
Maybe I could give a hand with some of the easier but minuteness coding; such as the random event messages per empire. Anyway get back to me guys! I am willing to lend a hand now.
_________________ I LOVE BOTF...
Major Ray Barber of the NY airsoft Team Oct Luft
01 May 2006, 18:27 |
Chief Software Engineer
Joined: 11 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 2688
You can find a link to the pre-release in the Supremacy Game Thread within the General Chat forum.
Supremacy is written entirely in C# and XAML (for the UI). It would be difficult for anyone to work on small segments of code, since I would have to manually merge their changes into source control. However, there will be a ton of XML that I could use some help with. For example, taking the entire tech object database and entering it in XML format would save me a lot of time. I'll post a thread once I've finalized the XML schemas, and people can volunteer to help me out  .
02 May 2006, 05:12 |
Joined: 10 Oct 2005, 01:00 Posts: 56 Location: Albany NY USA
mstrobel wrote: You can find a link to the pre-release in the Supremacy Game Thread within the General Chat forum. Supremacy is written entirely in C# and XAML (for the UI). It would be difficult for anyone to work on small segments of code, since I would have to manually merge their changes into source control. However, there will be a ton of XML that I could use some help with. For example, taking the entire tech object database and entering it in XML format would save me a lot of time. I'll post a thread once I've finalized the XML schemas, and people can volunteer to help me out  .
I think i might be able to help with that!
Got a lot of time on my hands... 
_________________ I LOVE BOTF...
Major Ray Barber of the NY airsoft Team Oct Luft
02 May 2006, 17:02 |
Joined: 10 Aug 2005, 01:00 Posts: 309 Location: Florida, USA
Another diplomacy idea:
Through out playing the game Majors ask for (demand) money from you. In which I think that Botf1 has the game heavy weighted on your favor of major races approval for you, if you provide the demanding amount to that race. With the options of the trading of specific materials in Supremacy; credits should not hold as much weight as it does in Botf1. So on to my idea of counter offerings.
Got the idea with the silliness of what EU and the USA are going through right now with Iran. I hate to poke at a real life matters, but I thought it would be interesting to be part of the game to say the less.
So say if the Klingons are demanding 200,000 credits from you and you want to keep in good favor with them for what ever reason, but you don’t want to bankrupt your empire by giving up all your credits. So you make a counter offer. Instead of 200,000 credits; you offer 100,000 credits and the rest in materials expenses and data exchange. So depending on you current approval ratings with the Klingons say they are respectful. You could offer them by using drop down menu options and offer something like the following (100,000 credit, 1000 tons of deuterium, and 250 teraquads of data.) as a counter offer.
In saying that would this to be close to the equivalent of 200,000 credits. You then send this counter offer back the Klingons, and could have the options to accept of decline your offer, or request the original 200,000 credits again. You the can weight your options of rejecting the 200,000 credit proposal the Klingons are asking for. Negations would last no more then 3 turns of game play, but if you decline their second request you endure I large penalty and can fall out of favor with the Klingons depending on your current approval ratings with them.
10 Jun 2006, 08:26 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
Whilst it might be difficult to implement, I think that that's a great idea.
We'd have to set up a system so the AI knows that 1 Raw Material = 2 Credits and 1 Deuterium = 5 dredits and so on for this to work, but it would certainly be cool, and would enhance the Diplomacy in the game at the same time.
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
10 Jun 2006, 13:44 |
Joined: 20 Sep 2004, 01:00 Posts: 25 Location: Croatia
opinions of other races should not be based solely on you giving them something. The AI should (if possible) take into account your integrity, other agreements, proximity to your space, joint ventures and such...
I know that programming the AI is the hardest part, but this should be taken into consideration both HERE and in jig's BOTF3
11 Jun 2006, 08:06 |
Evil Romulan Overlord of Evil - Now 100% Faster!
Joined: 02 Dec 2004, 01:00 Posts: 7392 Location: Returned to the previous place.
For Mike's game, then chances are he'll include it - and if not, he'll "remember" to, once he sees our posts.
And as for Jig's game, i'm pretty sure it's gonna be in anyway. 
_________________"Anyone without a sense of humour is truly at the mercy of the rest of us."  
11 Jun 2006, 08:51 |
Joined: 18 Jan 2006, 01:00 Posts: 110
If you want to do something like this, it would be helpful to follow the Civilization III model. You have the option to do exactly this type of proposal/counter-proposal, but also there's a little guy up in the corner of the screen saying, "They would never accept such an arrangment," "They will probably be insulted by this offer," "This offer probably won't be accepted," "We're getting close to a deal," "This deal will probably be acceptable." That way you can check your offers before actually sending them on. You also have the option of saying essentially, "I want [x]. What do you want for [x]?" or, "I have [x]. Would you care to make an offer?" Those are very helpful options, but I don't know how complicated they are to program and might be simply too complex to include in a non-corporation made game. Still, it would be great to, for instance, go to the Dominion--who happens to be building up a massive fleet on your border while you're already at war with the Klingons on the other side of your empire--and say, "What would you need to agree to a mutual defense pact?"
11 Jun 2006, 16:11 |
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